Chapter 585
Hearing Dao's words, Jiang Yifan said directly: "I don't have time to talk nonsense with you."

"The box must not be given to Murong Qi, not even one of them. That box not only contains the secret he wants, but also the secret about your father." Dao's hoarse voice came from the opposite side.

Jiang Yifan frowned, and the hand holding the phone trembled a little. A secret related to his father?This time it moved him.

What is in it will make so many people want to know.

But right now, Jiang Yifan must use this box to make a deal with Murong Qi. After all, this box is a breaking point, if he doesn't take this box to go, he will definitely not be able to trade.

So he thought for a moment, "I will definitely take the box, but since it has something to do with my father, whom I have never met, I will find a way to get him back."

Before Dao could speak, Jiang Yifan spoke again, "But listen to me, I don't need you to point out my affairs, I'm not your friend, but I'm not your enemy either, don't hang around in front of me all the time, let alone Don't disturb the people around me, or don't blame me for turning my face and denying people."

"You try to turn your face around?" Dao Xi said with a cruel smile.

Jiang Yifan raised his mouth, "You said you belonged to my father, so do you dare to kill me? You dare not! But I dare to kill you when you don't kill me!"

Jiang Yifan was a little rascal for saying such things, but at this moment, facing a person who was slightly stronger than him, he could only use this trick.

Dao was choked up by Jiang Yifan's words. Indeed, he didn't dare to kill Jiang Yifan. After a moment of silence, he said, "Jiang Yifan, you are relying on being his son, otherwise you would have died [-] times already."

"Fart! What has he helped me in the past 20 years? I relied on myself to walk step by step, don't say that I can only live because of his protection!" Jiang Yifan scolded immediately.

He was not convinced, because from the time he was born to the present, he never even showed up, not to mention whether the so-called father in the knife had helped him or not.

Jiang Yifan's heart is also fleshy, seeing other people being pampered under his father's love, he will also be envious!

Dao sighed, "Okay, sooner or later you will know about him, and you will face him sooner or later, maybe you won't say that in the future."

"Let's talk about the future, I'll hang up if I have nothing to do." Jiang Yifan said and was about to hang up.

Dao hurriedly said: "I already know your plan, tell me, what can I do for you today?"

Jiang Yifan actually wanted to refuse, because he hated Dao very much and didn't want to be with them, otherwise he would be kidnapped morally and asked him to find his father or something.

But right now there is really one thing that needs the help of Dao, he hesitated and said, "You can go to Longteng Hotel to help Wanke in the afternoon, just be careful and watch out for the Thirteen Taibao in the underground boxing arena."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone directly and took a few puffs of cigarettes to calm him down.

Walking to the door of the room where Yaoguang lived, he knocked lightly on the door.

"Who is it?" Wan Ke shouted.

"it's me."

Wan Ke heard Jiang Yifan's voice, opened the door and walked out.

I saw that Wan Ke's overall appearance had changed, his clothes were disheveled, there was a dark circle above his right eye, his lips were almost like sausage mouths, swollen up, and the blood was not wiped clean.There were also a few scratches on the side of the neck.

"Damn it, have you been bitten by a dog or scratched by a cat?"

When seeing Wan Ke's appearance, Jiang Yifan immediately exclaimed.

Wan Ke pursed his mouth aggrievedly: "Don't mention it, this tiger bitch really pissed me off. I thought I'd have dinner with him early today, but she said let him feed her with his mouth."

"Isn't this a good thing?" Jiang Yifan laughed.

Wan Ke lowered his head and murmured: "At first I thought it was a good thing, thinking that I could take the opportunity to kiss or something, but who would have thought that this bully old bitch would bite me directly, biting my mouth like this Virtue. Then he beat me up and down."

Jiang Yifan suppressed a smile, "I found that your relationship history seems to be more exciting than a roller coaster."

"Yeah, first it was a girl with a ghost face and double flowers, then a fat girl, and now this old lady. I'm so mad." Wan Ke said angrily, looking at Jiang Yifan, "Boss, what are you looking for? matter?"

He was so focused on teasing Wan Ke that he almost forgot the business, Jiang Yifan slapped his forehead and said, "Well, you have to perform a very difficult task this afternoon!"

"How difficult is it?" Wan Ke asked.

"Um...the degree of danger is almost equal to that of you serving Yao Guang." Jiang Yifan thought for a while and said.

"That means there's no danger. I'm used to this old tiger bitch abusing me." Wan Ke spread his hands, "Boss, just tell me what to do."

"Later, get Yaoguang to the training base in the suburbs first, and then you take Achen Yemao and two people to the underground boxing ring behind the Longteng Hotel in Shibei. Taibao, please go to Longteng Restaurant for dinner."

Immediately following Jiang Yifan, he told everything that happened in the morning.

Wan Ke thought for a while after hearing this, and then showed a treacherous smile, "No problem, I have already thought of how to invite them, but I really admire you, Boss, for getting the Dragon Hotel into your hands."

Jiang Yifan shrugged, "It's all expedient. In addition, there will be a man named Dao to protect your safety. You should be careful and listen to Dao during the period. If the situation is not right, let him take the three of you. Do you know if you leave?"

With the protection of the knife, Jiang Yifan thought that Wanke and the others should be safe, even if the plan failed, they would be able to escape unscathed.

And as for Dao, although Jiang Yifan doesn't like this person, he still has no doubts about his strength.

Wan Ke nodded and said: "No problem, how long will the boss live like this now? When will the old dog Murong be driven away?"

In fact, these people are already tired of the current life, and they have to think about how to defend against Murong Qi every day, and no one is happy.

Not only Wan Ke, but also Jiang Yifan.

Jiang Yifan sighed, and patted Wan Ke on the shoulder, "Soon, no accidents, everything will definitely be resolved within a week. At that time, either Murong Qi will control Chenbei City, or I will beat him away."

While talking with Wan Ke, Lu Zhuang's side was also ready, and began to let the people below quietly leave the security company.

And this plan has also entered a formal track step by step.

Two hours later, Jiang Yifan received a call from Murongqi, saying that the transaction could be officially carried out.

He looked at the crowd in front of him and shouted, "Brothers, finish this matter well, it will be over soon after this matter is completed!"

(End of this chapter)

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