Chapter 561 People are doing it, God is watching

There was a sense of arrogance in the man's voice, after all he was Murong Qi's spokesperson, and what he said during this trip was undoubtedly what Murong Qi said.

Therefore, he has the capital to be arrogant!
Hearing his words, Wan Ke immediately gave him a middle finger, "If you are here to give us money, then put the money down and you can go, but if you want to join us to defeat Jiang Yifan, then you should go away Come on. I don't have time to talk nonsense with you!"

Wan Yi tugged Wan Ke, and put on an angry look, "Xiao Ke, why are you talking to other guests!"

"Dad, you don't really want to cooperate with them, do you?" Wan Ke stared at Wan Yi, with a hint of anger in his tone.

Wan Yi smiled meaningfully and said, "It's different today. Now that Murong Qi has landed in Chenbei City powerfully, and there are rich and powerful people, how can we, a little blue enchantress, fight against her? Relying on that brat Jiang Yifan? "

"Wan Yi!" Wan Ke was furious at the moment, he stood up and pointed at his own father, shouting angrily, "You want to cooperate with that guy Murong Qi! And you want to turn around and deal with my boss? Your conscience is eaten by a dog." ? He saved your life!"

Wan Yi kicked Wan Ke's stomach, and directly kicked Wan Ke to the ground, "Why are you talking to me! I'm your real father, isn't Jiang Yifan!"

"Good! Good! Good!" Wan Kelian shouted three hellos, with a look of disappointment on his face. He never thought that his own father was such an ungrateful person.

Although the blue enchantress also helped Jiang Yifan a little, but Jiang Yifan saved the lives of Wanyi and Wanke's father and son!

Now that Jiang Yifan is at a disadvantage, is he going to defect?Are you going to put him in a predicament and ignore it?

Wan Ke covered his stomach with one hand, and pointed at Wan Yi with the other, "Dad. This is the last time I call you. I really didn't expect you to be this kind of person. My boss is indeed at a disadvantage now. Murong Qi It is rich and powerful, and there are some advantages, but so what?"

"Every time the boss survived a desperate situation, I also believe that this time it will still be the case."

"So you're going to stand in his camp and fight with me, with your own father?" Wan Yi stood up angrily, his face full of anger.

"Jiang Yifan is pretty good. I was quite optimistic about him before, but what about him now? Let you be with Murong Qi's daughter? Before that, you were enemies. Letting you be with the enemy's daughter is not clearly using you. ?"

"It doesn't matter whether he uses me or not, I believe he has to be a human being. If he really used me, I would have died thousands of times, and I wouldn't exist for so long. Also, even if he used me, I would I also admit it, because he is the only person who has been really kind to me since I was a child."

Wan Ke took a deep breath and said, "And you...other than being busy with your blue enchantress, what kind of care did you take for me when you were young? Don't care about it, don't care about it!"

Wan Yi was also really angry. He took a few steps forward, picked up Wan Ke, and shouted angrily, "Who am I doing this for? For you! For you to have a better life in the future." Life! Do you think I'm willing to fight?"

"That's really good." Wan Ke nodded vigorously, broke away from Wan Yide's arm, and took a few steps back, "Then I don't need you to worry about it now, I can live a good life by myself, don't you like to be with Murong?" Do you cooperate with chess? Well, you can cooperate with them, willing to be Murong Qi to get a dog."

"Xiao Ke, what do you say about your father! Even if he is wrong in every possible way, he is still your father." At some point, Li Yan suddenly appeared from the side, dressed in a black suit, and he was well-dressed. look.

Arriving at Wan Yide's side, he patted him on the shoulder, and then Wan Yi gave Li Yan a strange look, then retreated back.

Li Yan put his arm on Wan Ke's shoulder, "Xiao Ke, although your father is sorry for Jiang Yifan, there is nothing you can do about it. You must know that the sky has changed in Chenbei City now. Murongqi came here forcefully. Going to only have power in the north of the urban area, in fact, in a short period of time, he can completely control Chenbei City."

"So?" Wan Ke gritted his teeth and asked.

Li Yan sighed, "Jiang Yifan is gone. The Lin Group has suffered many blows today. It's not bad to try to protect themselves, but at present, Jiang Yifan only has Lu Zhuang and Bai Wuque."

"All his money was invested in the project in the suburbs. Now there are only a group of people, and there is no capital to compete with Murong Qi."

"Uncle Li, you also want to be like my father, right? You're not going to help my boss at this time, are you?" Wan Ke's eyes shook a few times, and he always felt extremely sad in his heart.

Li Yan nodded, "Since ancient times, winners and losers have always been kings and losers. This time, Jiang Yifan made a big hurdle. Even if your father and I don't help, Jiang Yifan has no chance of winning. Just let that moment come later!"

"Hehe." Wan Ke smiled, this smile looked extremely pale, pushed Li Yan away and backed away vigorously.

"You guys are really nice, really nice! In the past, we were called brothers and sisters with my boss, but now we have become like this. Okay, then you all go to help Murong Qi. I will help my boss!"

Saying that, Wan Ke went directly to the car he was driving, and just when he was about to start the car, the Jaguar that everyone was familiar with drove over.

Immediately, Jiang Yifan got out of the car, and the corner of his mouth raised, "Hey, are they all here?"

"Boss, let's go!" Wan Ke grabbed Jiang Yifan and wanted to leave!

"Why are you leaving? Can your dad do it alone?" Jiang Yifan asked in confusion.

"Okay, how awesome is he, he must be able to do it, he can even wear a pair of pants with Murong Qi!" The corner of Wan Ke's mouth twitched a few times, and what his father and Li Yan said just now had completely hurt him Compassionate.Make it impossible for him to face it.At this time, my heart was full of mixed feelings, and it was very chaotic.

Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Yan, "Uncle Li, what's going on?"

"Yifan, the general situation is over, now Chenbei City is dominated by Murong Qi!" Li Yan spread his hands, and walked to Wan Yide's side after speaking.

He didn't explain too much, but he believed that Jiang Yifan could already understand this sentence.

Jiang Yifan grinned, and a cold light appeared in his eyes, but it was only fleeting, and then he smiled and said, "I don't know if he has the world, I only know that people are doing what the sky is watching!"

Immediately, Jiang Yifan changed the subject, and bowed his hands to Wan Yi and Li Yan, "The junior is wishing the blue enchantress and Haichunju a prosperous business, and wishing Boss Li and Boss Wan good luck!"

ps: The old rule is to publish one chapter first, and the rest in the afternoon. I have been working in the farmland for the past few days, and it will explode for a few days after I finish my work.

(End of this chapter)

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