Chapter 547 Murong Chess Being Played

Entertainment Street 'Charm Night' KTV basement.

A middle-aged man sat on a bare chair with his hands and feet tied up.His head drooped slightly, as if he had fallen asleep, or maybe he was in a coma!

At this time, the door to the basement was opened, and Jiang Yifan, Murongqi and his party walked in.

"Master Liu, Dongfang Yu is an old man who refuses to say anything."

Murong Qi is the sixth eldest in their family, with five older brothers in front and a younger sister in the back, but family grievances and struggles have made his five older brothers all become stepping stones for him, and that younger sister, because she saw through all of this Go out and travel the world.

It's been more than ten years since he left, so as far as the current Murong Qi is concerned, he has already ignored the existence of that younger sister.

He looked at Dongfang Yu in front of him, and smiled softly, "Old guy, you still refuse to speak at this point!"

Jiang Yifan looked at the person in front of him, he was very familiar with it, because before that, he had eaten noodles made by Dongfang Yu once, and at first he thought this was a person with a story, but now it seems that his guess was not wrong.

Thinking of Dongfang Wanyi crying before leaving, Jiang Yifan thought, he must take Dongfang Yu out safely.

The eyeballs rolled around, and immediately changed his appearance, ran to Dongfang Yu's side, shook it vigorously a few times, and shouted, "Father-in-law, open your eyes and have a look, I'm here to pick you up."

Dongfang Yu was shaken awake leisurely, opened his eyes and saw Jiang Yifan for the first time, and then looked at him in surprise, "Son, why are you here?"

Jiang Yifan blinked hard at him a few times, and then pretended to cry, "Oh, father-in-law, of course I'm here to pick you up, Wanyi went home to see if you weren't there, but she was so anxious, that crying It's so loud. It really hurts my heart."

Although Dongfang Yu wondered how Jiang Yifan got in, but the situation made him unable to ask at this time, and he also understood the meaning of his blinking just now, and said with a wry smile, "Child, hurry up and take a gentle look." Yi left here, the farther the better, I can't go, uncle."

"No no no brother Dongfang, this time, this young man is really here to pick you up and leave." Murong Qi looked at the scene in front of him, stepped forward and said with a smile.

"Murong, don't I know what tricks you are playing again?" Dongfang Yu said coldly.

Jiang Yifan didn't care about Murongqi, but directly untied Dongfang Yu from the rope, then helped him up and said, "Father-in-law, don't be afraid, I will definitely take you away today."

Then he turned his head to look at Murong Qi, "Hey old man Murong, you promised me just now, so I can take him away now."

"Wait a minute!" Seeing that Jiang Yifan was about to leave, Murongqi stopped him.

Jiang Yifan frowned, "Doesn't it count if the majestic Murong Qi is going to speak?"

"Of course not." Murong Qi shook his head, "Of course what I said stands for what I said, but little brother, you haven't said the third condition yet?"


When Dongfang Yu heard this word, he froze for a moment, did this kid Jiang Yifan make some kind of deal with Murong Qi for himself?
No, it stands to reason that Murong Qi should be the one who made the deal, how could it be Jiang Yifan who made the deal?

This moment confused him.

Jiang Yifan grinned, thinking that Murong Qi would regret it, and grinned, "The third condition. It's actually very simple, but you see that you are in the basement right now, and my girlfriend is anxious to see Dad, so I have to let me Send father-in-law back and talk about it."

"En?" Hearing his answer, Murong Qi immediately frowned, feeling like being tricked.

"Are you kidding us?" Brother Hong stepped forward at this moment and asked in a cold voice.And his fists are already clenched quietly.

At this time, Jiang Yifan really wanted to say that he was just playing with your words, but right now he is on his own territory, or in the basement, he can do whatever he wants, but there is Dongfang Yu beside him.

If it's a fight, it's definitely not easy to take care of, so I shook my head and said, "What are you talking about, I just feel sorry for my girlfriend! Besides, what's wrong with me running away in Chenbei City? If you really don't believe me, you guys You can send people to follow, if it’s not possible, let’s go there together.”

Seeing Jiang Yifan's sincerity, Murongqi's eyes flashed a sly look, and he thought to himself L: Young people are young after all.

Said, "Haha, little brother, don't be nervous, that's what I said, let's go, let's go out together. Brother Dongfang is not only my friend for many years, but also your father-in-law, so you can't neglect him."

old man!
Jiang Yifan cursed secretly, and then helped the confused Dongfang Yu to walk outside.

When he arrived at the entrance of KTV, Jiang Yifan opened the door, ready to let Dongfang Yu get in the car.

But Murong Qi said again, "Wait a minute!"

"I said, Mr. Murong, we don't play with people like this. If you want to go back on your word, let's fight openly. No one is afraid of anyone, right. Don't act like I'm afraid of you." Jiang Yifan was very upset Cursed back.

Murong Qi raised his eyebrows, "Don't get me wrong, little brother, I did promise you to take Brother Dongfang away, but as I said before, you have to finish asking one question before you can."

"Quickly ask, don't talk nonsense." Jiang Yifan said impatiently, and then sat in a posture position.


He's not stupid, he knows that the question Murong Qi is about to ask must involve a lot of things without thinking about it, what if he can't agree and won't let him go?
So he got into the car immediately, and when the situation was not right, he ran away immediately!

Murong Qi looked at Dongfang Yu who had already sat in the car and said with a smile, "Brother Dongfang, where is the thing?"

Dongfang Yu spread his hands when he heard this, "I don't know, even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you about this scum who killed his father and brother!"

"Old guy, why are you talking to our boss!" Zhang Ming glared at Dongfang Yu with arrogance.

At this moment, Jiang Yifan was already ready, and felt something was wrong, so he immediately dragged his car.

But in the end, Murong Qi looked at him and said, "Okay little brother, the question is over, you can take your father-in-law away."

Jiang Yifan started the car and drove forward for a distance of one meter.

"Boss, let them go?" Brother Hong asked in a low voice, puzzled.

"Let's go, do you think they can escape from my grasp?" Murong Qi said very confidently.

"By the way, old man Murong, don't you want to know what my third condition is?" Jiang Yifan, who had driven two or three meters away, stopped again.

"Tell me." Murong Qi said with a smile on his face.

"My third condition is that you have a son or something, and you must have a daughter-in-law. I wonder if you can let me sleep for a few nights? And tell you my name by the way."

"Jiang Yifan!"

After saying this, Jiang Yifan slammed on the accelerator and flew out, leaving only Murong Qi whose smile stopped abruptly!

ps: There will be another chapter later, and I saw some friends said that it would be better to release the update together, so I will start it from the day after tomorrow.I'll try to save the manuscript tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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