Chapter 587 Those Two Women 3
At this time, the two jeeps rushed over, and the only thing Jiang Yifan could think of was that they were made of knives. He couldn't figure out who would dare to dip into this muddy water in Beishi at this time.

Shaking his head at the monkey, "I'm not stupid. If I did it, then the previous preparations would be in vain."

"Who could it be?" the monkey muttered.

Jiang Yifan frowned, "Let's see the situation first."

Obviously, those people came with a purpose, to injure more than 20 people who blocked the way, and went straight to Murong Qi and the Four King Kongs.

Seeing that the jeep was about to hit, the other two King Kongs pushed Murong Qi out at the same time, and shouted at Brother Hong and Zhang Ming, "You two hurry up and leave with the boss, we two brothers will stop them."

Hong Ge and Zhang Ming looked at each other, and put Murong Qi into the car, Hong Ge sat in the co-pilot, Zhang Ming sat in the driver and started the car.

The speed of the car was extremely fast, and it rushed directly outside.

At this time, the two King Kongs who stayed in place didn't know how much strength they used, but they even withstood the impact of a jeep under simultaneous force.Let the car spin around.

The driver of the jeep stepped back suddenly, and a person on the side poked his head out and directly used the crossbow to shoot towards the two King Kongs!

"Be careful!" One of them yelled, and pushed the other one out, but he was hit by an arrow, directly in the heart, and ended his life instantly.

The remaining King Kong was stunned for a moment, and immediately his face became extremely angry. He glanced at Murongqi's jeep that was chasing him, and then at the one in front of him. Suddenly, a knife-shaped weapon appeared in his hand.

"Quick battle!" Only a loud voice sounded from inside the jeep, and the car started quickly.

Suddenly drifting in place, directly causing the dust to fly, and at the same time, two women got out of the car!
That's right, they were two women in tight clothes, both with exquisite short hair, looking extremely capable.

Two women flew down from both sides, and guys appeared in their hands.It's something like a dagger.

His eyes were a little deep, and he rushed towards the remaining King Kong with a strong killing intent.

Looking at such a scene, Jiang Yifan felt that there would be a fight for a while, so he pulled the monkey and thought about driving to chase Murongqi and the others.

But when they got to the side of the car and before they opened the door, they saw a line of blood gushing out, and saw the King Kong lying on the ground with his neck clutched.

The two women stood together and looked at Jiang Yifan and the monkey.

The monkey walked slowly to Jiang Yifan's side, his face became serious, and he clenched his fists, ready to fight.

"You are Jiang Yifan?" one of the women asked.

Jiang Yifan was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Are you people with swords?"

"Do what you're supposed to do. Don't make some fools every day, and have someone wipe your ass|ass." The woman didn't answer his question, but left a sentence that made Jiang Yifan confused, Then he turned and got into the jeep.

There was a burst of dust, and the jeep flew out directly.

"What does she mean?" the monkey asked blankly.

Jiang Yifan shook his head, started the car and chased after him.He was thinking that these people should be the people with the knife, otherwise they wouldn't have said that sentence.

Jiang Yifan drove a Jaguar and followed the jeep in front of him. After a while, he drove to the side of Huarong Avenue. When he was about to reach the other garden where they were before, the car braked suddenly and stopped.

Jiang Yifan and Houzi quickly jumped out of the car, and saw that the car Murongqi and the others were driving was lying in the middle of the road, and there was a jeep parked behind it, apparently no one was in the car anymore.

Jiang Yifan frowned, he was thinking about the route here.

Huarong Avenue is the center line of the urban area of ​​Chenbei City. It leads from east to west, north to south, and is a big intersection.

According to Murong Qi's style of doing things, they will definitely abandon the conspicuous car at this time, then disperse and escape into the crowd, and then go to their base camp north of the city.

There are only two routes going north. During this period, you will pass a small entertainment hall and a large activity center for the elderly, and the rest is the main road.

Jiang Yifan looked at the monkey, "You take the road to the west, and I take the road to the east. Let's spread out. If you meet people in the jeep during the period, don't talk to them. If you meet Murong Qi, who among them..."

Having said this, Jiang Yifan didn't continue talking, but ran towards that side.

There are a lot of things between the brothers that don't need to be said too clearly, sometimes a look and a smile are enough!
The two dispersed and headed straight to the north.

At this time, the two women who came with Jiang Yifan and the others in another jeep also separated and walked northward.

The road that Jiang Yifan took was the main road, and the place where he walked happened to be the elderly activity center.He frowned, with an indescribable intuition and premonition that one of Murong Qi and the others would be hiding here.

He walked in slowly, because it was not Saturday or Sunday, and there were not many people inside.He walked quickly on the floors, looking for all the places he could find.

When he walked to the back, he stopped, and heard a strange sound behind a large cardboard box on the left.

He followed the sound carefully and walked over.

Just as he stretched out his hand to open the cardboard box, he heard a heavy gasp.

He raised his head abruptly, and saw a man and a woman came out of it in disheveled clothes. The woman's face was a little flushed, while the man's expression was satisfied.

Nima!This is the rhythm of having an affair!
Jiang Yifan shook his head in disappointment, then walked forward again.

"Don't move!" At this moment, a heavy and hoarse voice suddenly came from behind him.

Jiang Yifan slowly raised his hands, and then turned around. It was Zhang Ming, the ancient martial arts successor!

He raised his eyebrows, "Where's Boss Murong?"

"Jiang Yifan, are you playing tricks?" Zhang Ming asked coldly.

"Do you think if I play tricks, I will come to you? Do you think if I play tricks, those cars will go straight to me?" Jiang Yifan asked two questions sarcastically.

Zhang Ming rolled his eyes and saw that Jiang Yifan was not lying, so he stepped towards Jiang Yifan, "Our boss and brother Hong left by another way, I hope they can get home safely."

He patted Jiang Yifan on the shoulder, "Now I need your help, help me get out of here."

"I also want to help you leave, but some people don't want to!" Jiang Yifan watched, and suddenly the woman appeared behind Zhang Ming, and the short knife in the woman's hand was already on Zhang Ming's back!

(End of this chapter)

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