Chapter 535 Beauty Yaoguang
Jiang Yifan thought, now in Chenbei City, the Tianquan Group has taken most of the market to the north of the urban area, and they are enough to cover the sky there.

Regardless of the small shops, in terms of the methods Murongqi used in just one day, it can be seen that they have fully deployed the entertainment industry and large and small enterprises there.

The current leader in the south of the urban area is still the Lin Group, whether it is for market control or external cooperation.And entertainment has a long-lasting "blue witch".

In terms of financial resources, I am afraid that the south of the urban area is not enough to compete with Murong Qi in the north of the urban area, but in terms of manpower, it is definitely several times as much as them.

After all, Murong Qi moved his headquarters here from the imperial capital. He is strong, no matter how rich he is, he cannot be compared with the natives of Chenbei City.

If it is said that the current situation in Chenbei City can be planned by dividing the world, then the third wave of forces that appear will definitely want to take a share of this pie!That is to say, I want to define Chenbei City as a situation where the world is divided into three parts!
Jiang Yifan would not allow this, but Murongqi must have liked it better, because he could take advantage of the chaos and quickly build something that belongs to him.

In this way, Jiang Yifan's side will become quite passive!

He frowned and thought for a while, then looked at Wan Ke, and asked, "Could it be that your father and Li Yan were responsible for those mysterious people just now?"

It's no wonder that Jiang Yifan has such an idea, he really can't figure out who else in Chenbei City would dare to disturb this muddy water!
In the past, Li Yanwanyi and Lin Huafeng designed to intensify the conflict between Jiang Yifan and Zhong Shi, with the purpose of forcing Jiang Yifan to find his biological parents.

Right now, these three groups of people appeared again, Jiang Yifan couldn't help but point the finger at Li Yanyi and the others.

Wan Ke shook his head vigorously, "I really don't know, but it shouldn't be them. Now Lao Li is busy painting Tiancun, and my father is studying whether to expand the blue enchantress. For Lin Huafeng, he just stays at home every day."

Just as Jiang Yifan was about to speak, his cell phone rang suddenly.It was Lu Zhuang calling.

He picked up and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lu Zhuang said over there, "The banquet was over, and they found that Tianxuan could not be found. The fat man had already led people to look for it, and a group of them went to our company. I am rushing back."

Jiang Yifan grinned, "The reaction is fast enough!"

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Yifan turned the car and drove towards the security company.

After returning to the company after a while, there were not many people standing at the gate of the company, only one woman!A woman who still wears an off-the-shoulder dress in autumn.

Leaning next to a red BMW Z4, with a lady's cigarette between her slender fingers, her long hair falls down her shoulders, and a big earring can be vaguely found in the gap between the black hair.

The overall attire looks pure without losing the aura of wealth and dignity, sometimes raising the head, looking at the exquisite facial features is also a bit distracting.

This woman is indeed beautiful!

Jiang Yifan parked the car next to the BMW Z4, raised his mouth and asked, "Is there something wrong with this beauty?"

"You are Jiang Yifan?" The girl raised her head, with a strange look in her delicate eyes, and said lightly.

"Hey, it seems that the beauty still knows me." Jiang Yifan smiled and said to Wan Ke, "Do you think my sister is here to pick on me?"

"It doesn't feel like it." Wan Ke muttered, feeling very depressed, why all the beauties in the world seem to know Jiang Yifan, and it stands to reason that he is also handsome, why don't these beauties take the initiative to say hello?
The girl opened Jiang Yifan's car door, then stepped on the car seat with her red high-heeled jade feet, looked down at Jiang Yifan, and angrily said word by word, "Hand over Tianxuan, or you will be killed!" The company is dismantled!"

Jiang Yifan was taken aback when he heard the words, the girl looked noble, but her appearance was extremely pure, but she didn't expect to make such indecent behavior and those annoying threatening words.

Changchang raised his hand and pinched the girl's chin, "I said beauty, do you want to come out and threaten people like others when you become an adult? You still want to tear down my company? Just rely on your little BMW car?"

The girl seemed extremely displeased with what Jiang Yifan said, and directly opened his hand, "Listen, my name is Yaoguang! Tianxuan is my elder brother, hand him over immediately, what I just said is absolutely true." Not threatening you!"


After Jiang Yifan heard this name, he became more convinced of what he had planned in his mind before. Murong Qi really found seven sons and daughters, and these seven daughters and daughters were all named after the Big Dipper.

Seeing Yaoguang's angry look, Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows a few times, and said with a teasing smile, "Isn't Tianxuan hosting the store celebration at Longteng Hotel? You don't know where he is if you come here to look for me?"

"Playing stupid with me?" Yao Guang's charming eyes widened, a knife suddenly appeared in his hand and lay across Jiang Yifan's neck, "Hurry up, or I'll kill you first!"

Jiang Yifan wiped the blade with his finger, and a drop of blood flowed out, he murmured in a low voice, "Oh, is the knife still sharp!"

Speaking of this, he suddenly stood up and pushed Yaoguang suddenly. Because of his high nervousness, Yaoguang staggered back two steps and leaned against the BMW.

Before getting up, Jiang Yifan directly stepped over, supported her by the shoulders, and leaned against her body. The faint scent of body fragrance came to his nostrils, which made Jiang Yifan feel really comfortable.

The corners of his mouth rose, and a domineering aura suddenly burst out, and he said lightly, "Such a beautiful beauty should not be beaten and killed all day long, it will damage her image. If such a beautiful face is scratched by me, then it will be fine." How are you going to get married in the future!"

As he said that, Jiang Yifan's finger still slid gently over that fair face, and finally stopped at the chin, and suddenly raised Yaoguang's chin, and Jiang Yifan kissed it with one mouthful.


Yao Guang never thought that Jiang Yifan would treat her with such shameless behavior, but this is not a kiss, but...

For a moment, Jiang Yifan raised his head, there was still a smear of blood at the corner of his mouth, coupled with the slightly playful and ruthless look on his face, he looked a little ferocious.

Seeing his appearance, Yao Guang's body trembled a few times, and some blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"I'll kill you!" Not to mention being taken advantage of, she even bit her lip!How can this be tolerated?

"I slept with you!" Jiang Yifan spread his hands, took over Yao Guang's words, without the slightest hint of timidity.

Just when Yaoguang raised his hand and prepared to attack with the knife, Jiang Yifan kicked Yaoguang's wrist directly, kicked the knife away, and then his palm turned into a chopping shape, and directly chopped at Yaoguang's neck. Immediately knocked him out.

"With this little ability, you want to save people alone?" Jiang Yifan laughed.

 There will be four updates today...

(End of this chapter)

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