Chapter 572 Thirteen Taibao (Second Update)

There were two loud bangs in a row, and white smoke came out from the front roof of the large truck, and the Humvee was also hit and turned half a circle on the spot.

This time the car body just crossed the middle of the road.

After Jiang Yifan waited for the white smoke to dissipate, he put the reverse gear on and made the big truck back a few meters, then stepped on the accelerator and slammed into it again.




The Humvee was hit hard, and the side door was dented a lot. With that force of inertia, it was lifted up, and then fell to the ground with a bang due to the weight of the car.

At this time, the large truck could no longer be started, and the front was completely damaged!

Jiang Yifan cursed unhappily, and jumped off the big truck, "Damn it, such a big guy can't overturn that Hummer!"

"Sure, otherwise Hummer would be so powerful!" Bai Wuque muttered speechlessly.

Jiang Yifan sighed, "It would be great if those forklifts were here before, but now the Hummer has definitely been turned into a discus!"

As he spoke, he picked up the baseball bat again and walked towards the Humvee.

Looking through the window of the car, Hong Ge and Zhang Ming, the driver and co-pilot, had some blood on their faces, but after all, they were Lian Jiazi, so it wasn't a big deal. On the other hand, Murong Qi behind him didn't have a big deal. up.

There are two king kong guarding him on the left and right, and besides, the car did not turn over.

Jiang Yifan picked up the baseball bat and hit it a few more times, shouting, "Come out quickly."

To be honest, both Murong Qi and the Four King Kong wanted to go out at this time.

Murong Qi didn't say that he could cover the sky with one hand in the emperor, but he was also a famous big shot, and now he was forced into the car by a young man who looked down upon him and dared not answer.

And the Four King Kongs were even more so, they were even more aggrieved, they were all first-class masters anyway, and they didn't even have the strength to fight back at this time.

"Brother Fan, someone is here." At this moment, Lu Zhuang came to Jiang Yifan's side and said in a low voice.

Jiang Yifan frowned and looked at the street ahead, only to see thirteen or four men walking over, not holding anything in their hands, but everyone's aura was not weak at all.All of them are burly men.

Jiang Yifan thought for a moment, "Let our people withdraw, these people are not simple, I will stay here to test their depth."

"They seem to be the people from the underground boxing ring!" Bai Wuque also said.

When Jiang Yifan heard the words, a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, were these people the ones who tossed the monkeys like that?
"You lead people to evacuate, and Murong Qi will die today." Jiang Yifan gave the order in a deep voice, and then walked towards the dozen or so men alone.

Lu Zhuang and Bai Wuque looked at each other. They knew Jiang Yifan's character, and although they were a little worried, they still obeyed his words and led the people to disperse and leave.

Jiang Yifan looked at the thirteen people in front of him, the corners of his mouth raised.Standing alone in the middle of the street, the cold wind blows over his face, and his resolute face can be seen faintly through the moonlight.

The thirteen men stopped less than three meters away from Jiang Yifan. The big man standing in the front had tattoos all over his left arm. Some of them looked like flower arms, but they were much uglier than flower arms. .

Taking a step forward, "It's you who made Murong Qi hide in the car and dare not come out?"

Jiang Yifan didn't answer, but his pupils constricted for a moment. From the man's voice, it could be heard that the relationship between them and Murong Qi was not one of superiors and subordinates, but cooperation.

Then he smiled and said, "That's right, it's me, your grandfather."

"The boy is quite crazy!" The leading man sneered, and shouted to the back, "Twelve, Thirteen, you two go over and try this guy."

A man called Shi 23 came out, one tall and one short, and they looked somewhat similar.But the guy named Twelve has a full face, while Thirteen is full of smiles.It feels very weird.

Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows, "Your name is Shi 23?"

"Yin Twelve, one of the next Thirteen Taibaos, and Yin Thirteen, one of the next Thirteen Taibaos." The two made introductions one after another, making the situation as if it was the style of a martial arts TV series.

Jiang Yifan shrugged, "The Thirteen Taibao? This guy even made a combination!"

"Stop talking nonsense, let's see the real chapter under your hand!" Yin Shisan snorted coldly, and rushed towards Jiang Yifan with bare hands.

Jiang Yifan could tell that these thirteen people were not good at fighting. If they really fought, it was impossible to say whether they would win or lose.

After all, the monkey said before that the monkeys can gain an advantage against one or two of them, but if they fight in groups, it will be terrifying.

So this time Jiang Yifan only explored the reality and depth, and didn't think about how far he would fight them.

His eyes stared at every movement of the two of them, as well as the galloping route, and they could faintly see some of their paths.

Immediately, he clenched his fists tightly, and when Yin Shisan came to him, Jiang Yifan suddenly punched, and the fists of Yin Shisan and Yin Shisan hit together!
"So strong!"

This was not the inner voice of one of them, but the voice of two people at the same time. When the two punched together, they could clearly feel a strong energy contained in it.It seemed that the arms of the two of them were numb immediately, and then they both took a few steps back!
Yin Shisan glanced at Jiang Yifan suddenly, then turned to Yin Shisan and said, "This kid has some skills, don't be careless."

"Let's go together, brothers!" Yin Twelve didn't look arrogant when he heard the words, but became more cautious.

Jiang Yifan secretly sighed, this is a master, and a real master never underestimates an enemy. Obviously, the danger level of the Thirteen Taibao in Jiang Yifan's mind has risen to another level.

When your two brothers attacked together, Jiang Yifan threw his right fist and raised his left foot. After avoiding the attack of the two, his whole body rose into the air, and then golden needles appeared on his fingertips, following the trajectory of the two of them. Fly away!

"I'm tired today, I have time to fight with you for [-] rounds another day, tell old dog Murongqi, I will come to get his dog's head sooner or later!"

The moment Jiang Yifan shot the golden needle, he nimbly jumped onto the Jaguar not far away, stepped on the accelerator and sped away.

The two brothers Yin Twelve and Yin 13 who stayed where they were were looked at each other, and raised their middle fingers at the place where Jiang Yifan left, "Damn it, I thought you were so powerful, and it's the same after a long time of fighting. "

The leading man came over, frowned and said, "This kid named Jiang Yifan is not simple, he just fought with you two, he didn't use his full strength, he didn't even use half of his strength, but tested your kung fu. "

(End of this chapter)

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