Chapter 586 I am his own uncle 1
It's a Friday, office workers are thinking about where to go on a date or shopping this weekend, and students are thinking about where to go on weekends.

But when they were fantasizing about the good times on the weekend, the suburbs of Chenbei City were very lively.

I don't know if God is deliberately playing tricks on these people or what, the weather is extremely cold, and there is still a cloudy rhythm.

Until the end of autumn, we don’t know whether it will be the last rain or the first snow this year!

Jiang Yifan and Hou Zi stepped out of the Jaguar, and there were only the two of them on this side.

On the opposite side, there were more than 20 people standing.

Murong Qi got off the huge Hummer, followed by more than 20 people all wearing black suits, looking very imposing, followed closely by each of them with fierce eyes.

Those who didn't know thought they were going to fight!
Jiang Yifan grinned, threw half of the cigarette butt on the ground, stomped on it a few times, and said with a smile, "Boss Murong is just making a deal, so why use such a big scene?"

"You also know the importance of this box to me. I am relieved of you. After all, you two are here, but you must know that there is still a third group of forces in Chenbei City today. I have to guard against it, and I hope you don't want it." I don't mind." Murong Qi said with a skinny smile.

Jiang Yifan nodded, these things had nothing to do with him a few seconds ago, he didn't care about the wool, all he had to do now was to delay Lu Zhuang Bai Wuque and the others' time!

Then he said, "It's good to be cautious."

"Yeah, being careful is like sailing for thousands of years. I have struggled with others all my life, and I have been walking step by step by being careful."

Murongqi changed the subject and said, "Sometimes when I see you, I think of the years when I struggled. I really envy you. You have achieved so much at such a young age."

"Damn it, boss Murong didn't want to pull me into your camp, did he?" Jiang Yifan grinned, following Murongqi's topic.

Murong Qi's eyes flickered for a moment, "Actually, I really have such an idea. The relationship between us is nothing more than Zhong's grievances. I don't tell you, you know how it is possible for a person like me to really like Zhong Meimei, but Because of Xiao Tianquan's face."

"Besides, now that the Zhong family has been wiped out by you, those grievances can be forgotten. If you can be by my side, you will definitely make me even more powerful. At that time, your security company will join my Tianquan Group. From now on, Chenbei City will be ours. The world is over!"

When Murong Qi said these words, he was unusually domineering, as if he was in a position to dominate the world.

When Jiang Yifan heard the words, he couldn't help cursing Murongqi in his heart, as if the Zhong family was his plaything, as if Zhong Meimei was just one of his pawns.

The woman sleeping next to the pillow actually said that it wasn't true love. Of course, Zhong Meimei is not a good bird, and there are many things that happened with the people below.

But since he can ignore Zhong's grievances, he will treat Jiang Yifan as the second Zhong in the future, and he will definitely kick him away when it is useless.

Besides, it's not that Murong Qi has seen Jiang Yifan's abilities before, so he would be kind enough to have a tiger who is more ferocious and younger than him by his side?
Seeing Jiang Yifan's expression of disbelief, Murongqi twitched his mouth and said, "I know what you're worried about. One mountain can't accommodate two tigers, right?"

Jiang Yifan pretended to be exactly what he meant, and nodded.Now he just changed the subject to chat with Murong Qi, buying all the time he could for Lu Zhuang and the others.

It's almost time to wait and chat. We are trading, and then Murong Qi can go back. When the time comes, I will definitely give him a super big surprise!
Murong Qi smiled and said: "You can rest assured about this, you also know most of my news, you know that my roots are not in Chenbei City, but in the Imperial Capital, and sooner or later I will go back to the Imperial Capital, and I am only here to expand My strength, take this place as my base camp, after I have done everything I should do, and when I have enough capital, I will go to the imperial capital to fight those old guys, and see if I, the Murong family, can join the ranks Enter the ranks of the four major families in the imperial capital."

Nima!It turns out that Murong Qi's ambition is so great that he is still thinking about the imperial capital.

Before Jiang Yifan heard from Dongfang Yu that Murongqi came here mainly because he was worried that the four major families would suppress him in the imperial capital. At that time, Jiang Yifan thought that Murongqi moved the entire family to Chenbei City to build a headquarters here. The reason for completely controlling Chenbei City is because he wants to become the Emperor of Earth here.

But now it seems that it's not like that anymore, but that this guy's thoughts didn't stay in Chenbei City too much at all.

Instead, he thought about successfully refining the elixir of life here, and after time allowed his family to grow stronger, he would return to the imperial capital again!
Grinning, Jiang Yifan gave Murongqi a thumbs up: "I have to say that Boss Murong's request is very attractive."

"I need people like you by my side. If you stand by my side and help me overthrow the four major families in the imperial capital, then what if I give you half of the country, and what if you treat this Chenbei City as your back garden."

With Jiang Yifan's flattering words, Murong Qi's momentum became much stronger.The words coming out of his mouth became extremely domineering!
Jiang Yifan smiled on the surface, but he was thinking in his heart: I need you to give me half of the country?I need you to give me Chenbei City, I don't like fighting or grabbing, if I really want everything you want, I can get it.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and it seemed that 10 minutes had passed since the two met.

In the past 10 minutes, Tianquan Group and Entertainment Shuangjie in the north of the urban area have changed beyond recognition, because the real Murongqi people have been divided into two teams, one team followed him, and the other large group of people went to The security company planned to snatch the boxes from Yaoguang and Dongfangyu.

And there was also a funny scene in Longteng Hotel at this time.

Wan Ke smiled and stood beside a table, while Ah Chen and Ye Mao were holding several bottles of high-quality wine.

There were twelve big men sitting on the table, they were the thirteen Taibao who met Jiang Yifan at the beginning.

They looked at Wan Ke with puzzled faces and asked, "Why do I not believe you when you say you are Murong Qi's uncle?"

Wan Ke smiled and went to the side of the talking big man, took a sip of wine and explained: "This is complicated, my nephew, that is, Murong Qi's mother is very young in her natal family, and I am his grandfather who is old." He has a son, so he is extremely young and handsome, so he is his real uncle."

"Really?" The big man asked with some doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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