Chapter 555

With an evil smile on the corner of Jiang Yifan's mouth, he gently pushed open the bathroom door.

Lin Yanran was seen sitting on the toilet lid and playing with her mobile phone, her delicate eyes stared at the screen of the mobile phone, and she even showed a smile.Because of the fact that she just took a shower, there are still crystal spots of water droplets on the thousands of black hairs.

Unbearable to hold the waist, and under the flat lower abdomen are the two straight legs that overlap together, and the jade feet are raised upwards, which is a beautiful scene.

As a result, Jiang Yifan froze in place, a flame was slowly igniting in his dantian.


At this moment, Lin Yanran frowned, felt a pair of hot eyes staring at her, raised her head suddenly, but saw Jiang Yifan's shameless face in front of her, and immediately screamed.Hurriedly wrapped her body in a bath towel, " did you come in?"

"I..." Jiang Yifan was stunned for a moment, and pointed to the aunt's towel in his hand, "Hey~ give me this for you."

"Hurry up and put it down for me, and then go out." Lin Yanran said angrily, although this was not the first time Jiang Yifan saw it, but because of the shyness in her heart, she was still a little reluctant.

Jiang Yifan twitched his mouth, grinned and said, "What's the matter with embarrassment, they are all old couples."

"Jiang Yifan! Get out of here quickly!"

In a rage, Lin Yanran immediately got up and stood up, but who knew that the bath towel was too loose and fell directly on the ground, and Jiang Yifan looked at it again and again.

Jiang Yifan clasped his arms together, "If it wasn't for your relatives coming, I would be so aggressive towards you, today I will also change you from a girl to a woman."

Hearing this guy's shameless words, Lin Yanran was willing to go all out, anyway, she had seen it all, and today was a day to visit relatives, presumably Jiang Yifan would not dare to do anything.He went straight to him, picked up a bottle from the side, "Hurry up, or I'll beat you."

"Oh, you still hit me?" Jiang Yifan spread his hands, stared at the proud place with a playful smile on his face and said, "Tsk tsk, long time no see, I have indeed grown up a lot."

"You!" Lin Yanran was really convinced, she hugged her hands together and pushed, "Oh, you should go out quickly."

Jiang Yifan yawned, turned around and left the bathroom, it wasn't that he didn't want to stay, but it would definitely make him uncomfortable if he stayed, and he couldn't do anything but just watch, which really made him uncomfortable.


At nine o'clock in the morning of the next day, this class was taught by the beautiful teacher Shen Rong.

Shen Rong was talking behind the desk, but Jiang Yifan suddenly rang.

He frowned and looked at the name on it, suddenly dropped the pen on the ground on purpose, lowered his head and pretended to pick it up, and then picked up the phone, "Hey, why did Policeman Bai think of calling me?"

"Hurry up and come to Lin's Group, your little lover is going to be bullied." Bai Bingbing said coldly before hanging up the phone.

Jiang Yifan grinned, Bai Bingbing called him, saying that the little lover was being bullied?Lin Yaran is the only one who has a good relationship with Jiang Yifan in the Lin Group.

Did something happen to the Lin Group?
Then he got up and walked towards the podium.

"Jiang Yifan, what are you doing?" Shen Rong frowned and asked.

"Mr. Rongrong, I have something to go out to solve right away, so I'll ask you to leave for a while." Jiang Yifan said solemnly.

Shen Rong hesitated for a while and said in a low voice, "The leader of the Education Bureau is going to review outside today. If there is nothing too important, don't ask for leave."

"It's really important."

"Then you go around when you go out, so you don't get seen." Shen Rong knew that Jiang Yifan had something going on outside, so it was not easy to stop him, that's all he could say.

Jiang Yifan nodded slightly, then walked outside.

Wan Ke, who was originally sitting behind Jiang Yifan, grabbed the corner of Lin Yanran's clothes and asked, "Sister-in-law, what is boss going to do?"

Lin Yanran shook her head in a daze, "I don't know, I just answered the phone and went out."

Wan Ke rolled his eyes, thinking that something must have happened when Jiang Yifan went out at this time, and other things might not be of help, but there is Yaoguang at the security company, thinking that Yaoguang might be wronged , Immediately raised his hand, "Beauty teacher, I want to ask for leave."


Today the Education Bureau came to review, and the investigation would definitely be very tight. One request for leave could barely be justified, but it would be bad if it was repeated one after another, so Shen Rongdang even refused.

"Oh." Wan Ke walked over as if acting coquettishly, "Beautiful teacher, please give it to me, I am very uncomfortable, I am sick."

"Where is the disease?" Shen Rong stared at Wan Ke with her delicate eyes, not believing what this fellow said at all.

Wan Ke glanced at himself, then held his stomach, "Teacher, my stomach hurts."

"You're covering your belly."

"My tummy and my stomach hurt."

Shen Rong shook her head, "Then you sit back and I'll get you a cup of hot water."

Wan Ke's facial features were almost twisted together, and he asked with a mournful face, "Why is it so easy for Jiang Yifan to ask for leave, but it is so difficult for me to come here?""

"Because he really has something to do, and you're just pretending." Shen Rong gave him an angry look, "Okay, go back to your seat."


Just as Shen Rong finished speaking, Wan Ke suddenly raised his hand and punched himself on the nose, then wiped it with his hand, and found that no blood came out, raised his hand and punched again, this time Blood flowed out from the nostrils, and it seemed that it couldn't be stopped.

Spreading his hands, he said, "I can ask for leave now."

This time, it was not a question of whether to ask for leave, but Shen Rong and all the students below were stunned.

This is too cruel to me, just to ask for leave, I punched myself twice, is this something that ordinary people can do?
"Hurry up... Hurry up to the infirmary!" Shen Rong froze for a moment, then hurriedly said.

Wan Ke wiped his nose with his hand, shook his head and said, "I can't stop the bleeding at all, not in the infirmary, I have to go to the hospital."

After speaking, he ran out directly, muttering while running, "How can a man stand in the world if he is not ruthless!"

"Oh, it really hurts!"

When he ran outside, he happened to see Jiang Yifan driving out from behind, and he opened the car door and ran up without saying a word.Wipe your nose with a tissue from the car a few times, "Boss, drive."

"Damn it, what the hell are you doing?" Jiang Yifan asked.

"Well... I saw that you came out in a hurry, thinking that something must have happened, so you came out too. But the beautiful teacher didn't ask me to leave, so I had to use this trick." Wan Ke explained.

Jiang Yifan gave him a thumbs up, "You are cruel enough to yourself!"

"It's average, but next time you can't hit your nose, it really hurts!"

(End of this chapter)

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