Chapter 551 Missing Your Father
Dongfang Yu told Jiang Yifan these things, plus what he figured out by himself, he already had a general understanding of Murong Qi.

Murong Qi: An ambitious man with inhuman nature, who kills his father and brother, dreams of immortality by means of evil methods.Great ends justify the means.

Jiang Yifan grinned and asked, "Uncle Dongfang, it stands to reason that he has already read everything in that box, so he shouldn't be asking you for it."

"He looked at it, but he didn't know that there was another mystery inside the box, and he couldn't decipher that mystery, so he had to stay by his side and wait for that person to decipher it for him." Dongfang Yu said implicitly.

"That person?" Jiang Yifan asked suspiciously.

"I don't know who that person is referring to. I only heard Murong Qi say it once, so I will never give him the box. It will definitely play a big role in critical times, especially now that you are the one who is against me." Heaven exists." Dongfang Yu said meaningfully with a flash of light in his eyes.

Jiang Yifan immediately told him that he also had this box, and said with a smile, "Uncle Dongfang, according to the current situation, he cares so much that both boxes are in our hands."

Dongfang Yu's eyes tightened when he heard the words, and he smiled with relief, "You are really a lucky king, and you got the other box. This move can give Murong Qi a headache for a while."

"However..." Jiang Yifan changed the subject, playing with taste, "Even if Murong Qi overturns the North Mountain of Huatian Village, he probably won't be able to find the elixir of life."


"It was taken away by an old man a few days ago, and I also went in to play." Jiang Yifan said, spreading his hands.

After hearing this, Dongfang Yu thought for a moment, "Is there really that kind of medicine in it?"

"Actually, it's not the so-called elixir of life. I think anyone with a little brain can come up with it. There is no such thing in the world. Even if I am called a master doctor, it is impossible to make the elixir of life. According to That person said it was just a drug that can enhance the potential of the human body."

Hearing Jiang Yifan's words, Dongfang Yu's eyes shook a few times, and he smiled sarcastically, "Murongqi was smart all his life, so he probably had to kneel here, and after a busy day, he probably missed nothing in the end. You said you have been to Beishan before. ?”


" can play a game of cat and mouse with Murong Qi." Dongfang Yu looked at Jiang Yifan with weird eyes.

And Jiang Yifan understood in an instant, the two met each other with a smile, raised their teacups and touched each other, "Hahahaha!"

In the following time, Dongfang Yu and Jiang Yifan talked about some other things about Murong Qi, most of which were learned by Jiang Yifan before.

And out of the desire to protect Dongfang Yu and Dongfang Wanyi, Jiang Yifan asked them to live here temporarily.

But Dongfang Yu didn't refuse. Murong Qi already knew about the small stall he opened before. It would be unsafe if he went back, but he could guarantee his safety if he stayed here.

As an old man, he is not very afraid, but there is also his precious daughter Dongfang Wanyi.

The two chatted for more than three hours, and their mouths were dry, but they were a little sleepy.

Jiang Yifan said, "Uncle Dongfang, Wanyi has been waiting for you for a long time, let's go over and say hello first, I will send someone to buy some daily necessities, for the time being, you are wronged here first."

Dongfang Yu shook his head with a smile, "It's fine to have a place to live now. As long as you don't make trouble for you."

After speaking, the two went upstairs to a conference hall, looked through the crack of the door, and saw Wan Ke and the others sitting in it, their faces a little heavy.Dongfang Wanyi leaned pitifully against the corner of the wall, hugged her legs and curled up together.

Jiang Yifan pushed open the door and walked in. Dongfang Wanyi almost stood up reflexively. Because she squatted for a long time, her legs went numb and she fell to the ground.

He hurried forward to help him up, "Are you all right?"

"Where's my dad? Yifan, where's my dad?" As she spoke, Dongfang Wanyi burst into tears again.

"Wanyi..." At this time, Dongfang Yu walked in, and the old tears walked towards Dongfang Wanyi, and embraced him directly.


Downstairs, Wan Ke looked at Jiang Yifan and muttered, "Seeing their father and daughter together again, I suddenly feel sad."

"Miss your father?" Jiang Yifan asked with raised eyebrows.

Wan Ke nodded, "I think about it, I haven't gone back for several days, and I don't know how he is these days?"

"If you want to go back, go back and have a look. It's not a big deal. You have to face it sooner or later. No matter what, he is your own father."

"If my own father wouldn't let me marry such a fat woman." When he said this, Wan Ke's face became ugly again.

"Brother Fan, here are the things." At this moment, Bai Wuque and Lu Zhuang took the box they had brought from Zhong before and put it on the table.

Jiang Yifan nodded, "I'll let Dongfang Yu figure it out for a while, and let's see what kind of mystery there is."

"By the way, we didn't find the car that we were looking for today, but we found a fun place." Lu Zhuang walked up to Jiang Yifan and said with a mysterious smile.


"There is a small underground boxing arena behind the Longteng Hotel, and it's very lively inside." Lu Zhuang said and shook his fist a few times, and he wanted to try it.

Jiang Yifan stared at it for a moment, and set up an underground boxing ring behind the hotel?This seems a little out of place.Could it be that there is some secret in it?

I muttered to myself, thinking that I must go and have a look some other day. "

Turning to look at Wan Ke, "By the way, how is the little girl Yaoguang?"

When mentioning Yaoguang, Wan Ke's expression, which was a little sad, immediately changed, and he smiled openly, with a bit of meanness mixed in the smile.

"Go and have a look." Jiang Yifan pointed over there, and Wan Ke led the way there.

During the period, Jiang Yifan did not tell Wan Ke what Dongfang Yu said just now. If Wan Ke knew that Murong Qi took Yaoguang as his daughter to drink his blood and take his bone marrow, then Wan Ke would have to carry a knife on the spot. Go kill Murong Qi.

After turning two corners, I arrived at the room where Yao Guang lived.

This is a room of about forty square meters, and there are not many furnishings in it, a TV, a bed and a chair.

Looking from the door, a pale woman was sitting on a chair watching TV with a glass of water on hand.

But the scene on the ground made Jiang Yifan stunned for a moment, and turned his head to look at Wan Ke, "You lay the floor here every day?"

Wan Ke was so aggrieved that he pursed his lips, "What else can I do if I don't make a bed on the floor? She won't let me go to bed."

ps: At the request of the majority of book lovers, the chapters will not be developed separately from tomorrow, and will be released at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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