Chapter 527 Chapter [-] An Upgraded Version of Anti-Wolf Spray
After arguing with Lin Yanran and the others for a while, Jiang Yifan got into the kitchen. Logically speaking, he went out to deal with business, but when he saw Lin Yanran and Tang Guo's angry and dissatisfied expressions and their coquettish voices, he suddenly felt something in his heart. An inexplicable sense of indebtedness.

Tang Guo was outside eating potato chips and watching the finale of the TV series, while Lin Yanran followed into the kitchen.Seeing Jiang Yifan busy washing vegetables, he smiled slightly and took the apron from one side and put it on for him.

Jiang Yifan looked at Lin Yanran's white hand stretched out from behind, and immediately squeezed it in his palm.

"Daughter-in-law, are you here to help me cook?"

"Stop being narcissistic, I'm just here to supervise you." Lin Yanran gave Jiang Yifan an angry look, and then asked a little weirdly, "Could it be that you ate in front of a certain beautiful woman outside, and then came back from me and Guo If there is a sense of presence here."

"Do you think I might be embarrassed in front of beautiful women?" Jiang Yifan shrugged and said with a smile.

Lin Yanran folded her hands together, leaned against the doorway, and said with a smile, "Then why didn't you come to cook in a hurry when you came back?"

"..." Jiang Yifan rolled his eyes, Lin Yanran waited for him after a long time of fuss, and then laughed, "I just because..."

"Because of what?" Lin Yanran smiled playfully, with a particularly weird tone.

"Because the world is so big, I want to go home and have a look!" Jiang Yifan turned around firmly, put down the vegetables in his hand and put one hand on the wall, and then said in an ambiguous tone, "Daughter-in-law, what are you doing?" Are you questioning your husband?"

"How dare I question you."

If Jiang Yifan had made such a posture before letting it go, Lin Yanran's face would have been blushing, but now she is used to this guy's shamelessness, instead of retreating, she moved forward and stared at him intently. Jiang Yifan said.

"Really?" Jiang Yifan pinched Lin Yanran's chin directly, then the corners of his mouth curved upwards, and said condescendingly, "If it's not questioning, then it's jealousy?"

"Eat your jealousy?" Lin Yanran's delicate eyes flashed, she opened Jiang Yifan's hand directly, and then said with a smile, "I won't feel my teeth hurt if I eat your jealousy!"

"Really? Then if you kiss my teeth here, will it hurt?"

As soon as Jiang Yifan finished speaking, Lin Yanran stood on tiptoe and wrapped her arms around Jiang Yifan's neck, then opened her lips slightly and kissed Jiang Yifan's lips.

This action made Jiang Yifan a little confused, saying that he had never had such experience, and how could he have enjoyed Lin Yanran's initiative before!
Rolling her eyeballs, she subconsciously wrapped her arms around Lin Yanran's waist.

This kiss lasted for a long time!It was not until the lips of both of them felt a little numb that they slowly let go.

A cunning look flashed in Lin Yanran's eyes, "Do you feel any strangeness?"

Jiang Yifan twitched his mouth, "It seems to be a little numb."

But gradually, Jiang Yifan felt dizzy, and Lin Yanran in front of him gradually divided into two, and then four, which became more and more blurred.

Following Jiang Yifan, he fell directly to the ground.

what is going on actually?
Lin Yanran smiled proudly, and said meaningfully, "Boy, is it so easy to take advantage of this girl?"

After finishing speaking, he yelled directly to the outside, "Guoguo, come here, our experiment has succeeded."

Tang Guo ran in from the outside, and then looked at Jiang Yifan who had fallen asleep on the ground, and laughed loudly, "Ahahaha, sister Yanran, you are too bad, even using uncle as an experiment."

A bright smile flashed across Lin Yanran's eyes, and she said, "This guy has already taken advantage of me before, so he must be used as an experiment, and there is only one person in Chenbei City who can kiss this girl, others want to have such an honor Not yet."

Tang Guo hugged Lin Yanran's arm and said, "But does this lipstick have any side effects? It won't really make uncle unconscious."

Lin Yanran shook her head, "No, when I ordered it online, the merchant told me that this is an upgraded version of anti-wolf spray, it will only paralyze the enemy for a short time, and will not cause any special harm to the human body."

Actually, that's how it happened.

Because Lin Yanran thought that many people already knew about her relationship with Jiang Yifan, and worried that Jiang Yifan would take advantage of her, so she thought of some way to subdue Jiang Yifan in an instant.

After thinking about it, she remembered to buy anti-wolf spray.

But the businessman told her that now there is a new type of thing, which is better than anti-wolf spray.

I briefly explained it to Lin Yanran. It probably means that when a man wants to get close to a woman, most of them think about kissing first, so girls are generally thinner and weaker, and sometimes they will get caught.

And now that anti-wolf spray is common, some boys are already prepared, so it is useless. If you use this kind of lipstick, it will paralyze the man within a few seconds after kissing.Then passed out.

Although it will suffer a little loss, it's better than losing your body!
Therefore, Lin Yanran used this trick to experiment with Jiang Yifan.

What's more, he originally planned to use this trick to deal with Jiang Yifan. After all, there are many people in Chenbei City who want to take advantage of her, the little princess of the Lin family, but Jiang Yifan is the only one who can really take advantage of her.

Tang Guo pushed Jiang Yifan with his hands, but there was no reaction, and then he smiled and said, "I will buy it some other day and try it."

"What do you buy, he doesn't take advantage of you." Lin Yanran rolled her eyes at Tang Guo and said.

Tang Guo pouted, "The purpose of taking this is not the same as yours. You bought this lip balm because you were worried that Uncle would take advantage of you. I bought it because I wanted Uncle to take advantage of me."

"You want him to take advantage of you?" Lin Yanran asked in surprise.

Tang Guo nodded, "That's right, if I use this thing to paralyze the uncle and make him fall asleep, then I can operate it by myself, and when the raw rice is cooked, he will be my man. "

"Pfft!" Listening to Tang Guo's words, Lin Yanran couldn't help but burst out laughing. She could only secretly admire Tang Guo's logic.

"If you really do this, you won't be afraid that your father will come and kill Jiang Yifan! After all, you are the apple of your eye!"

"I can choose my own happiness. No one else can decide." Tang Guo proudly puffed out her chest.

"Then now is a good opportunity, you can help him to your room to make rice and cook." Lin Yanran spread her hands.

"That's right!" Tang Guo's complexion changed, and then he was as happy as a child seeing candy, and directly helped Jiang Yifan up.He was going to go upstairs.

Lin Yanran smiled strangely, and followed closely behind.

"what are you going to do?"

"Let me observe it, maybe I can teach you." Lin Yanran said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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