Chapter 558

Regarding Jiang Yifan's ridicule, Bai Bingbing directly responded with a cold and angry look, "Speak up for me."

Jiang Yifan spread his hands, and said jokingly, "It's been a few days since I've seen my temper grow, it's not because I want to do that, can I hold back?"

"You!" Bai Bingbing raised her hand, but she didn't know how to scold this guy, because she knew that no matter how much she scolded, even if it was beating, she would be immune to him, so she simply turned her head aside and ignored him.

Jiang Yifan didn't want to make fun of himself, so he asked Wan Ke to stay here to help, and then he walked towards the top of the Lin Group alone.

Knocked on the door of Lin Yaran's office, but no one answered, then Xu Ying came over and said, "Brother Fan, Director Lin is not in the office."

"Then where is she?" Jiang Yifan asked with a frown.

"A lot of things have happened to the group. Director Lin locked herself in the meeting room downstairs, and no one was allowed in. I guess you will definitely come, so go and persuade her now, but don't do anything wrong. Something happened." Xu Ying said with some worry.

Jiang Yifan nodded, showing a confident smile, "Okay, go get busy, I'll take care of things."

Seeing his back downstairs, Xu Ying nodded slightly, clasped her hands together and muttered, "If I have something to do, will there be such a man who will desperately come to help?"


The door of the conference room was pushed open.

"I told no one to come in!" Lin Yaran leaned against the corner and shouted with her eyes closed.

Looking at it this way, Lin Yaran was a little pale and slumped, and the thousands of black hairs that were bound up were also scattered at this moment, covering her face, like a little girl who was injured, sitting on the ground, leaning on the wall, hands on knees.

Jiang Yifan grinned, walked over, put his arms around Lin Yaran's fragrant shoulders, let her lean into his arms, and said affectionately, "Sister Yaran, don't be afraid, I'm here."

"Why are you here?" Just when she was about to struggle, she heard Jiang Yifan's magnetic voice, which made Lin Yaran's delicate body tremble, and asked in a low voice.

For some reason, when Jiang Yifan said the six words "Don't be afraid, I'm here", Lin Yaran suddenly seemed to have a support, even in the face of the current situation, she was not as powerless as before up.

Leaning on Jiang Yifan's chest, feeling the breath full of masculine charm, the broad chest made her hanging heart slowly calm down, and gradually calmed down.

Jiang Yifan smiled and said, "Can I not show up when so many things have happened? No matter what, I can't let you, a girl, face it alone."

"I really don't know what to do." Lin Yaran raised her head, looking at Jiang Yifan with vivid eyes, that haggard face made Jiang Yifan feel a little heartbroken.

"I don't know why, I encountered countless difficulties before, at least I can calm down and have a way to deal with them, but this time when facing the Murong family, I have no confidence at all."

Jiang Yifan took a deep breath and nodded slightly. He knew Lin Yaran's mood at this time, not that Lin Yaran was incapable of handling these things, but that there was already a shadow in his heart.

When she was very young, if it wasn't for Lin Huafeng, a good friend of the imperial capital, the Lin Group would have been swallowed up by Murong Qi and Zhong. She has experienced those days and seen Lin Huafeng worry about it. .

So in the bottom of her heart, she was very afraid of the giant Murong family. Even at this moment, she was still afraid, not because of how powerful Murong Qi and the others were, but because of her own inner demons.

A very simple example can explain Lin Yaran's mood at this time.

If a child is a director, his parents will convey to him a concept that wolves are the most terrifying animals in the world, and they should not be provoked no matter when and where.

So even though this child has never seen a wolf since he was a child, he will subconsciously be afraid of this kind of thing when he grows up.

"Don't worry, Sister Yara, with me here, the Lin family will not have any problems. Although Murong Qi is a little scary, he is not so scary that he can dominate everything. With two shoulders against one head, who can do that?" Who are you afraid of?" Jiang Yifan helped Lin Yaran to the chair and sat down.

Then he smiled and said, "For a while in the future, I will be by your side until the power of Murong Qi is overthrown."

Lin Yaran nodded her head slightly, her face recovered a lot, and she sighed, "I didn't expect that Murongqi would move all his power in the imperial capital here."

Jiang Yifan shook his head and said with a smile, "He can't move if he doesn't move. Now the four major families at the top of the imperial capital have already targeted him. If he continues to stay in the imperial capital, he will probably be wiped out soon. On the contrary, it will be different when he comes to Chenbei City." He has money, astronomical amounts of money, power, and people, so he wants to build his Murong family here, and his own Murong business empire."

"It seems that you already know a lot of things." Lin Yaran blinked her delicate eyes, and she could hear the confidence in Jiang Yifan's tone, the confidence that only belonged to Jiang Yifan.

Jiang Yifan smiled and said, "Know yourself and the enemy, knowing more is certainly not harmful. Although Murong Qi is ambitious now, he is not without weaknesses."

"Oh?" Hearing this, Lin Yaran became curious, and she wanted to hear about Jiang Yifan's plan.

Jiang Yifan lit a cigarette, and then smoked a few puffs, but he didn't speak.

"Keep talking, is it really good to whet my appetite?"

After a while, Jiang Yifan still didn't speak, but this made Lin Yaran a little anxious, so she pushed him angrily and asked.

Jiang Yifan smiled shamelessly, "I really want to know?"

"Sure, I know some of your plans, and I can be more confident. Now that the Lin Group is also in trouble, I know something, and I can make a plan to deal with it." Lin Yaran said anxiously.

"I have worked hard to come up with this plan. If you want to know it, you will know it. Then I am very shameless. You have to give me benefits anyway." Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows, and a playful smile appeared on his face.

"Xiao Fanfan, what benefits do you want?" Lin Yaran held her chin, and looked at Jiang Yifan charmingly. Not to mention, this was the first time Jiang Yifan saw her smile after seeing Lin Yaran today. .The paleness and slump just now made him feel extremely distressed.

Seeing the beauty smile, he was relieved, then squinted his eyes and said, "Why don't you give me a kiss first?"

"Little rascal, you will take advantage of my sister's advantage!" Lin Yaran gave Jiang Yifan a white look, but after finishing speaking, her red lips kissed Jiang Yifan's cheek like a dragonfly.

This kiss is unforgettable...

ps: Happy National Day, it’s a new month, please vote for the monthly pass and recommended vote, thank you.One chapter will be released first, and the other two chapters will be released together in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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