Chapter 577 Who is it? 1
Jiang Yifan is not afraid of the ghost doctor, he is just a cold-blooded doctor, but the reason why he wants to cooperate with Dao is actually because Murong Qi wants to refine the elixir of life.

Jiang Yifan raised his head, stared at the knife with a burning gaze, and asked meaningfully, "I always feel that what you just said about coming here to develop is just a cover."

"Then what do you think we came to Chenbei City for?" Dao had a playful smile on his face.

Jiang Yifan frowned. If he could figure it out, he wouldn't have asked, but he could also see that Dao wouldn't tell him.

Then he got up and stood up, "The things are in the suburbs, you can go and pick them up with me later."

"Happy cooperation!" Dao walked up to Jiang Yifan and stretched out his hand.

Jiang Yifan shook hands with him, "I don't know if you are happy or not, but I hope you don't do anything that makes me unhappy, otherwise you are my enemy just like Murong Qi!"

"I really don't know who gave you the courage. Murong Qi alone is strong enough. If you are against us, how long can you carry that so-called Palace of Hades?" It seems that there is a touch of expectation.

He was expecting Jiang Yifan's answer.

Jiang Yifan almost didn't even think about it, so he said, "Everyone is afraid of having too many enemies, but I have always been more easy-going. If things don't go my way, it doesn't matter if there are more enemies or fewer enemies. Fighting one is fighting. Hitting two is also a fight."

"Whatever you want!" Dao clapped his hands and said, "Don't worry, my Dao has been in this arena for decades, and I have never contradicted what I said, and I will definitely not play tricks behind your back."

"Let's go, I'll take you to get things."

"No hurry." Seeing that Jiang Yifan was about to leave, Dao stopped him and pointed to the natural lake. "As far as I know, the ghost doctor will arrive in Chenbei City in two days. It should be the night after two days or on the third day. I will go down to the bottom of the lake and go to Beishan to get things.”

"What do you mean?" Jiang Yifan's eyes narrowed slightly, Jiang Yifan knew exactly if there was anything in it, and just now Dao also knew something, so both of them knew that there was nothing in it that Murong Qi wanted.

Dao nodded, and said meaningfully, "Since they want to go down, let's move from here, first, set up a little obstacle inside to make them lose some, and second, when they come out..."

When he said this, Dao's eyes flashed sharply, and he made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Jiang Yifan nodded, "Let's go, I understand the situation inside better, and it's easy to set up a few checkpoints inside with the two of us."

"Do you want to keep the poison here?" Dao first asked back.

In fact, what he meant was, should we put the toxin extracted by the blood lizard into it now, so that waiting for Murong Qi and the others to go down would cause them a big loss.

Jiang Yifan shook his head, "Don't underestimate the ghost doctor, since he can enjoy such a high reputation in the island country, it must not be a simple thing, and the ghost doctor is very good at playing poison, so he must make a careful plan for poisoning Murongqi .”

"If you want to go down, you need to have swimming gear. Although our agility is good, it's the bottom after all." Jiang Yifan frowned and asked.

Dao showed a meaningful smile, and directly took out two sets of diving swimming equipment and oxygen tanks that had been prepared in advance from the car.

After the two were ready, they poured directly into the bottom of the lake. Because of his previous experience, Jiang Yifan entered directly with a knife.

"The location of these two intersections will definitely confuse Murong Qi and the others a little bit, so we can design it here now." Dao pointed to the intersection where Jiang Yifan was hit by an illusion before.

Jiang Yifan squinted his eyes and nodded, leaning close to Dao's ear and muttering something in a low voice.

Dao showed a look of surprise when he heard the words, and then gave Jiang Yifan a thumbs up, "You are amazing!"


An hour later, the two came out of the water again, and leaned against the car for a short rest.

Dao said, "It's no wonder that such a terrifying character as Murong Qi can suffer in your hands. You really have a lot of tricks. The few organs you just designed, not to mention destroying their entire army, are enough to make them vigorous." damage."

Jiang Yifan started the car with a smile and didn't say much.Because he knows that the sword beside him is not a simple person, and he has never truly shown his strength until now, so it is better for this kind of person to be cautious in his words and deeds.

It was almost noon when they arrived in the suburbs, and the two went to a refrigerator behind the security company, took out the blood lizard meat and blood, divided a part and handed it to the knife.

Dao looked at the thing in his hand, "Tsk tsk, this is a real treasure."

Jiang Yifan said, "The fight with the blood lizard almost killed me last time."

"That's for sure. The blood lizard is a cold-blooded animal. With such a huge body, it must have a lot of attack power, but its own defense power is several times that of a human, so it must be very powerful." Dao said. Put it in the car.

Then he looked at Jiang Yifan, "Give me some cold iron powder. Now we're all alive."

Jiang Yifan shook his head, "Don't worry, let's go eat something first."

In fact, Jiang Yifan had other intentions for keeping the knife to eat here.

They didn't disturb Lu Zhuang and the others, and took him directly to the cafeteria inside, had a casual bite, and Jiang Yifan took the knife to a more secluded office.

There are only two chairs in this office, and there is a wide open space in the middle.

"Since I choose to believe in you, then I will not hide it. It is unfair to choose to be honest, but I also hope that you can treat me like this."

After arriving inside, Jiang Yifan said with his arms around him.

Knife narrowed his eyes, "I don't quite understand what you mean."

"I've eaten and drank enough, and things are almost finished. Don't tell me you won't reveal anything to me?" Jiang Yifan said meaningfully, "Tell me, who are you?"

"I've said it all, you can think that we are none of us. It's us." Dao spread his hands.

"Your words are inherently contradictory, and they are indirectly telling us that you belong to someone, but you don't want to tell me about the 'who'." Jiang Yifan took a step forward and asked forcefully.

Dao stared at Jiang Yifan for a long time, then sighed deeply, "I was telling you after thinking about this incident, but seeing you asking this question, I might as well tell you now. But don't get excited after hearing it."

Jiang Yifan sat on a chair and lit a cigarette. He knew that Dao's identity was definitely not simple, and his background must have a lot to do with Jiang Yifan.

Otherwise the knife will not choose to cooperate with him.

(End of this chapter)

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