Chapter 526

Hearing Zhou Nuo's words, Jiang Yifan froze for a moment, then said, "Say it."

When a person is about to leave, his words are also kind.

Sometimes it's not that people's words are good when they are about to die, maybe parting is too!
Obviously, what Zhou Nuo wanted to say to Jiang Yifan at this time was absolutely from the bottom of his heart.

Zhou Nuo flicked the blue hair scattered around his ears, and said in a different way, "There are many things that we can't think of happening in this world. You are now in Chenbei City in terms of your own strength or the surrounding strength. It belongs to one and belongs to two, there is no doubt about it.”

"But don't forget, there are mountains outside the sky, and there are even stronger people. Take Xiao Tianquan's stepfather in front of him as an example. When you start to fight against you, you will find that these people around you or the strength of these people are too weak."

Hearing Zhou Nuo's words, Jiang Yifan didn't open his mouth, but just nodded silently. He was never arrogant and knew the truth that there are mountains beyond mountains.

However, he also has his own ideas and ways of doing things. As the saying goes, if you meet the strong, you will be strong. If there is a ditch in front, then fill it in.
In short, he will find a way to get rid of those who make Jiang Yifan feel bad!

Zhou Nuo continued, "Xiao Tianquan's stepfather is coming soon. According to the news I heard, it will not exceed three days. Moreover, you completely removed the Zhong family last night. It must come today or tomorrow."

"You have strength and brains, but your weaknesses are too obvious. Those girls around you are people you care about. They are your weaknesses. Xiao Tianquan's stepfather can reach the height he is today, so naturally he has My own methods and wrists must be ruthless and merciless, and those women will definitely make you fall!"

Listening to Zhou Nuo's subsequent call, Jiang Yifan's face became a little ugly, not because he was angry, but because Zhou Nuo's words stung his heart.

Indeed, as Zhou Nuo said, Jiang Yifan's weakness is the people he cares about, whether it's these girls or Wan Ke and his brothers.It's all his weakness.

Moreover, Xiao Tianquan's stepfather is coming, and he is already an enemy of life and death. If he makes a move, he will definitely pinch your weakness. In this way, he will save trouble, and he can subdue you. It is a very simple way.

However, Jiang Yifan also understands that many things cannot be avoided if he wants to hide. Now that he knows that Xiao Tianquan's stepfather is coming, what can he do?Find a place to hide all these people around you?
This is obviously unrealistic, and if you can hide for a while, you won't be able to hide for a lifetime.Rather than face it calmly.

The big deal is that they are a little tired, just arrange more people to protect them!
Zhou Nuo looked at Jiang Yifan's pensive look, and showed a faint smile, "Actually, you can understand these words even if I don't say them, but I will feel better if I say them. It is the only thing I can do for you before I leave. Bar."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Nuo stood up and said, "It's getting late, I should go."

"I don't know what to say to you at this time, I can only wish you better and better in the future." Jiang Yifan stood up and forced a smile.

Zhou Nuo opened his arms, "Before I leave, can I give you a hug? Just as a friend? A farewell blessing between you."

"Okay." Jiang Yifan's lips parted slightly, and he hugged Zhou Nuo.

Zhou Nuo just left.Completely disappeared from the world Jiang Yifan knew.

The world is impermanent, and no one can be sure whether the person you meet today will be a passer-by or a close friend.

Perhaps, Jiang Yifan and Zhou Nuo are friends, or they are just passers-by.

But after all, getting acquainted once can be regarded as having memories of each other in memory.

And Jiang Yifan is also deep in his heart, expressing his heartfelt blessings and wishes to this woman who once appeared in his own world, hoping that she will not encounter scum like Zhong Shengyang again, and can live happily in the future.


He took a taxi by himself and returned to Lin Yanran's villa.

It was three o'clock in the afternoon, and generally speaking, he hadn't come back for two days and one night.

"I don't know if the two girls miss me?" Jiang Yifan grinned, opened the door and walked in.

As soon as they entered the door, they were greeted by Beibei and Doudou, and five cute puppies behind them.They all wagged their tails to greet Jiang Yifan.

Jiang Yifan squatted on the ground and snorted Doudou and Beibei's big heads a few times, then picked up a puppy and walked towards the sofa.

At this time, Lin Yanran and Tang Guo were watching a TV series that had just been released.

"It's so touching. If I could meet such a good male partner, I would be so happy." Tang Guo wiped away her tears with a tissue and muttered.

Lin Yanran took a bite of potato chips in her hand, "I think the male lead is good, and he gave in silently, leaving all the regrets to himself. Although netizens think that the male lead and the female lead are a couple, but after all, he is one." Where's the male partner?"

Jiang Yifan stood behind the two of them and looked at them for a while, then smiled and said, "Is it really okay for you two to ignore me like this?"

Tang Guo turned her head around, and glanced at Jiang Yifan with some displeasure, "Hmph, bad uncle, you've been away for so long, and you're only willing to come back. Don't you know that we ate instant noodles for the past two days on weekends?"

"You still know when you come back?" Lin Yanran also said.

Jiang Yifan grinned, put the puppy on the ground and said, "You are lazy when you eat instant noodles, you can go out and eat something good, or go to Uncle Lin and let sister Yara cook some dishes."

"No one is acting as a driver." Lin Yanran muttered.

Tang Guo turned around and took Jiang Yifan's arm, "Uncle, what have you been doing these two days?"

"Well..." Jiang Yifan thought for a while, "I went to beat up the bad guys. You also learned something that night and took away all my workers. As a man, I will naturally snatch them back. It's like one day you like If I have sex with a certain boy, I want to grab it back."

"I won't. I've liked uncle all my life." Tang Guo said happily.

Jiang Yifan looked at Lin Yanran, "What about you? Do you like the male lead or the male supporting role?"

"Of course it's the male lead..." Lin Yanran suddenly paused when she said this, "What does who I like have anything to do with you?"

"Because I'm the leading actor!" Jiang Yifan put his arms around Lin Yanran's neck with a smile.

"Go, go, I don't dare to like you who don't come home every few days. My heart can't stand going out every day to find beautiful women." Lin Yanran said angrily.

"Hey, I'm back now! I'll make a big meal for you tonight." Jiang Yifan said with a shameless smile.

ps: Many friends know that Ye Zi has a job during the day. She is like a clerk. She faces the computer every day, and she also faces the computer when she gets off work at night. She sits for a long time, causing her neck to hurt a lot recently. Tomorrow Please take a vacation to have a look, so tomorrow's update will be slightly less.Hope to understand.

(End of this chapter)

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