Chapter 574 This Is Not a Misunderstanding 1
Jiang Yifan met Dongfang Wanyi's eyes, both of them lost their minds for a moment, and Dongfang Wanyi blushed and ran away.

Jiang Yifan leaned quietly on the sofa, lit a cigarette, and as the smoke rose, his eyes became a little dazed.

That's how people are. After a busy day, they will fall into an inexplicable tranquility in a trance.

He was thinking, but he couldn't think clearly.

Now that Lin Yanran and Tang Guo have also moved into Lin Huafeng's villa, safety issues can be ignored, after all, they are guarded by experts like Wang Jianghe.

As for Li Yan and Wan Yi, according to what they said that day, they might cooperate with Murong Qi, but what can they cooperate with?Could it be possible to really go back and defeat Jiang Yifan together?
He couldn't figure out the real thoughts of these three people, and he couldn't figure out why they did this.

Or is it really like Dongfang Yu said that there is another secret?
Lying on the sofa, he didn't feel anything, thinking that Jiang Yifan fell asleep.The cigarette in the fingertips is still rising with wisps of blue smoke.

After a few minutes, Dongfang Wanyi shook off the water droplets from Yu's hand, put his two clothes on the clothes rail and walked in.

After wiping his hands with his clothes, he was about to speak when he saw Jiang Yifan was already fast asleep.

A sweet smile appeared on his face, and he murmured, "I can fall asleep like this, and I admire you."

Speaking of which, Dongfang Wanyi went back to the room and took out a quilt, took out the cigarette that had been extinguished by Jiang Yifan's fingertips, put it in the ashtray, and covered him with the quilt.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yifan suddenly turned over and grabbed Dongfang Wanyi's jade hand, and muttered "Don't go."

Dongfang Wanyi was stunned for a moment, then slowly squatted down, gently stroking Jiang Yifan's face with her hands, feeling sorry for the big boy in front of her.

He is not very old, but hundreds of people in the security company place the highest hopes on him. He is the backbone of this place, he is the pillar of this place, if he falls, then this place will also fall.

But he is just an ordinary person. When there is no one to help, even if he does not say it on the surface, he will feel a little sad. When he is fighting alone, he will be sad if there is no one to support him. He often says that he is made of iron, but he will also be tired.

Sighing slightly, he covered him with the quilt again, but Jiang Yifan grabbed his hand, but it was difficult to take it out.Dongfang Wanyi took a cushion from the chair and sat on the ground, watching Jiang Yifan quietly like this.


It was dawn in a blink of an eye, Jiang Yifan felt vaguely that he was holding something in his hand, and immediately opened his eyes, seeing Dongfang Wanyi sitting on the ground, leaning on the sofa and falling asleep.

She raised her eyebrows, moved her body lightly, and just when she was about to hug Dongfang Wanyi to the sofa, Jiaoren opened her sleepy eyes.

"You... are you awake?" Dongfang Wanyi rubbed her eyes and smiled.

Jiang Yifan nodded, "Why didn't you go back to your room at night?"

"You're holding my hand, how can I go back?" Dongfang Wanyi yawned, and sat on the sofa, and fell asleep sitting like this, feeling uncomfortable all over her body, and when she stretched her arms, she made a moaning sound.

Jiang Yifan scratched his head in embarrassment, "You should rest quickly."

"Don't sleep, I have to go to school today!" Dongfang Wanyi stretched lazily, then stood up, and said, "I'll make you some breakfast."

"Time to eat!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside, and Dongfang Yu shouted, "Children, come out for dinner."

Dongfang Wanyi smiled, "It seems that my dad has already done everything."

Jiang Yifan nodded, and took her out, with a table of buns, fried dough sticks, soy milk and egg soup.

Wan Ke came out of Yao Guang's room with black smoke rings, his face extremely ugly.Sitting at the dinner table, "This stinky bitch, I didn't sleep all night."

"Masturbate to her all night?" Lu Zhuang smiled while holding a bun.

"Fuck you!" Wan Ke kicked Lu Zhuang angrily, and muttered, "She asked me to tell him stories. I can't tell one story, but I have to tell 99 stories."

"You sleep while she's asleep, and you really tell her so much?"

"Every time I see her falling asleep, I stop, but she wakes up before I close my eyes." Wan Ke's face is full of grievances, and his facial features are almost twisted together.


Seeing his embarrassment, everyone laughed.

While eating, Jiang Yifan said, "Let's go to school in a while, Lao Bai, you have to make a trip, and move those things of Zhao Liu here. It's safer for us to be together. Separate, it's hard to be safe." It's going to go wrong."

Bai Wuqiao nodded, "By the way, didn't the people who were in the other garden yesterday want to meet you today?"

Jiang Yifan smiled and said, "Well, we meet at school today, I want to see who they are."

After eating, Jiang Yifan took Wan Ke and Dongfang Wanyi into the Jaguar car, started the car and looked at Lu Zhuang, "Take your brothers and guard the house, don't go out if you have nothing to do, Murongqi and the others suffered such a big loss yesterday, Maybe there will be some small moves."

Lu Zhuang nodded, "Don't worry, even if Murong Qi has two wings, he won't be able to fly into our backyard."

Jiang Yifan was very relieved of Lu Zhuang's work, and then drove straight to Chenbei University.

Fifteen minutes later, at the gate of Chenbei University.

As soon as Jiang Yifan stabilized the car, Wan Ke quickly jumped off, "Boss, I'm going to sleep in class first, you guys take your time."

Watching Wan Ke leave, Jiang Yifan walked towards the school with Dongfang Wanyi.

When they arrived at the entrance of the teaching building, they saw Lin Yanran walking from behind, looking at Jiang Yifan with strange eyes.

"Morning!" Jiang Yifan waved to Lin Yanran.

Lin Yanran's eyes fell on Dongfang Wanyi for a few seconds, and finally gave Jiang Yifan a thumbs up, and ran directly into the building.

Anyone can see that Colonel Lin is jealous!

Dongfang Wanyi is very smart, she saw that the relationship between the two is a bit special, and immediately asked, "Did that girl misunderstand us just now..."

"It's nothing, let's go." Embarrassment flashed across Jiang Yifan's face, and he smiled.

"If she misunderstood something, I will explain it to her later." Dongfang Wanyi said this, but she was also a little disappointed in her heart. She knew before that such an excellent man like Jiang Yifan would not lack beautiful women.But I didn't expect to have it at this time.

Jiang Yifan grinned, "There is no misunderstanding, and besides, she asked me to chase you!"

That's right, when Lin Yanran found out that Dongfang Wanyi was the fourth school belle, Lin Yanran was really angry. At that time, she told Jiang Yifan to chase Dongfang Wanyi, and she would never complain if she caught up with her.

(End of this chapter)

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