Chapter 550
"Then why did he come to Chenbei City?"

If Murong Qi didn't come here to avenge the Zhong family, then he must have come to Chenbei City with a more mysterious purpose.

So this aroused Jiang Yifan's strong curiosity.

Dongfang Yu smiled meaningfully, and did not directly answer this question, but instead asked, "The imperial capital has a profound foundation, and the four major hidden world families are also four-legged, but if one suddenly appears and can be driven alongside them, Do you think they'll agree?"

When Jiang Yifan heard the words, a bright light flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly realized, "You mean, Murongqi is worried that the four big families will gang up and suppress him directly?"

Dongfang Yu nodded, "That's right. Although Murong Qi can be called a top existence in the business family, he is still far behind those families. If he suddenly rises up to compete with those four families, he may face a very difficult situation." It will be a disaster."

"Besides, he also has his own ideas. Instead of being angry with the four major families in the imperial capital, he might as well come to Chenbei City to be his emperor!"

"However, then his wish may not come true." Jiang Yifan's mouth curled up when he heard that, revealing his unique aura of king!
As the saying goes, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and now that Chenbei City already has Jiang Yifan, Murong Qi will never be allowed to stay here!

"Hahaha!" Dongfang Yu looked at Jiang Yifan with deep meaning, "At first, I thought Murong Qi could cover the sky in Chenbei City with one hand, but after meeting you, I suddenly felt that this old guy would have to fight the dragon to cross the river." Fall into the abyss."

Hearing the praise, Jiang Yifan waved his hand casually, "I'm actually a very talkative person. If he was doing business normally, I would never ask him, but he came after me after all. Even if he had other reasons, he would definitely Avenge the Zhong family."

"You also know that the Zhong family was destroyed by me, and he will never let me go no matter what."

"Actually, he came to Chenbei City for another purpose. It can also be said that this purpose is more important than seeking revenge for you." Dongfang Yu changed the subject.


Jiang Yifan was suspicious, but in fact he also guessed something, because when he just left KTV, Murong Qi asked Dongfang Yu 'where is the thing'.

Presumably the reason for this must have a lot to do with the "mysterious thing" they called, and this thing is still in Dongfang Yude's hands.

"Did you find something strange when you saw Murong Qi?" Dongfang Yu deliberately put off another question and asked a question.

Jiang Yifan nodded his head heavily, "It's really weird, maybe you don't know it, I'm a medical student, and I can observe some human body conditions when looking at people's faces. When I observed Murong Qi closely, I found that the old guy's complexion was pale and his body was thin, which was very different from ordinary people. It looks like he has a serious illness."

Dongfang Yu squinted his eyes, and his voice lowered a lot, "His is not sick."

"Isn't it a disease?" Jiang Yifan was confused by this. If it's not a disease, is he born with such a dead appearance?

"I just said that Dongfang Yu was not popular in their family before, and was taken care of by her aunt, but this guy didn't have much ambition at that time, he just wanted to be a playboy, but he didn't know what When I was traveling, I found a mysterious thing."

"It is said that this mysterious thing is related to immortality. From then on, he seemed to be a different person. He began to learn some strategies, and then gradually took control of the Dongfang family."

When he said this, Dongfang Yu paused, looked at Jiang Yifan with his eyes like torches, and said word by word, "We only found out about the mysterious thing later. After some inquiries, we found out that what he got was only a method, not Actually got something to help him, and he started searching."

In fact, listening to Dongfang Yu's words, Jiang Yifan couldn't help but think of the old man Tang Meng. It seems that he is the only one who has studied immortality more thoroughly.

"During the search, he finally got some progress. There are two copies in two boxes, one is for his woman, Zhong Meimei of the Zhong family, and the other is for keeping in his base camp. But things are not as good as he thought."

Jiang Yifan knew that a good show was coming.

Sure enough, Dongfang Yu said with a little pride, "I snatched the box that was left in his base camp. Of course, how did I snatch it? This is my little secret for the time being. Anyway, I got it."

"So he launched revenge on your family? And now that box is with you?" Jiang Yifan asked.

Dongfang Yu shook his head, "No, when I got it, my family was about to be annexed by him. I saw that something was wrong, so I came to Chenbei City with the box and Wanyi. As for the box, it was indeed in my hands. "

Jiang Yifan fell into deep thought when he heard the words. He had seen one of the boxes that Dongfang Yu mentioned. It was the one he got from Zhong Meimei's safe when he swept Zhong's. The lock of the box was very weird. He smashed it open, but was stopped by Bai Wuque.It has not been opened yet.Thinking about it now, that box has a lot to do with Murong Qi.

"What's in that box?" Jiang Yifan asked.

Dongfang Yu smiled and explained, "The things in the box are actually two pictures, one in each box, which are a map of the Big Dipper and a map of mountain peaks."

"It says on it that if you find the person corresponding to the Big Dipper, drink his blood, and take his bone marrow, you can get a new life. It's a bit like the saying of Phoenix Nirvana, but it's not that exaggerated. The mountain map refers to a place."

"Beishan, Huatian Village, Chenbei City!" Jiang Yifan immediately told the location.

Dongfang Yu was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, but then he thought that Jiang Yifan must have understood these things after being here for so long, then nodded and said, "Yes, it is rumored that there is a pill of immortality handed down by the ancients at the bottom of the mountain, and the Big Dipper corresponds to it. A person's blood and bone marrow can truly condense the medicine of immortality."

Jiang Yifan frowned, really wanting to yell 'animal', drinking other people's blood and taking other people's bone marrow, what a utterly unconscionable thing.

But now he understands why Murong Qi accepted those six younger sons and one daughter.It turned out to be for him to do these things.Thinking about it, Xiao Tianquan was really pathetic.

He regards Murong Qi as his own father, but Murong Qi regards him as food.

"That's why Murong Qi looks very sick every time he looks at it. In fact, he is changing his blood now. He almost drinks some blood taken from those sons every day."

(End of this chapter)

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