Chapter 536 Wan Ke Has Been Tempted (Part [-])

If it was said that he had murderous intentions towards Tianxuan before, Jiang Yifan had other thoughts about the beauty Yao Guang who was knocked out in front of him.

No matter who the third wave of mysterious people is, it can be seen that they don't want Murong Qi's sons to die!
Inferring in turn, it is very likely that the secret of Murong Qi lies in his seven children. Instead of this, it is better to play with Murong Qi and the third wave of mysterious people!
He shared his thoughts with Wan Ke, thinking that one more person might be able to express his thoughts differently, but what Wan Ke said almost made Jiang Yifan faint.

Wan Ke thought about it for a while, and then said earnestly, "Is it like collecting seven dragon balls, you can summon the dragon by gathering these seven people?"

"Where is the knife! Give me the knife and I will kill you!" Jiang Yifan was really defeated by Wan Ke's cuteness. Such a serious topic actually gave him a theory of Dragon Ball summoning the dragon!
Wan Ke sneered, "Boss, boss, don't be angry, that's what I said. If you ask me about this kind of thing, it's like playing the piano with a cow. I don't know anything about it. If you give me this beauty, maybe I can study her in half an hour." Some things, such as measurements, such as whether the body is soft or not, and whether the life is good or not."

Hearing what Wan Ke said, even Jiang Yifan could hardly get rid of the anger in his heart by slashing him with a knife. If there was an excavator present, he would definitely throw Wan Ke into the air with that huge shovel and dig a hole to bury him!

Looking left and right, Jiang Yifan said, "Okay, you go and drive Yaoguang's car first, and then park in the backyard."

"Then what about this beautiful woman?" Wan Ke rubbed his hands, obviously a little tempted by Yao Guang's beauty.

Jiang Yifan thought about it carefully, not to mention, in fact, Wanke and Yaoguang really have a certain match.

Wan Ke is the kind of person who is cute sometimes, but generally speaking, he is a bit naive in his work, and this Yao Guang looks pure and charming on the surface, but he is like a wild beast in his heart. Want to join in the fun.

These two people seem to have some similarities in this aspect. If they are brought together, it will be quite interesting.

As for Jiang Yifan chasing Yaoguang, he actually disagrees. As for hot beauties, he has two around him, so it would be a headache to add another one.

And Yao Guang is obviously not the type that Jiang Yifan likes, since Wan Ke hasn't met the person he likes for so long, it's better to be a favor.

The corners of his mouth turned up, and he said with a smile, "Xiao Ke, how sure are you of chasing Yao Guang?"

"This..." Wan Ke suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and muttered, "If you want to talk about chasing girls, then I am definitely not as good as you, and you know, boss, there is a tigress in my family, and that tigress doesn't know how to give it to me now. What did daddy eat? My daddy protects her every day, and these days he is still thinking about asking me to give him a grandson as soon as possible."

Speaking of the fat girl, Jiang Yifan suddenly laughed and said, "It's okay, you catch Yaoguang and show it off in front of your father, he will probably send that fat girl away."

Wan Ke nodded, "Oh, I don't have confidence in myself anymore." Turning his head to look at Yao Guang, "Then where are we going to get her now?"

Jiang Yifan thought for a while, "Bring it to the company, just find a room and ask someone to watch it."

Wan Ke nodded, directly stuffed Yao Guang into the co-pilot of the BMW Z4, and then drove into the company.

As soon as Jiang Yifan started the car, two Wranglers drove up behind him, and the leader seemed to be the big fat Yuheng who had been commensurate with Jiang Yifan's brothers in the Longteng Hotel before!
His eyes shrank slightly, then he got off the car again, and walked towards Yu Heng with a smile, "Brother Heng, why are you here!"

"Why are you here?" Yu Heng didn't know Xiaojiang Yifan's true identity yet, so he frowned and asked.

"Hey, didn't you hear that brother Tianxuan disappeared, so I came here to have a look."

Jiang Yifan pretended to be sad, "It's such a pity that a person you said was good just disappeared like this."

Yuheng frowned more and more. It stands to reason that Tianxuan and Jiang Yifan had conflicts before, so they definitely wouldn't make him so sad.Then he asked, "Did brother Dabao find my second brother?"

"Not really. I went in and took a look, and there were only a few ordinary employees working there. Finally, I wanted to ask, but someone knocked me out." Jiang Yifan said with a sigh.

"Then did you see a girl over here?"

"Girl? What kind?" Jiang Yifan asked doubtfully.

Yu Heng said, "About 1.7 meters tall, wearing a dress, driving a red BMW Z4."

"No." Jiang Yifan pretended to recall, then raised his eyebrows, wondering, "Could it be that Brother Heng just described your wife?"

"It's my younger sister." Yuheng shook his head, glanced at the security company with some deep meaning in his eyes, and then said, "Since there is no one, I will go back first. Something happened at home, and I will invite Brother Dabao to drink another day." .”

"Okay, if you don't get drunk, you won't go home." Seeing Yu Heng and the others get in the car and leave, Jiang Yifan yelled.

Of course he was tired of calling all day long, now that Lu Zhuang Bai Wuque and the others are not with the company, if Yuheng and the others go in and look for it, they will definitely find the BMW, so Jiang Yifan sang a song for them. They went out of the empty city plan to fool them away.

In terms of fighting, Jiang Yifan can take care of those people brought by Yuheng within a few minutes, but Yuheng still doesn't know his real identity, so he thought of using this reason to trick him once!
Slowly started the car and drove into the company compound, and then closed the company door.Walk to the backyard.

Wan Ke had already brought Yao Guang into a room, but he himself came out again and asked, "Boss, you have to go out with me."

"What's wrong?" Jiang Yifan wondered.

"I chose an empty room for Yaoguang. There was nothing in it. I just wanted to buy a single bed and some toiletries. Let him live here first." Wan Ke spread his hands and said.

It seems that Wan Ke is really tempted by Yao Guang.Jiang Yifan smiled and said, "Then why don't you just take the blue demon girl there?"

"If you take it, the tigress there will not only kill Yaoguang, but also cook me." Wan Ke looked helpless, it seems that he has been tortured by that fat girl these days .

Jiang Yifan thought for a moment and said, "Well, you wait here for Lu Zhuang and the others, and then we go out when they all come back. I'll get rid of this BMW first. Since you want to play, let's give them an interesting game." .”

ps: Thanks to the rudder owner for the reward of 'Cinderella' children's shoes!mwah……

(End of this chapter)

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