Chapter 559 Overcoming Demons
As soon as the kiss fell, Lin Yaran's face turned a little red, and she said coquettishly, "Now we can talk about it."

Jiang Yifan nodded, feeling the tangy fragrance, and then said, "Actually, Murong Chess is not without weaknesses."

"Judging from the current situation, Murongqi controls the economic chain in the north of Chenbei City, including the Tianquan Group represented by the Group, the Dragon Hotel represented by the catering industry, and the Entertainment Shuangjie represented by the entertainment industry. "

"Of course, this is only his superficial property, and the property announced to the public. If we compare these alone, we have Lin's Group, Li Yande Haichunju, Wanyi's Blue Enchantress, and a large security company."

After Jiang Yifan finished the comparison, he smiled meaningfully, "Sister Yara, do you think we will lose to him in terms of superficial strength?"

"But..." Lin Yaran was stunned for a moment, "But the Haichunju and the blue enchantress you mentioned just now belong to someone else."

"Don't worry about this. You know, Murongqi has a huge appetite now. What he wants is to control the entire Chenbei City. If our Lin family is annexed, then only a blue enchantress or a Haichunju will be able to compete with you." Will Murong Qi fight?"

"Just say that we are all grasshoppers on the same rope." Lin Yaran smiled coquettishly and understood.

Just as Jiang Yifan said, if Murong Qi attacked the south of the city, he would definitely not bypass Wan Yi and Li Yan, so if he wanted to confront him now, he had to integrate them all together.

Jiang Yifan went on to say, "Also, Murongqi's real wealth is beyond our comparison. He moved the entire Murong family here in the imperial capital. If we play money games, we may not be able to compare them together."

"That's right." Lin Yaran frowned when she heard this, and murmured, "If the project in your suburb has been completed and is operating normally, there may be a comparison. Now, there is really no way. The strength of the Quan Group is above that of the Lin Group."

Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows slightly: "This is our shortcoming, but Murongqi also has shortcoming. He is not familiar with Chenbei City, but we are very familiar with it. This is our advantage. Because of this, he has already taken advantage of me before. loss."

"But this is not a long-term solution. Now that you have money, you can turn ghosts around. If you want to know us, he can pay a high price to investigate us, and the speed will be very fast. By then, we will be passive. " Lin Yaran frowned, the smile that had just appeared on her face disappeared completely at this moment, and turned into a sad look.

Jiang Yifan nodded, "Don't worry about this. Although we are in a predicament on the surface, don't forget that life is often only in a desperate situation. If I don't have some cards, do you think I dare to fight Murong chess so openly?"

The corner of Lin Yaran's mouth touched a few times, "What hole card?"

"Leave some mystery first." Jiang Yifan smiled mysteriously, took Lin Yaran's jade hand directly, and said solemnly, "Sister Yaran, don't worry, no matter what happens, no matter how powerful the enemy is, I won't let you get hurt in any way."

"Even if I pay myself in, it won't make the Lin Group lose anything!"

"No." Lin Yaran raised her jade finger to cover Jiang Yifan's mouth, shook her head, and said softly, "Those are out of the ordinary, although if the Lin Group goes bankrupt because of this matter, it will make me a little sad, But we are still young, and we will never lack the courage to start all over again."

"But I don't want anything to happen to you, nor to everyone around me. As long as we are all here, there will still be tomorrow."

Jiang Yifan nodded, and hugged Lin Yaran, a cold light appeared in his eyes, and he thought to himself, "Whenever, wherever, what I have is what I have, and others can't take it away. It's just that he is not the king of heaven!"

Half an hour later, the meeting room was full of people, all of them were senior executives and department managers from every department of the Lin Group.

Jiang Yifan said in Lin Yaran's ear, "Sister Yaran, if you dare to do anything, I will be by your side."

Lin Yaran felt warm in her heart when she heard these words, whenever something happened, as long as Jiang Yifan was around, she would have a lot of confidence.

He took a deep breath to let his emotions calm down, and then showed everyone a confident smile in the past.

Said, "First of all, I would like to apologize to everyone. I heard so much bad news this morning. I am indeed a little negative. But I have calmed down now. It is true that the group has encountered some difficulties now, but I believe that in everyone With help, we can still get out of the predicament and let the Lin Group regain its former glory!"

"Director Lin, don't worry, we won't leave no matter what happens."

"Yes, if there are difficulties, just solve them."

"So many storms and waves have come here before, what are you afraid of!"

All the executives in the audience were infected by Lin Yaran's anger, and expressed their attitudes one after another, and the atmosphere in the entire conference room was very high all of a sudden!

"Regarding the stock market's decline after the market opened this morning, this is unavoidable. After all, some of the mainstream funds have been involved, so we have to do the right thing now."

As soon as Lin Yaran finished speaking, all the executives below became serious, listening to her next words quietly.

"Firstly, lower the shareholding of Lin's Group, allowing a large number of retail investors to intervene strongly. Secondly, because of the rapid development of the group, two of its own capital flows were withdrawn. Now it is restarted, and it will enter Lin's strongly in the afternoon. Group stocks. Then withdraw all before the market opens tomorrow morning, look at shorting the stock market, and pull up the range.”

Lin Yaran took a deep breath and said, "As for the problems with the products in the foreign market, we are now negotiating with Yimo and the others to withdraw all the products that have been stationed in the market, and investigate the problem as quickly as possible, and then let the technology People from the department and production department dispatched a few people to go abroad immediately to assist them in operation. It is only a batch of products and will not affect the foundation."

In one breath, Lin Yaran solved all the problems that occurred this morning. Looking at the high-spirited executives below, she immediately clapped her hands, "Get over this difficulty, and then the whole group will take a three-day vacation in a few days. The first time I travel abroad, the company will pay for it!"

"Dong Lin is mighty!" The crowd nodded happily, and they all started to carry out the execution.

At this time, Lin Yaran had recovered her usual demeanor, turned her head, and looked at Jiang Yifan with her delicate eyes, "Can I handle it this way?"

"Of course." Jiang Yifan smiled knowingly, he can help Lin Yaran with these things, but he can help for a while but not forever, so after being comforted just now, it is obvious that Lin Yaran has overcome her own demons.

(End of this chapter)

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