Chapter 553 Tang Guo Was Shocked

Watching everyone leave, Wan Ke sat on the floor by the door, put his hands in his hair, and muttered in a low voice, "Is it really so difficult for me to like a girl? Why is it so complicated?"

Is it complicated?
In fact, it is not complicated. Jiang Yifan treats Wan Ke well, and everyone can see that he treats him like a real brother.

What Yaoguang said was just a matter of position. They were originally hostile, so it was reasonable to say that, but when they were hostile, they misguided Wan Ke to his heart.

And Wan Ke's simplicity makes it easy for him to trust a person, and it is also easy for him to be influenced by other people's thoughts.

He believed in Jiang Yifan, but he also listened to this woman because he liked Yaoguang.This led him to a dilemma.


Inside the office.

Lu Zhuang handed Jiang Yifan a cigarette and said, "Xiao Ke is just a child, don't be angry with him."

Jiang Yifan took the cigarette and lit it, and said with a sneer, "If I get angry with him, I'll die of anger! I just don't understand what kind of medicine Murong Qi gave his six sons and this one daughter to make them believe in Yu Yu so much. This scum."

"Murong Chess is not that simple. Since he can reach such a high level, he has his means. Now that the curtain of the battle between us has been completely lifted, there is no room for relaxation." Bai Wuque said. .

Jiang Yifan nodded, and then his eyes became sharper, "Everyone can punish such a conscienceless person, Chenbei City, I don't have him!"

"Don't be cowardly, just do it!" Lu Zhuang grinned, already feeling his blood boil.

Some people were born to fight, such as Lu Zhuang and Bai Wuque, if they were asked to do business, they would have to pay 100 million for 1000 million, but if they were to fight, it would be absolutely unambiguous!
Jiang Yifan saw that it was getting late, and then said, "Okay, that's all for today, be careful these two days, Murong Qi has been angered today, he will definitely take action, protect Dongfang Yuhe here Dongfang Wanyi, as well as that box, must not be snatched by Murong Qi."

Lu Zhuang and Bai Wuque nodded solemnly.

But Jiang Yifan didn't say hello to Dongfang Yu and the others. The father and daughter must have something to say, so they drove back to Lin Yanran's villa.

When they got home, Lin Yanran and Tang Guo were already at home, busy cooking in the kitchen.

To say that they cook, it would be more accurate to say that they are destroying the kitchen.

"Oh, sister Yanran, let uncle do it, look at this pot, you have ruined two of them." Tang Guo's face was dark, and she didn't know where she got it from, she pouted dissatisfiedly.

Lin Yanran wiped the sweat from her forehead, "No, I learned two dishes from Miss Yara today, and I have to do them well. Even if Jiang Yifan isn't around, we won't be able to eat bread anymore."

Jiang Yifan walked into the door, just in time to hear two beauties talking, couldn't help smiling, and walked into the kitchen.

It didn't matter what he saw, it almost shocked him, is this still the clean kitchen?

I saw that the ground was full of vegetable leaves, and then a flame was lit on the stove, and a large pot was placed on it, with a pot of hot water inside.There are also two broken pots next to it.

Lin Yanran held a kitchen knife in her right hand, and a fish that was still breathing with her left hand!
On the other hand, Tang Guo held a toothbrush in one hand, and wiped his dirty little face with the other hand.

"Uncle! You are back!" Tang Guo turned around and saw Jiang Yifan, so excited he rushed over.Immediately, he wanted to hug Jiang Yifan.

Jiang Yifan hurriedly took two steps back, and said with a sneer, "I said you dismantled the kitchen?"

Tang Guo pouted, and said very unhappy, "Oh, it's all sister Yanran. I learned two dishes from sister Yaran today, so I have to come back and practice."

Jiang Yifan pointed to the toothbrush in Tang Guo's hand, "Can you tell me, what is this toothbrush used for?"

"Brush the scales of the fish!" Tang Guo waved a few times, "Isn't there always a show on TV, do you have to remove the fish scales after buying the fish? I think they all use brushes, but there are not too many brushes at home. Use a toothbrush."

" is the toothbrush so familiar?" Jiang Yifan was puzzled when he heard this.

Tang Guo covered her mouth and snickered, "Because this is what I got from your room."

"Damn! That's what I use to brush my teeth, and you use it to brush fish?" Jiang Yifan became depressed immediately. If it wasn't for Tang Guo's cuteness, he would probably be scolding!

Tang Guo was so kawaii that she shook her head, "Oh uncle, don't be so stingy, at worst you can just use my toothbrush tomorrow. Now you should go and see sister Yanran."

Jiang Yifan sighed, feeling really helpless towards these two eldest ladies, and walked into the kitchen.Looking at the fish that was still breathing, and Lin Yanran with messy hair.I couldn't help but laughed.

"I said my wife, is it better that you are so funny than real?"

"What did you say!" Lin Yanran was unhappy when she heard this, she turned around and raised the kitchen knife in her hand.

"Pfft!" Jiang Yifan looked at the kitchen knife, and suddenly laughed again, because several gaps had already appeared on the kitchen knife.And it's very big.

"Are you chopping fish or rocks?" Jiang Yifan walked over and took the kitchen knife directly, and then pointed to the gap on it, "Can you tell me that you made this gap when you cut something? "

"That's the one..." Lin Yanran pointed to a dark object next to the pot.

Jiang Yifan frowned, picked it up with two fingers, put it under his nose and smelled it, "Hey, what is this!"

"The material box, I got it from my mother's kitchen. Every time I watch them cook meat, I put a little bit in it, but I can't open it when I bring it back. I have to chop it with a knife a few times."

Seeing Lin Yanran's innocent appearance, Jiang Yifan felt completely defeated, washed it with clean water, and then shook it a few times at Lin Yanran, "Are you stupid, you don't need to open this at all, just put it in the water gone."

"Huh?" Lin Yanran was taken aback for a moment.

"Also, the fish is still alive, so you're going to let him into the water? What's wrong? You're going to give the fish a hot bath?" Jiang Yifan was speechless and put the fish into the small pool, and then took out a knife very sharply. He was so skillful that he scraped off all the scales, then opened his stomach, took out the sundries and fish gills inside, washed them with clean water, and put them into the boiling pot.

Then he turned around and looked at Lin Yanran and Tang Guo, "Would you eat red braised or Halal? Or spicy?"

"Uh... Uncle, why did you finish it so quickly, we have been tossing for two hours!" Tang Guo was already stunned!

(End of this chapter)

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