Chapter 548
After Jiang Yifan said the third condition, he drove away in the car.

But the original smile on Murong Qi's face froze as if petrified.

It wasn't because Jiang Yifan said he wanted to sleep with his daughter-in-law, but because of Jiang Yifan's last words when he stepped on the gas pedal.

"By the way, tell you my name, Jiang Yifan!"

This sentence pierced Murongqi's heart like a sharp knife, and the word 'Jiang Yifan' was like the blade of a sharp knife, tearing his heart apart bit by bit!

At this time, Murong Qi suddenly leaned forward with his upper body, and spat out a mouthful of blood from his mouth.Immediately, the already pale face became even more terrifying, as if it was the face of a dead person.

Brother Hong hurriedly took out a tube-shaped thing from his pocket, opened the lid, before anything happened, Murong Qi snatched it directly, raised his neck and drank the thing inside.

A drop dripped from the corner of his mouth to the ground, a dazzling blood red color.

That's right, it's blood!

"It's in vain that I, Murongqi, have been in the business world for decades, and I can keep my face in the face of countless terrifying enemies, but I was teased by a young man who hasn't grown up yet!"

Murong Qi grinned, and said with a self-deprecating smile, "The most stupid thing is that he is the biggest enemy now. Not only did he not find out, but he also wanted to keep him around to do things! Ridiculous! Really ridiculous!"


Just when Brother Hong opened his mouth to comfort, Murong Qi suddenly raised his hand to stop it, his face became extremely gloomy, as if he was speaking from between his teeth, "Go get someone to prepare, I will be ready before twelve o'clock tomorrow noon." I would like to hear the news about Lin’s bankruptcy and the closure of the Blue Enchantress Bar.”

In fact, Jiang Yifan took advantage of the blind and weak group of dragons crossing the river to tease Murong Qi.

You must know that their eyes were originally Zhong's, because Zhong knew everything about Jiang Yifan, but just when Murong Qi was about to come to Chenbei City, Jiang Yifan stabbed his eyes blind.

This time, Jiang Yifan took the biggest advantage, not only didn't lose a soldier or general, but also let Murong Qi respectfully send him and Dongfang Yu out of the KTV.

Enjoyment is fun, but because of this incident, the money war with the north and south of Chenbei City's urban area was kicked off ahead of schedule!
Because of Jiang Yifan's teasing, Murongqi's bottom line was completely touched, and his anger spread like a volcanic eruption!


When Jiang Yifan and the others drove to the edge of the suburbs, they slowed down a bit.Pressed down on the car window and lit a cigarette.


If you were not nervous just now, it is absolutely impossible. After all, going deep into a tiger's den alone requires a battle of wits and courage. This is by no means an easy task.

Looking at Jiang Yifan who breathed a sigh of relief, Dongfang Yu behind him said, "Yifan, can uncle ask you a private question."

"Uncle, if you have anything to say, just ask directly. You don't need to be so polite. Besides, I just called you father-in-law, please don't take offense." Jiang Yifan said with a sneer.

Dongfang Yu waved his hand indifferently, "I also know that you are using it as an expedient measure, but when I was with them, I heard them often talk about Jiang Yifan, saying that he is Murongqi's biggest enemy right now, that person and you... ..."

"The Jiang Yifan they are talking about is me." Jiang Yifan actually wanted to laugh when he heard this question.

Because in the eyes of these big men, those who can be called opponents and enemies must be some old goblins, similar to Lin Huafeng and Li Yan.Definitely can't be a person of his age.

So people can't believe it all at once.

Dongfang Yu paused for a moment, and then burst out laughing, "Hahahahaha, what a joy! I think he, Murong Qi, was playing around in the imperial capital with one hand, but was played around by you."

"Uncle Dongfang, what you said..."

"Little brother, don't think too much. I definitely don't mean to belittle you. It's just a trick of good fortune. I think it's incredible."

Dongfang Yu asked with a smile, "Just now, he seemed to care about you very much. How did you manage to make him trust you?"

"It's very simple." Jiang Yifan immediately told what happened just now.

Dongfang Yu's face became serious when he heard the words, "Be careful every step of the way, be brave and resourceful. Seeing that you are young but have such a meticulous mind, it's no wonder that Murong Chess will be crushed by you. If you really obeyed the old saying, the hero comes out boy!"

Hearing such compliments, Jiang Yifan scratched his head in embarrassment, "Uncle, don't praise me like that, I'm easy to drift."

"You have the capital!" Dongfang Yu gave Jiang Yifan a thumbs up. "Actually, I have heard a little bit about your matter when I came to Chenbei City."

"First, we helped Lin's Group annex three other large enterprises, and robbed foreign resources with Zhong, who has a strong background, to help Lin's Group become the leading large enterprise in China and open up the international market. And we used ingenious tricks to change the suburban area. A large piece of land."

Dongfang Yu briefly talked about Jiang Yifan's great achievements these days, and even he himself admired it from the bottom of his heart.

Jiang Yifan smoked a cigarette, shook his head and said, "That's just luck."

"Luck?" Dongfang Yu changed the subject, "The success of anything is inseparable from the right time, place and people. The so-called luck is just an excuse for those who only fantasize but don't take action, but for you who are so successful For others, it's just a reason for your humility!"

"Uncle Dongfang, compared to the things I do, I want to know your story more. Or the story of the Dongfang family."

When meeting Dongfang Yu and Dongfang Wanyi for the first time, Jiang Yifan could tell that these two people were by no means ordinary people. On the surface, they looked like members of a downcast family, but their demeanor showed a sense of nobility.

At that time, he was certain that there was definitely an unknown story behind this.

Listening to Jiang Yifan's question, Dongfang Yu fell into deep thought, but his eloquent expression just now restrained himself.

The eyes also became a little complicated, with anger, regret, bewilderment, and... debt.

At this time, the car had already driven to the backyard of the security company.After Jiang Yifan parked the car, he said, "Uncle Dongfang, Wanyi is waiting for you inside."

"Don't worry, since you mentioned these topics, let me talk to you first. Anyway, it's already in the past tense. I should tell you a story, and I should let you listen to me, a useless old man, complaining. Water." Dongfang Yu shook his head and said.

Jiang Yifan also understood that if he didn't say this in front of Dongfang Wanyi, he was afraid that she would be sad when she remembered the past.

Then he took Dongfang Yu to the separate office inside and sat down.

He is indeed somewhat curious about the story between Dongfang Yu and Murong Qi...

(End of this chapter)

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