Chapter 556
Within the Lin Group.

Lin Yaran's face was extremely ugly, and she stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the meeting room with her arms folded.There was also a hint of solemnity and sadness faintly in the eyes.

"Chairman Lin, the Lin Group's stock has fallen by ten points at the opening of the stock market today, and it has been suppressed by several unknown capital flows. If this trend continues, it will definitely drop by the limit today." The assistant standing on the side said.

Before Lin Yaran could speak, a man in a suit and leather shoes walked in from the outside, with a serious expression on his face, and said, "Chairman Lin, I just received a call from Yimo Group, saying that it is a new batch of our products. There was an extremely serious problem during the quality inspection, and some of them have flowed into the market, and no reports have been received from customers, but if this continues, will something happen?"

"Dong Lin, it's not good!" At this time, Gao Shang, the security guard, also ran up, and said in a panic, "A large group of people surrounded the company, which shows that they are here to make trouble. Although the police have been called, it seems It's almost unstoppable."

"Director Lin, within the company..."

One bad news after another, they all weighed on Lin Yaran's heart like mountain peaks, making it difficult for her to breathe, as if they were about to suffocate her.

The Lin Group, which had finally made it to the top, suddenly suffered such a heavy blow overnight. No one can face and accept it calmly!

"You guys go down first, I need to calm down." Lin Yaran didn't turn around, nor did she turn her sad face to everyone.

She is the current pillar of the Lin Group. If everyone sees that she is already flustered, the people below will be even more flustered and the situation will be even more serious.

Everyone seemed to want to say something again, but at this moment they all held back their words and left the meeting room one after another.

Lin Yaran turned around, took a deep breath, and muttered with red lips lightly, "Is the Lin family going to be destroyed in my hands? Is this the fate that cannot be escaped?"

In fact, she already knew that it was Murong Qi's fault. A while ago, Murong Qi made such a big scene in the north of the urban area, and the whole Chenbei City could understand.

In addition, the previous enmity with the Zhong family is even more obvious.

Lin Yaran sat on the ground a little slumped, without the glamor of the past, nor the glamor of the past, no longer like the coveted big president in the past, but like a little woman, a woman who suffered an unbearable Hit weak women.

At this time, she didn't know how to deal with all these things, and gradually, tears filled her eyes and flowed down her cheeks.

"What should I do?" Lin Yaran muttered in a low voice, but Jiang Yifan's figure appeared in her mind at this moment, her delicate eyes flickered, and she murmured, "If you were here, I wouldn't be so tired, right Is it? But you also have a lot of things waiting for you to deal with, how can I have the heart to call you over at this time?"

Yes, she is very dependent on Jiang Yifan at this time, this is a very special feeling, so special that she can't describe it.But after thinking about it, Jiang Yifan's pressure on Murong Qi was no less than hers, but he suppressed the idea of ​​letting Jiang Yifan come over.


Because of the internal integration of Lin's Group, there is no major disturbance now, and the directors of each department are reassuring people's hearts. All the employees also believe that Lin's Group can overcome this hurdle, and they have all gone through it together before. Countless wind and rain, I believe this time can also survive.

Simply, this is the only thing that can warm Lin Yaran's heart.

Outside the Lin Group, hundreds of people gathered at this time, some holding banners, and some rushing inside.

Bai Bingbing stood beside the police car, staring into her eyes, her expression was not good at the moment, after all these people didn't really cause trouble, and she couldn't mobilize a large number of police to take these people away.

Looking at the time, 10 minutes had passed since calling Jiang Yifan, he frowned and muttered, "Why haven't you arrived yet?"

She was thinking, although she couldn't rashly dispatch the police force to take these people away, at least she could stop one or two of them, but this was not a long-term solution after all, those people were about to break through the cordon and rush in.

In the past, that guy Jiang Yifan had more ideas, and he had his own unique ways to deal with many things, so at this moment she was also thinking, Jiang Yifan came here quickly, maybe only he could solve this deadlock.

As everyone knows, Jiang Yifan's journey has not been so smooth.Maybe it was because of Murongqi's good arrangement, many people were sent to interfere with Jiang Yifan along the way.

With tissues stuffed in both nostrils, Wan Ke said with snot and tears, "Damn, these people are really crazy."

Jiang Yifan kept silent, stepped on the gas pedal with a serious face, and drove the Jaguar up a step, avoiding several cars that were chasing and intercepting him.

"Call Lu Zhuang and ask him to bring people to the Lin Group, and then ask Bai Wuque to guard the security company."

Jiang Yifan knew that what happened yesterday had completely enraged Murong Qi, so Murong Qi would definitely say something, but he didn't expect that it would come so fast, and what he didn't expect was that he would be the first to attack the Lin Group!

After getting rid of the cars behind him, he took a shortcut and went directly along the Lin Group.

On the way, Wan Ke called Lu Zhuang and the others, and told Jiang Yifan all the things that Jiang Yifan entrusted. Lu Zhuang and the others did not hesitate at all, and immediately started to act.

When Jiang Yifan drove to the front of the Lin Group, he was already blocked by a group of rioters.

"Wow, so many people?" Wan Ke exclaimed.

Jiang Yifan frowned, showing a playful smile, "Tell me, what will be the consequences of driving directly into the crowd?"

"It's estimated that a large number of people will die, and then you will have to spend the rest of your life in prison." Wan Ke subconsciously said what was in his heart, and then his face changed suddenly, and he yanked Jiang Yifan's arm "Boss, you won't really Are you going to drive into the crowd?"

"Why not?" Jiang Yifan shifted gears, then honked the car horn, and shouted outside, "I counted to three, and I ran into it without pulling over!"

Those people looked at Jiang Yifan and paused for two or three seconds, and almost none of them moved away, because they all understood what the consequences would be if they ran into this group of people. .

But... they were wrong, and dead wrong.

Hearing a piercing whistle, Jiang Yifan slammed the accelerator to the bottom, released the brake and ran straight into the crowd.

The speed of the car was extremely fast, and there was no room for relaxation.

At this moment, De Wanke's mouth became an 'O' shape, his hands were tightly clenched on the handle, and his eyes were already tightly closed.

(End of this chapter)

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