Chapter 575
Back in the class, because Dongfang Wanyi and Jiang Yifan's seats were far away, they separated at the door of the class.

And Jiang Yifan walked to Lin Yanran's side, and said with a smile, "Oh, I smelled a sour smell as soon as I came here."

"..." Lin Yanran paused, then raised her head abruptly, "Who is jealous!"

"Who is jealous?" Jiang Yifan pretended to be suspicious, "Is no one jealous? Then why is there such a strong smell of jealousy!"

"I'm not jealous!" Lin Yanran muttered, then turned her head aside.

Jiang Yifan smiled meanly, wrapped his arms around Lin Yanran's waist, and blew into her ear, "I'm not jealous, why are you so anxious to explain?"

"Let me go!" Lin Yanran struggled a bit, blushing and said, "Look for that big lady, what are you doing here?"

"I miss you so much after seeing each other for one night." Jiang Yifan didn't expect that Lin Yanran's jealousy was quite strong, and he immediately started coaxing mode.

Lin Yanran rolled his eyes at him, "Guoguo and I were both worried about someone, but in the end, he's living a better life than anyone else, eating and drinking and being accompanied by beautiful women."

"There are beautiful women doing laundry." Wan Ke, who was lying on the table, raised his head and muttered, with a smirk on his face.

Jiang Yifan glared at Wan Ke, "Believe it or not, I made you sleep well?"

Wan Ke spread his hands and looked at Lin Yanran, "Sister-in-law, I swear by my personality, the boss will definitely be beautiful and beautiful, nothing happened."

"Do you have personality?" Lin Yanran turned her head and scolded.

"Yes, you have to believe my words. If the boss swears by his personality, then you can ignore it." Wan Ke said.

"If you don't speak, no one will sell you as dumb." Jiang Yifan looked at Wan Ke angrily, feeling even more confused after being disturbed by him.

Wan Ke curled his lips and went to sleep on the bed again.

In this way, in the previous class, Jiang Yifan was coaxing Lin Yanran almost all the time, but in the end, he didn't know whether Lin Yanran was really not angry or because he didn't want to listen to Jiang Yifan's ink.

He said to him, "Last night, I heard that there were many incidents in Chenbei City. You are not injured."

Seeing that Lin Yanran was not angry anymore, Jiang Yifan immediately changed his expression, and said incomparably aggrieved, "Oh, it's okay if I don't talk about it, but my whole body hurts when I talk about it. You don't know how powerful they are, Push me to the ground and beat me, kick me after kicking, beat me after kicking."

Lin Yanran rolled his eyes at him, "Is there anyone else who can beat you?"

"What you said, I'm not a superman." Jiang Yifan leaned on Lin Yanran's body, "If you don't believe me, I can take off my clothes and look at those injuries."

"Take it off, let me see." Lin Yanran knew that this guy was playing a scoundrel again.

Jiang Yifan sneered, seeing that it was already ten o'clock, and then said, "Okay, be careful when going to and from school with Guoguo during this time, if I have time, I will try my best to send you back, if I don't have time, let Uncle Lin send Wang Jianghe will pick you up."

Lin Yanran sighed, "Don't blame my father, I know he did something wrong this time, but no matter what he has his reasons."

Jiang Yifan shook his head, "I don't blame anyone, I'm still not strong enough, if I'm strong enough, no one would dare to bully us."

As he said that, Jiang Yifan glanced at Wan Ke behind him, and walked outside without calling him.

Just after Jiang Yifan left, Lin Yanran walked towards Dongfang Wanyi on the other side...

After Jiang Yifan walked out of the teaching building, he went straight to the playground. The man named 'Dao' said he met him on the playground at ten o'clock.

When it comes to cooperation, Jiang Yifan is not very interested. On the contrary, he is more interested in their mysterious background. If he knows who the third wave of mysterious forces is, even if they are not enemies, at least they can not be behind at critical times. If he plays dirty tricks, then he can let go of his hands and feet and play Murong chess.

When he arrived at the playground, Jiang Yifan didn't see the knife, most of them were some students, either walking and playing in twos and threes, or some students were playing basketball.

He raised his eyebrows, walked to the side of the table and sat down, smoking a cigarette and leaning against the corner, enjoying the sunbathing in autumn.


At this time, a pleasant voice came from the side of Jiang Yifan, and two girls were seen running towards this side.

These two people, Jiang Yifan, knew each other, one was a nymphomaniac during the freshmen's military training, and the other was the first tall beauty whose breasts were enlarged by him.

The two came to the front, sat next to Jiang Yifan, one on the left and one on the right, and said with a smile, "Instructor, why are you here?"

"There is no class in the morning, come sit here for a while." Jiang Yifan asked with a smile, "How about you two?"

"The two of us... skipped class. It's too boring to stay in the classroom." The nymphomaniac was next to Jiang Yifan, "Instructor, why haven't I seen you for a while?"

"Take care of some outside business."

"Don't talk about those useless things." The tall slender beauty rolled her eyes at the nymphomaniac, and held Jiang Yifan's arm, "Instructor, the way you taught us to enlarge breasts last time was really effective, you know? Our class now has another nickname." Woolen cloth!"

"What's another name?" Jiang Yifan asked curiously.

"Breast beautification class!" The tall slender beauty laughed.

Jiang Yifan grinned and laughed, "It's really unique."

"Yes, many female students asked us how we did it." The nymphomaniac smiled and said, "But we won't say that you, the instructor, helped us."

At this moment, Jiang Yifan saw a familiar figure walking in front of him, heading straight to the south side of the playground.

Jiang Yifan's eyes flickered a few times, and then he smiled and said to the two girls beside him, "You stay here first, I have something to leave."

When the two girls heard that Jiang Yifan was about to leave, they felt a little unhappy at once. They finally saw each other once, and they were leaving in such a short time. How could they be happy?

But looking at Jiang Yifan's serious expression, he couldn't say anything, so he nodded in agreement.

Jiang Yifan stepped off the stage, and chased after the 'knife' in front of him.

After a while, the two of them were already side by side, but neither of them spoke, but walked out of the playground after a circle.

Seeing Jiang Yifan and another man passing by side by side, the two girls looked at each other strangely, and the nympho woman exclaimed, "My God, the male god I like doesn't like males."

The tall slender beauty also had a surprised look on her face, "He didn't stay with us two beauties, but left with a man instead."

Fortunately, Jiang Yifan was not here, otherwise he would definitely spit out salt soda when he heard what they said.What kind of thinking is this!
After Jiang Yifan and Dao left the school, they got into a commercial vehicle, started slowly, and headed towards Huatian Village...

(End of this chapter)

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