Chapter 576 Cooperation with the Sword 3
Next to the natural lake behind the North Mountain of Huatian Village, the commercial vehicle slowly stopped.Two men stepped out of the car.

Jiang Yifan and the 'knife'.

When they got down, both of them were smiling. It seemed that the gossip in the car made them both very happy.

He randomly found a big rock and sat down, and threw the two bottles of liquor and a bag of peanuts in the middle of the knife.

"Green mountains and green waters, beautiful scenery and fine wine, having a drink with the famous Jiang Yifan is one of the great pleasures in life." Dao said with a grinning grin.

Jiang Yifan took a bottle of wine, opened the lid and took a sip, "Your code name is 'Dao', so what's your real name?"

"The name is just a code name. Others call me Dao for ten years, so my name is Dao. As for the real name... I also forgot." Dao said with a smile and took a sip of white wine.

Jiang Yifan asked, "Who are you, why did you appear in Chenbei City, and why did you walk into this vortex in this way?"

Dao unhurriedly lit a cigarette, "You ask too many questions, which one should I answer first?"

"If we cooperate, everyone should be more frank. I don't like to cooperate with unknown people." The smile on Jiang Yifan's face stopped abruptly, and was replaced by a chill.

Dao smiled and pouted his mouth, and began to say, "It doesn't matter who we are, you can treat it as no one of us. As for why it appeared in Chenbei City, this is a better answer, because we feel that this This place is good for my development, and in times of chaos, we stand up better."

"Then why did you choose to cooperate with me? If you just want to have a place here, you can cooperate with Murong Qi, after all, he is very strong now." Jiang Yifan asked curiously.

Dao shook his head, "Murong Qi is strong but it is only temporary. Comparing the two of you, I prefer you, and I must choose you."

"Must?" Hearing this word, Jiang Yifan was somewhat puzzled.

"Yes, we must!" Dao stood up, and then a strange look appeared on his face, and said, "You are the one we must cooperate with, because only you can help us. You don't have much ambition, and Murong There is chess."

"If we cooperate with Murong Qi and destroy you, then Murong Qi will definitely turn around and destroy us too. But if we cooperate with you and eradicate Murong Qi in the future, we can live in peace in this city."

"Is that all?" Jiang Yifan turned his head and asked.

"That's all."

"You didn't come up with the capital to persuade me to cooperate with you." Jiang Yifan shook his head, picked up the wine bottle and took another sip. The spicy white wine fell from his throat and slowly spread throughout his body, making him feel a little cold In the mountains, it is getting warmer at this time.

Dao patted Jiang Yifan on the shoulder, "I saved that brother of yours before, isn't that right?"

"No, it's not. My brother is not a bargaining chip in any transaction. If it's just these, I can pay you back with the same price." Jiang Yifan said.

Listening to Jiang Yifan's words, Dao fell into silence for a while, and after a while he said, "Well, let's not talk about cooperation for now. Since you said that you want to exchange them at an equal price, let's talk about these things."

"What do you want me to do?"

"I heard that you got some treasures at the bottom of this lake, how about sharing some with me?" Dao Mei raised his eyebrows and said playfully.

"you mean?"

"The blood and flesh of the blood lizard can strengthen a person's physique, and when used on a woman's body, it can be used as an aphrodisiac, and it can also be used to extract poison. I want to ask you for some of this, and the ice you used to give beautiful women breast enhancement Give me a little bit of iron." Dao didn't hold back, but said it directly.

Before that, Jiang Yifan had asked Lu Zhuang and Bai Wuque to take out all the things at the bottom of the lake and freeze them in the security company. Very few people knew about this matter.

It was just that old man Tang Meng, Xue Die, Lu Zhuang, and Bai Wuque.

But how did this knife know?

This made him a little puzzled, but he didn't ask any further questions. He frowned and asked, "What are you going to use these for?"

"Do you still remember Liang Qing?" Dao didn't answer Jiang Yifan's question directly, but asked a rhetorical question.

Jiang Yifan nodded, he naturally remembered that he was an old opponent.But he's already dead, so what's the purpose of talking about a dead person at this time?
Dao said with a meaningful smile, "Then you must also know his master ghost doctor?"

Jiang Yifan was stunned for a moment, and looked directly at the knife, "Are you guys with the ghost doctor?"

If Dao and Ghost Doctor were together, they would undoubtedly be enemies. Although Liang Qing didn't die in Jiang Yifan's hands back then, it had a great relationship with him.

Dao shook his head, "Don't be nervous, we are not in the same group."

"Murong Qi has already sent someone to invite the ghost doctor. His health has reached its limit, and he is about to start refining his six sons and one daughter into his elixir of life."

Hearing Dao's words, Jiang Yifan stood up directly, looked at him solemnly and asked, "You mean, Murong Qi is ready to be refined by the person corresponding to the Big Dipper? And also ask the ghost doctor to help him refine it? "

Dao solemnly nodded, "That's right, Murong Qi, an old bastard, actually violated the laws of heaven and wanted to refine living people into elixir. His sons and daughters are also stupid. They even recognized a thief as their father. I'm still working hard for him!"

"They don't know." Jiang Yifan said, "I've talked to them, and they don't know that Murong Qi will kill them."

"That's why they are stupid. Now Murong Qi is going to ask the ghost doctor to help, but no matter whether the longevity medicine is true or not, we can't let them succeed."

As Dao spoke, he came to Jiang Yifan, fixed his eyes, and said word by word, "I have sent people to find the place where Murong Qi made alchemy, so I was thinking of sneaking in the poison refined by the blood lizard, and making it all at once. Damn it."


Jiang Yifan took a breath, he pondered for a long time and didn't know where Murong Qi was doing that kind of thing, but he didn't expect that they had already found the knife.

Then nodded, "If you don't do this, I will do it. But I am very curious, is there really an elixir of life?"

"It's just a legend, who knows if it's true or not?" Dao shook his head, "On the contrary, no matter what, we have to stop Murong Qi, that ghost doctor has a grudge against you, and he will definitely trouble you when he comes here , that's why I thought of joining forces with you."

Jiang Yifan fell into silence, it seems that this time it will not work if he does not cooperate!

(End of this chapter)

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