Chapter 571 It Was Purely Accidental (Part [-])
The big truck turned on its high beams, shining on the Humvee that Murong Qi was riding on, and it took him a while to get used to it before he slowly opened his eyes.

But at this time, Jiang Yifan was already standing in front of the Humvee, holding a big horn in his hand, looking majestic!

Taking a sharp puff of the cigarette, the smoke emerged from the corners of his mouth and nostrils, and floated around under the light, making his whole body a bit blurred.

"Murong old dog, come out and die!"

When Murong Qi heard these words, he felt a sense of blockage in his heart. He originally thought that he could use this opportunity to snatch his son Tianxuan back from the third group of forces, and also eradicate the scourge of Jiang Yifan.

After all, they dispatched four groups of people at once, during which a group of people went to the suburban security company, and the remaining people were enough to keep Jiang Yifan and his group of more than ten people in Bieyuan.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yifan was deliberately showing weakness, but was preparing to ambush them on the way!

It's okay to ambush once, but to ambush for the second time on their territory north of the urban area. Now there are only two cars beside Murongqi, and there are no more than ten people in total, but judging by the posture of Jiang Yifan and the others, there are definitely five NO. There are as many as 60 people!

Brother Hong, who was driving, frowned, "You stop Jiang Yifan and the others, I will take Master Liu back, and then call someone from the underground boxing ring behind to help."

"Did you let the people from the underground boxing field come out so early? You know, those are..." Zhang Ming said that he didn't continue here, but when he mentioned the people from the underground boxing field, there was a hint of fear in his eyes look.

"I called them and asked them to come out now. Although those people are a bit difficult to discipline, if I didn't have my protection, they would not be able to control the entire underground boxing arena." Murong Qi's feminine face changed, and he took out The phone call came out.

At this time, Jiang Yifan had already started to walk forward slowly, and every time he took a step forward, some people would appear around him. After walking a dozen steps gradually, dozens of people followed behind him.

On his left and right were Lu Zhuang and Bai Wuque, one in black and the other in white, which looked extremely eye-catching under the light.

The costumes of the dozens of people behind them are all uniform, and there is the word "Hall of Hell" under the shoulders!

When they got to the front, they immediately surrounded the two cars, and shouted in unison, "The palace of the king of hell is doing business, and all irrelevant people should avoid it!"

This loud shout also made those who were hiding around to watch the excitement avoid.

But this posture is indeed bluffing, there are so many people, and the clothes are uniform.

Jiang Yifan stepped on the bumper of the shouting cart with his right foot and took out the loudspeaker. In fact, he was about to speak, but he didn't expect to press the wrong button.

I could only hear a crisp voice from the loudspeaker, "Take away the broken pieces~ Take away the broken copper and rotten iron..."

"En?" Everyone looked over suspiciously.

Jiang Yifan's face turned green, and he smiled awkwardly, "It was pure accident, pure accident."

Hastily turned it off, then switched the button, and shouted, "Murong old dog, let me get out of the car! Otherwise, just smash the car!"

"Can't go out, lock the windows of the car, delay the time, and wait for the people from the underground boxing field to come." Murong Qi said in a deep voice.

Jiang Yifan handed the trumpet to Bai Wuque, then stretched out his other hand, beckoning, and a big man next to him came forward and handed him a baseball bat! .

Jiang Yifan took the baseball bat, weighed it in his hand a few times, and jumped onto the front of the Humvee with a sudden leap.



Wielding the baseball bat, he used a lot of strength to hit it directly towards the windshield in front of him.

I only remember that the front windshield made a crisp sound, and then fanned it a bit, but it didn't shatter.

"Oh!" Jiang Yifan was suspicious, and he could see that the glass was definitely not ordinary glass, it was probably bulletproof glass!

Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows, "Old Bai, this car is a little difficult, you take a few brothers to destroy the car behind it first, and make some noise."

Bai Wuque nodded heavily, with a playful smile on his face, he directly led people towards the back.

Not long after, there were bursts of loud noises.




"I fought with you!"

At this moment, the three people in the car behind all ran out, and beat Bai Wuque with their weapons.

Bai Wuque took a sudden step forward, blocked the man opposite with his huge body, raised his hand and directly grabbed the guy in his hand.

With a muffled grunt, "Fuck your mother's leg!"

As he said that, he knocked the man to the ground, and at the same time, the other two men were also knocked down!

"One two..."

Then they heard a burst of slogans, and Bai Wuque and those big guys overturned the BMW behind them!


Looking at this scene, Jiang Yifan smiled and pointed at Brother Hong with a baseball bat, and said with a smile, "Don't hide in this iron shell if you have the ability, come out, and let the young master accompany you to have a good time."

"Damn, I really don't know how to live or die!" Zhang Ming on the side was immediately enraged. He was originally a descendant of an ancient martial arts family with a violent personality, so how could he stand such provocative methods.

Just when he was about to open the car door, Brother Hong yanked him and shouted angrily, "You are crazy! Going out now is death!"

Jiang Yifan laughed loudly, "Brother Hong, don't pull him, let him come out, I promise he will die in a rhythmic way."

Brother Hong frowned, gritted his teeth, and thought about when the powerful man in the imperial capital had ever been insulted like this!But now is not the time to be impulsive, I can only endure it.

Seeing that the people in the Humvee still didn't show up, Jiang Yifan frowned, "Go and drive the truck over here, I can't make this old guy Murong Qi feel better today. Kill him if you can!"

Lu Zhuang nodded, and rushed to the side of the big truck, buzzing, the big truck was started, and at this moment all the big men in the palace of the king of hell gave way, and the big truck directly hit the Humvee.

Jiang Yifan jumped out of the Humvee, dodged to the side, and waved to Lu Zhuang, "Come down, I'll operate it."

Lu Zhuang thought for a moment, then gave up the driving seat, and Jiang Yifan got into the car immediately.

He knew that the glass of the Hummer was bulletproof glass, so the body must have been modified, but hitting it with force would not have much effect.

So he turned the car around abruptly, and loaded it directly towards the side of the Humvee. What he wanted to do was not smash the car, but knock it over!


The accelerator of the big truck hit the bottom, making a burst of noise, and then quickly slammed into the sideways of the Humvee at an extremely fast speed!



(End of this chapter)

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