Chapter 568 Nothing Gained (Third)
Jiang Yifan was silent for a moment when he heard the words of 'Knife'. He never thought that things would turn out like this when he came here.

Then he said, "I'll treat him first, and if he wakes up and tells me that what you said is true, I can consider it."

"Yes, but you'd better hurry up, Murong Qi sees that there is no movement on your side, maybe he will come over in a while." Dao said and turned around directly.

At this time, Bai Wuque brought everyone to Jiang Yifan's side, and asked in surprise, "Isn't this a monkey? Why is he here?"

That's right, the man lying on the ground at this time is the monkey who came out of the base together with Jiang Yifan. There are many injuries on his body, and the clothes are obviously changed because they don't fit well.The bruised nose and swollen face made Jiang Yifan extremely angry!
Jiang Yifan shook his head, "He has to say what exactly, first help me to lift him up."

Bai Wuque nodded again and again, beckoned to the two brothers to help the monkey up, Jiang Yifan took out golden needles and pierced them into several acupuncture points of the monkey, to simply check the condition in the monkey's body.

Seeing that there was no abnormality after the golden needle was pulled out, Jiang Yifan slowly breathed a sigh of relief. There was no major problem in his body, and it seemed that it was just some skin trauma.

But why are you still in a coma?

At this time, the knife said, "He suffered some severe blows to the head. We have sent people to treat him in the past few days. According to the time, he should wake up today."

"So you deliberately showed your whereabouts and let Murong Qi and I come here?" Jiang Yifan asked with a frown.

"Or do you think you can find us with your shrimp soldiers and crab generals?" Dao sneered, and didn't say any more.

After Jiang Yifan laid the monkey flat, he pricked several acupoints on the head with golden needles, and then began to massage his temples with two thumbs.

"Cough...cough cough!" After a while, the monkey suddenly coughed, his dry lips slowly opened, and a small voice came out, "Water, water..."

Jiang Yifan turned around and took the half glass of water, and let the monkey drink it.

"Why...boss?" At this time, the monkey's eyes also opened, and when he was about to ask, he suddenly saw Jiang Yifan, a familiar face.

Jiang Yifan nodded, helped the monkey to the stone bench beside him, and let him sit down, "Monkey, what happened?"

The monkey's eyes paused, and he sighed, "I'm ashamed of my brothers. I fell into a trap."

"Don't talk about not being ashamed of losing face, how can a person drift in the rivers and lakes without being stabbed." Jiang Yifan said with a frown.

"In the county next door, I had already wiped out some of the forces there. When I was celebrating with the brothers below, more than a dozen big men suddenly appeared and said they wanted to compete with me."

The monkey paused when he said this, and said, "You also know that wherever our brothers go, no one will obey anyone, so we simply agreed. At first, we were not afraid of those people, but later on, they tricked us , took advantage of the chaos to attack me, and knocked me out with drugs, but when I woke up, I found myself in an underground boxing ring."

"They said that if I become the king there, I can go out alive. If not, I will be carried out and buried alive. Those few days were really inhumane. I couldn't eat enough and sleep well every day. As long as someone challenged me, I had to go out to fight. , During the period, I also thought about running, but every time I was forced to go back."

"In other words, those people are stronger than you?" Jiang Yifan asked in a deep voice.

Monkey nodded, "That's right. They can basically draw with me in one or two fights, but that's not their strong point. More than a dozen people cooperate very well together."

"Go on."

The monkey spread his hands, "I probably stayed in there for more than ten days. I lived a really inhuman life. Every day I went up to fight a boxing match, and there were a lot of rich businessmen betting below. It felt like someone else's plaything."

"One day a rich businessman bought me to win, but I lost, so he let his people beat me, which made me anxious. I rose up to resist and broke both of the rich businessman's arms, but who knew I was offended. Those dozen or so big men directly beat me half to death, and I was completely blinded by the beating afterwards."

"Then do you know the last thing?" Jiang Yifan glanced at the 'knife' beside him, then looked back at the monkey, and asked.

The monkey frowned. "I vaguely remember that those people wanted to bury me alive. Then some people appeared and took me away. I don't remember much about the next thing."

Jiang Yifan took a deep breath, so the knife didn't lie to him.

Then he clenched his fists tightly and said in a low voice, "Do you know the name of that rich businessman?"

"Remember, his name is very special, so I remembered that he died at the time. I was injured because of him, so I thought that if I can survive, I must go to him for help first."

The monkey squinted his eyes, with a stern look on his face, and said, "This man seems to be following a man named Murong...Murong."

"Murong Chess."

"The one who followed Murong Qi from the imperial capital, his name is Fan Tong."

Jiang Yifan nodded, "Brother, take good care of your wounds, and when you recover from your injuries, let's clean up this trash first."

"Boss, Murong Qi and Brother Hong came in from the outside, and they came straight here." At this time, a big man next to him came over and said to Jiang Yifan.

Jiang Yifan nodded, then looked at Dao, "Let's talk about how to cooperate."

"Tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning, I will wait for you at the gate of Chenbei University. We will discuss it in detail at that time. Now I will leave it to you. We are leaving." After Dao finished speaking, he walked directly towards the inner room.

He said he wanted to leave, but he didn't go through the main entrance, which meant that there would be secret passages in the house.

Jiang Yifan said to the crowd, "Immediately kick down these doors and windows, and get yourself dirty, as if you've finished fighting."

The nine big men nodded one after another and went to operate these things.

Jiang Yifan looked at Bai Wuque and said, "Old Bai, now you drive the monkey to the training base in the suburbs and let Wanke take care of it first. Leave it to me."

Bai Wukuai nodded, and ran out with the monkey on his back.

"Oh, are there any wounded?" When they reached the door, they happened to see Murong Qi and Brother Hong.

Bai Wuque glanced at them and ran away.

Murong Qi looked at the mess in the courtyard, and the houses inside were also in a mess. As for the nine big men, they were covered with a lot of dust, and some of their clothes were torn.

He walked towards Jiang Yifan with a smile, "It seems that you have gained nothing?"

At this time, Jiang Yifan hated Murongqi to the extreme. The underground boxing ring belonged to Murongqi, and Murongqi must have been involved in the monkey's injury, so he didn't smile at him at all. He took a step forward and punched him directly. On Murong Qi's face!

ps: Three shifts first, and at least two shifts in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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