Chapter 554
Seeing Tang Guo and Lin Yanran's shocked faces, Jiang Yifan spread his hands, "Actually, the preparation work is very easy, especially for making fish. You just need to prepare the ingredients and clean the fish. It's about how to do it!"

"There are several types of cooking, especially when you want to learn how to cook fish. Instead of learning how to scrape fish scales to boil water, you should learn how to master the heat so that the fish is delicious and not lost."

Speaking of this, Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows, "My wife Yanran, if you want to learn, I can teach you by hand?"

"I don't care about your teaching!" Lin Yanran took off her apron and walked outside in a huff.

This is too embarrassing, the busy work for half a day is not worth the work that others do in a few minutes, and it makes the kitchen so messy.Jiang Yifan may not be very happy at this moment.

Tang Guo happily wrapped her arms around Jiang Yifan, "Uncle, Uncle, I want to learn. Can you teach me?"

Jiang Yifan scratched the tip of Tang Guo's nose, "Want to learn?"


"Go and wash this little face first, and I will teach you."

Tang Guo showed a cute smile, stuck out her tongue at Jiang Yifan, and ran towards the bathroom.

Taking advantage of this time, Jiang Yifan prepared onion, ginger, garlic and some simple ingredients.

And the next time, he began to teach Tang Guo how to cook a delicious spicy carp.

The speaker had no intention, but the listener had intentions, even though Lin Yanran said just now that she would not learn, she moved the chair to the kitchen door, secretly watching Jiang Yifan's every step.

Tang Guo, on the other hand, wanted to learn, but it was a 3-minute heat. Standing by the stove, after watching a few steps, he was attracted by the smell coming from the pot. He had already started preparing the dishes, and then had a big meal. up.

"Spicy fish is good!" Jiang Yifan brought a plate to the dining table, put it on the table, and immediately attracted the attention of two beauties.

It's delicious, it looks beautiful, and it smells delicious. These are Tang Guo's comments on Jiang Yifan's dish.

Lin Yanran picked up the chopsticks and took a bite, then nodded with relish, "Don't say it, it's quite delicious."

"That's right, it doesn't matter who can do it." Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows triumphantly, and sat down too.

"Don't be complacent, it's still far from what my sister made." Having said that, she ate it faster than Tang Guo, as if someone wanted to snatch it from her.

A gust of wind and cloud swept through, and the fish was eaten up. Jiang Yifan could only shake his head helplessly when he saw the appearance of the two of them. After all, he was the daughter of a rich family, and there was no elegance at all when eating.

After eating, it was getting late, the two girls dropped their chopsticks and went back to their respective rooms.

The injured Jiang Yifan had to clean up, and had to clean up the "battlefield" created by Lin Yanran and Tang Guo in the kitchen.

After finishing everything, Jiang Yifan entered the room, took off his clothes, and walked into the bathroom with a towel.

The hot water sprayed from the nozzle hits his body, which is extremely comfortable.

While he was humming a little tune, suddenly the door opened.

Tang Guo was wearing pajamas, walked in yawning, and opened the bathroom door directly, "Uncle... wow!"

When Tang Guo saw Xiao Xiaofan, he immediately opened his mouth in an 'o' shape, stared hard, and sighed, "This is too..."

Jiang Yifan hurriedly pulled the towel and wrapped it around his body, exclaimed, "Guoguo, why are you so upright that you can take advantage of me?"

"Um... Uncle, I didn't do it on purpose." Tang Guo pouted, turned around directly, her face became extremely red, and murmured in a low voice, "So boys have to look like that."

Jiang Yifan walked out of the room angrily, and asked, "If you don't sleep in your own room so late, what are you doing in my room?"

"Oh, it's all sister Yanran. She came, and there was no aunt's towel at home, so she asked me to buy it, but it's so dark outside, how dare I go out. Uncle, go buy it for sister Yanran." Tang Guo Said aggrievedly.

A black line appeared on Jiang Yifan's forehead, "Let me go out and buy him a aunt's towel?"

How embarrassing this is, let him be a dignified old man to buy those things, if others see him, he must be ashamed!
Tang Guo spread his hands, "What's the point, haven't all the leading men on TV bought for the leading lady!"

At this time, a strange look flashed in Tang Guo's agile eyes, and he said playfully, "Uncle, this is a good opportunity, maybe you can buy it and send it to Sister Yanran in person, and when she gets excited, she promises it with her body." gone?"

"Promise with your body?" Jiang Yifan's facial features were almost twisted together. Even if Lin Yanran offered to sacrifice himself at this time, he couldn't accept it. To do that kind of thing at this time is equivalent to running a red light!
Spreading his hands, "Guoguo, why don't I go shopping with you?"

"Uncle, you are blushing. You are actually blushing!" Tang Guo jumped up happily when she said this.

Blush your sister!
Even if you are a man, you have to blush!
Jiang Yifan didn't show it, he squeezed Tang Guo's face, "Yes, uncle is blushing, so you have to go with me."

"I'm not going, I'm so sleepy." Tang Guo yawned, and said, "Anyway, I've already brought the words, I won't buy it because I'm afraid of the dark, Sister Yanran will definitely understand, but if you don't go, Then I guess you don't want to sleep well tonight!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Guo walked straight upstairs.

Jiang Yifan froze on the spot with a dazed expression on his face. If he went, he would definitely be ashamed. If he didn't go there, he probably wouldn't be able to sleep well tonight.

Gritting his teeth and stomping his feet, he took two coats and walked out, one on his body and one on his head.

When he arrived at the supermarket, he saw several kinds of aunt's towels on the shelf, and Jiang Yifan's head suddenly became dizzy. He didn't know which one Lin Yanran used!
What kind of ultra-thin and watertight, and what kind of angel wings.It's really embarrassing for this tough man.

After hesitating for a moment, I bought some of each kind. When I got to the checkout area, the cashier took a good look at it, and quickly dropped 100 yuan and ran out.

All the way, they were cursing and muttering, "Lin Yanran, wait for me, when your relatives leave, you have to make me up to you."

After speaking, she returned to the villa, went upstairs and pushed away Lin Yanran's room. Lin Yanran was not on the bed, but there were bursts of rattling sounds from the bathroom.

Maybe she also heard the sound of the door opening, and then she shouted, "Guoguo, you are back, hurry up and bring my things in! Your legs are numb."

Well, this move gave Jiang Yifan a chance!

(End of this chapter)

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