Chapter 569 Siege of Jiang Yifan (fourth update)

When Jiang Yifan made a move, Brother Hong, who was behind Murongqi, reacted extremely quickly and pulled Murongqi aside, but he was punched by Jiang Yifan forcefully.

A tooth in the corner of the mouth was directly blown away, and the body suddenly staggered a few steps back, and finally leaned against the stone table to stabilize its figure.

"Bah!" Spit a mouthful of blood on the ground, and cursed, "Jiang Yifan, you are so crazy!"

Jiang Yifan stared at it for a moment. In fact, he punched that punch just now in a very restless situation, because at that time his mind was full of the image of a monkey covered in scars.

He hated Murong Qi, that's why he made that punch.

He tried his best to calm down from the bottom of his heart, and said with a smile, "I'm just trying to see if Brother Hong has improved your skills in the past two days."

"Damn!" Brother Hong cursed loudly, then returned to Murong Qi's side.

Murong Qi said, "It seems that there is no one here, the news we got is delayed!"

Jiang Yifan said with a playful smile, "Yes, but I have nothing to lose, after all, I came to see the excitement, but Mr. Murong, it seems that I can't find your son."

Murongqi's feminine eyes swept towards Jiang Yifan, "Yeah, I can't find my son, but I came out so late today, so I can't go out without gaining anything."

After finishing speaking, he scanned the surroundings with his eyes, and said with a smile, "I think this little garden has a nice view and is relatively quiet. It's a good place to bury you."

"Hey, did Mr. Murong have a good plan? It's one thing to save my son today, but the second thing is to save my life?" Jiang Yifan shrugged and smiled.

In fact, he had expected this result.So don't be afraid.

Murong Qi smiled and nodded, "Yes, we are not friends, but enemies. Now Chenbei City is divided into two halves, you and I each have half, and you are also the person who threatens me the most on your side. You are few people now, leaving your life here will make my way to control Chenbei City much smoother!"

As soon as Murong Qi's voice fell, dozens of people poured out from the door, and it was no need to guess that the people who were going to other places had already gathered.At this time, Kai Yang also brought over a dozen people who had gone to the west courtyard before.

Everyone was holding a dick in their hands, as well as the Four King Kong beside Murongqi, Kai Yang said with a sarcasm, "Jiang Yifan, today will be your death day next year!"

Jiang Yifan shook his head with a smile, "How could someone like me die like this? Besides, how do you know that there are only these nine people around me?"

Murong Qi pointed in the direction of the security company, and said with a smile, "Did you see it? Your base camp no longer exists."

Jiang Yifan looked over there. At this time, the direction of the security company was full of flames, and he could see it even from such a distance.It looks very dazzling in the dark night.

He secretly laughed in his heart: It wasn't that Murong Qi brought people over to do it, but he asked Wan Ke to set the fire on purpose before!
Then he curled his lips and put on a disappointed expression, "Master Murong really has a good plan. It looks like it will be very difficult for me and these brothers to leave today!"

"No, no, it's hard for you to leave." Murong Qi shook his head, and smiled softly, "Your brothers can leave, all I want is your life, I won't look at others in the eyes."

Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows slightly, and turned to look at the nine big men behind him, "Let's go."

"Brother Fan, how can we leave at this time? At worst, we will die together!" one of the big men yelled.

Jiang Yifan turned around, blinked hard at him a few times, motioned for them to leave quickly, and said, "If it's really for my own good, live on, you still have things you should do."

The nine big men looked at each other. They knew Jiang Yifan's ability very well. Although they were a little worried, they still nodded. After all, everything had been arranged before.Jiang Yifan's plan cannot be destroyed.

But he couldn't be too obvious, so he could only retreat hesitantly.During this period, Murong Qi and the others really did not stop them.

From this point of view, everyone already understood that the only person Murong Qi was afraid of was Jiang Yifan, others like Lu Zhuang and others, they didn't pay attention to them, so there was no need to worry about what big disturbance they might cause.

Looking at Jiang Yifan, Murongqi stepped back and said, "Jiang Yifan, even if you have all kinds of abilities, you will never escape today. If you fight with my Four King Kong, you may have the upper hand, but now there are dozens of people, and there are four of them. Keeping you in check, the others alone are enough to kill you."

"This is the end of the game between us! Let's do it!" Murong Qi said, he had already reached the outside of the crowd, and then he yelled, and saw dozens of people directly besieging Jiang Yifan.

The corners of Jiang Yifan's mouth rose slightly, "How dare a few dozen people stop me?"

As soon as the words fell, he stepped on the ground with his right foot, and jumped up very nimbly, and during the jump, the fingertips of both hands were already covered with gold needles.

In the moment when his body fell from mid-air, Jiang Yifan's fingers trembled slightly, and the golden needles shot out along the surroundings.




One gold needle after another flew extremely fast in this dark night, and each one went straight to the eyebrows of these people.

Ten men lying on the ground in just a blink of an eye!

This scene alone made Brother Hong, one of the Four King Kongs, frowned, and shouted at the crowd, "Let's go together, don't give Jiang Yifan any chance to activate the golden needle, or we will all be consumed to death!"

With that said, everyone started to greet without any pause this time.

One can imagine what it would be like when dozens of people surrounded Jiang Yifan to fight alone!
On the other hand, Jiang Yifan stood on the spot unhurriedly, retracted the arm that was bursting with golden needles, raised his hand and blasted a man into the air, and then moved at an extreme speed, punching out quickly.

When the extreme speed is running, if you cooperate with your fists, the speed will drop slightly, but this does not affect it, because the circle formed is very small, and there are very few people who can reach out and defeat Jiang Yifan.So that's his advantage.

At this time, after the two men were beaten to the back, the four members of the Four King Kong had already arrived in front of Jiang Yifan, looked at each other, and punched Jiang Yifan's head from four directions together!

Seeing this, Jiang Yifan didn't hesitate in the slightest, and suddenly lowered his head, only to hear a 'bang', and the fists of the four men bombarded together.

They used all their strength for this punch, but they didn't expect to hit one of their own people, and they retracted their fists a little angrily, and prepared to attack again.

But at this time, Jiang Yifan's routine has changed...

(End of this chapter)

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