Chapter 534 The Mysterious Third Group

There was no one around in the suburbs, especially the place where Jiang Yifan parked his car.

He stopped at the back of the training base, surrounded by an abandoned factory building with shelters, if he sent Tianxuan to the west here, no one would be able to find out.

When Tianxuan heard Jiang Yifan's words, she was taken aback for a moment, resisted the pain in her body, straightened her waist, and said indifferently, "Do you dare to kill me?"

"Why don't you dare?" The corners of Jiang Yifan's mouth rose slightly, and he had already taken out the dagger.

Indeed, he had murderous intentions towards Tianxuan!
This murderous intention was not only because Tianxuan offended Jiang Yifan at the dinner table, but Jiang Yifan always felt that Murongqi's younger sons were always special.

Otherwise, who has nothing to do to find a bunch of sons for themselves?
Moreover, the names of these sons are still named after the Big Dipper, so there must be something hidden in it.

So Jiang Yifan felt that the reason Murongqi did this must be because he had an ulterior secret, so since it was a secret, why not let him break it?
Someone here thought, since it is a secret, why not reveal it?
For Jiang Yifan, if the enemy's secret is not something earth-shattering and weeping ghosts and gods, then there is no need to spend time thinking about it, just break the secret directly!
Tianxuan looked at Jiang Yifan, who had murderous intent in his eyes, paused, and said, "Kill me, then you won't have the chance to hang around here at all."

"Really?" Jiang Yifan shrugged his shoulders and said with a sneer, "Actually, I should give this sentence to you and your damn stepfather Murong Qi. Do you really think you are an onion? Come to Chenbei City with all your wealth to fight with me. Just trying to scare me?"

"You are Jiang Yifan...!" At this time, Tianxuan really came to his senses, but Ting Yuheng said something before, these two people came from the provincial capital, called Jiang Dabao and Jiang Xiaobao.I thought it was two brothers, but I didn't expect them to be Jiang Yifan who I have always hated!
Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows slightly, "That's right, I am a good man, I am... Jiang Yifan!"

"It's you who let the Zhong family suffer again and again, and you who let the Zhong family be completely wiped out? Just you?"

For a long time, Tianxuan had heard the name Jiang Yifan by Murongqi's side, but he felt more and more that this should be a middle-aged man.

Because only those who are prudent and thoughtful can make the huge Zhong Group ask for help from the imperial capital again and again.

But I never expected that it was a young man younger than Tianxuan!How could this make him accept this fact?
Jiang Yifan spread his hands, "Isn't that right! I don't know whether it's the Zhong family who is unbearable, or I'm too good at it. Anyway, the Zhong family was defeated by me."

"That old guy from the Lin family is helping behind the scenes!" Tianxuan really couldn't believe it, if it was really the young Jiang Yifan who wiped out the Zhong family with one hand, how could it be possible in time?

When he was in the imperial capital, he also heard about the friction between the Zhong family and the Lin family. Later, the boss behind the Lin family and Murong Qi from the imperial capital came forward to play the game and brought the commercial war to an end.

Those grudges, those grievances, Lin Huafeng will inevitably hold grudges in his heart, so Tianxuan will feel that Lin Huafeng is behind Jiang Yifan's plan.

He really couldn't believe that the destruction of the Zhong family was planned by the young man in front of him!
Jiang Yifan smiled when he heard the words, "Believe it or not, it doesn't matter anymore. If you think he helped me, it's fine, or I can do it myself. So what? You're going to die anyway!"

"You can kill me in that security company, why did you go to such trouble to come here?" Tianxuan said with a sarcasm, "Is it just to show your outstanding acting ability in front of me?"

"No, no, no!" Jiang Yifan waved his index finger a few times and said, "It's because I don't want you to pollute the land in front of the company."

As soon as Jiang Yifan said that, he raised his dagger, ready to kill Tianxuan immediately.

"Wait a minute!" Tianxuan immediately shouted, "Don't kill me!"

"I've already told you everything, don't you know that the more you know, the easier it is to be silenced?" Jiang Yifan had already wanted to kill Tianxuan, how could he not?

At this moment, a motorcycle suddenly drove over from the side at an extremely fast speed. Jiang Yifan and Wan Ke, whose headlights were on and swaying directly, closed their eyes subconsciously.

Immediately, the motorcycle drove to their side, pulled Tianxuan violently and pulled him onto the car, and then the car flew away in the direction it just came.

"Damn, rob people under my nose!" Jiang Yifan cursed, started the car directly, and chased there.

The motorcycle was going extremely fast, and it was impossible to tell who it was because of the helmet!
Jiang Yifan drove the car and chased after him quickly, while Wan Ke quickly put on his seat belt. He knew that the car was about to take off!
Under Jiang Yifan's control, the trot quickly chased after the motorcycle, but the motorcycle driver looked like a professional player, with a very fast speed, and even drove on those narrow roads.Jiang Yifan slapped the steering wheel angrily.

After a while, both motorcycles and trots drove into the urban area.

But at a bend, five identical motorcycles suddenly ran out from one side, each with a person on them, and all of them were dressed exactly like Tianxuan's!
Wan Ke exclaimed, "Oh my God, who is behind the scenes to instigate this?"

Jiang Yifan secretly thought, this must be a premeditated action, and he could guess that it was not Murongqi who came to save Tianxuan.

You know, if it was Murongqi's people, they would definitely fight Jiang Yifan openly and aboveboard, but they didn't, they just kidnapped and ran away.

"Wanke, call Bai Wuque, and ask him to transfer the monitoring from Zhao Liu to Chenbei City. Now besides us and Murongqi, there must be a third wave of people. Even if they dig three feet, they must find me. come out!"

After Jiang Yifan finished speaking sharply, he stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, but the five motorcycles in front drove further and further, and soon drove directly into five intersections from Huarong Avenue.

Now I can't find out which one is real!

Jiang Yifan parked the car on the side of the road, and slammed the steering wheel, "Damn it!"

He is very upset!It's because another unknown person appeared in Chenbei City!This kind of unknown makes him very uncomfortable!

While talking on the phone, Wan Ke recounted what happened just now, and hung up the phone after a while, looking at Jiang Yifan who was extremely angry, "Boss, Bai Wuque has already brought someone there."

Jiang Yifan nodded, lit a cigarette, smoked a few puffs, tried his best to calm himself down, and began to think, who is this third group of people!
ps: Please forgive me for finishing this Chapter 3 while lying on the bed. The pain in my cervical spine these days makes me unable to straighten my back at all.I will try my best to try to update more tomorrow, please understand.There are few updates these days, because I have to go to work again, I have to go to the clinic for a massage after work, and I have to face the traditional Chinese medicine that makes me want to vomit when I go home.

(End of this chapter)

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