Chapter 560
After dealing with the affairs of the Lin Group, Jiang Yifan walked out of the group, and saw that Lu Zhuang and others were left at the door, and Bai Bingbing, the policemen and those who came to make trouble were gone.

Wan Ke saw Jiang Yifan coming out, he went up to meet him, and said in an extremely embarrassing manner, "Boss, we have already taken care of those bastards, how are you doing?"

Jiang Yifan smiled, "It's nothing."

He said and looked at Lu Zhuang, "Arrange some people to stay here, stay with the people from the security department of the group, and keep an eye on the movement here. Even if the company declares bankruptcy internally, you can't let others make them feel safe. threaten."

"Don't worry, money won't be lost, and people will be fine." Lu Zhuang patted his chest and replied solemnly.

"Fuck, fuck, Demacia." At this moment, Wan Ke's cell phone rang suddenly.But he just hung up after taking a look.

"Why didn't you pick it up?" Jiang Yifan asked suspiciously.

"That fat woman called me." Wan Ke pursed his lips, feeling a little helpless.

"Demacia!" Just as he finished speaking, the phone rang again.

Jiang Yifan frowned, "Go ahead, don't ask you for anything."

Wan Ke hesitated for a while before answering the phone, and then said to the phone, "Tell me something, I'm busy here."

"Xiao Ke, Xiao Ke, come back quickly, the blue enchantress is surrounded by dozens of people, and now Uncle Wan has locked us all inside, and he is confronting those people outside alone!" A voice came from the opposite side. The hurried voice seemed anxious.

Wan Ke was stunned when he heard these words, and stammered, "You... you said my dad... my dad is confronting dozens of people outside alone?"

"That's right, come back quickly!" As she spoke, she didn't know if something happened over there, anyway, the fat girl hung up the phone immediately.

Wan Ke was stunned for a few seconds, then put the phone into his pocket, then smiled, and said to Jiang Yifan, "Boss, I'll go home."

"Did something happen?" Jiang Yifan and others didn't hear their conversation just now, but seeing Wan Ke's face changing back and forth, Jiang Yifan felt that something must have happened.

"It's nothing, my father asked me to go back, saying that he missed me. Let's talk about what can happen to him." Wan Ke said, his pace has accelerated a lot, and he directly got into the car next to him, Without saying a word, he stepped on the accelerator and sped out.

Jiang Yifan looked at Wan Ke who was acting a little weirdly, and the corner of his mouth twitched a few times.

"This kid must have gone back to pick up girls!" Lu Zhuang said angrily.

Jiang Yifan shook his head, "No, according to Xiao Ke's personality, if there is no accident at home, he will definitely not go home."

"What do you mean?" Lu Zhuang's expression became solemn as he spoke.

Jiang Yifan nodded, "We all misunderstood. Murong Qi didn't attack our security company directly, but attacked the Lin Group and the Blue Enchantress at the same time."

Lu Zhuang stroked his chin and thought for a while, "If he says that, he is weakening our strength, leaving us as a security company?"

"Not necessarily." Jiang Yifan shook his head, "Murongqi has plenty of money now, and he can spend money to hire several groups of people to deal with us separately. So neither side can relax their vigilance, so you guard the Lin Group here, Call Bai Wuque and tell him to take care of the security company. In addition, let the engineering department in the suburbs be more vigilant, and if someone makes trouble in the past, call the police directly."

"Is there no need for the Blue Fairy? There is also Haichunju..." Lu Zhuang asked in a deep voice.

Jiang Yifan smiled and patted Lu Zhuang on the shoulder, "If you were Wan Yi and Li Yan, would you keep some hole cards?"

Lu Zhuang was stunned for a moment, "According to the style of the two old foxes, there must be a strong hole card. Otherwise, they wouldn't have stood in Chenbei City for so long."

Jiang Yifan nodded and said, "Okay, let's arrange it like this. I'll go to the Blue Enchantress to see what's going on."

With that said, Jiang Yifan got into the Jaguar, and he really wanted to see the scene of Wan Yi sitting alone at the door confronting dozens of people.


The door of the blue enchantress.

Since those people came, Wan Yi locked everyone inside and locked the door from the outside with a huge lock.

He moved a chair as if sitting at the door, crossed his legs, smoked a cigar, and looked at the group of people in front of him with fascinated eyes.

The order these people received was that if the other party resisted, they would directly crush the Blue Enchantress, but now that the door was closed and the sign of exemption from fighting was raised, these people were a little confused and couldn't figure out what Wan Yide was thinking.


At this time, there was a sudden sound of brakes coming from one side, and Wan Ke jumped out of the car and rushed into the crowd quickly.

"If anyone dares to touch my own father today, I will fight with my life!"

Wan Ke roared, and went directly to Wan Yide, looked him up and down, "Mr. Wan, are you alright?"

"Damn it, you don't even call me your own father! You son of a bitch!" Wan Yi immediately kicked Wan Ke angrily.

"If I'm the grandson of a turtle, what are you? You son of a bitch?"


The two fathers scolded each other first, ignoring the dozens of people behind them.

Wan Yi directly dragged Wan Ke aside, "Why don't you come here with Jiang Yifan, kid?"

"I heard that someone came to smash our house, how could I agree! So come back!" Wan Ke spread his hands, took the cigar in Wan Yi's mouth and smoked it, then handed it over "really Hard to draw."

"Jiang Yifan didn't come with you?" Wan Yi frowned and asked.

"He has a lot of things going on there, I don't want to bother him, so I came here, besides, I'm not a vegetarian, Dad, you got on the horse yourself, if I don't come, I will definitely feel sorry for these people on the opposite side! "Wan Ke spread his hands and said.

"Mr. Wan, please excuse me and your son." At this time, a man came from behind the crowd, looking very polite.

"What's the matter?" Wan Yi didn't speak, but Wan Ke spoke directly.

"Young Master Wan, our Mr. Murong wants to discuss a business with your blue demon girl." It is extremely brilliant, and now the entertainment street in the north of the city is being built, I think I can cooperate with you, and of course the rewards will definitely not be small."

"How much can I give?" Wan Ke had one big eye and the other small, and he seemed too lazy to talk to him.

The man stretched out a finger and said with a smile, "Mr. Murong will give you [-] million if you can cooperate with us. Of course, this is only a part of it. If you can cooperate with us to win Yifan, then..."

(End of this chapter)

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