Chapter 588

The short-haired woman standing behind pierced Zhang Ming's neck with a short knife, and a streak of blood sprayed directly on Jiang Yifan's face.

Jiang Yifan snorted the blood on his face angrily, and cursed, "Fuck, you stupid old woman, kill him to get the blood on my wool."

"You deserve to stand in front of him." The woman said coldly, her eyes a little arrogant.

"Would you be able to kill him so easily without me?" Jiang Yifan almost jumped up. Although he wasn't afraid of blood, he was still very upset when he made a face.

The woman put away the dagger, and then looked at Jiang Yifan playfully, "Only when blood splashes on you can you prove that you killed the person. This kid has a lot of identity, and the people behind him will definitely come to take revenge."

As she spoke, the woman pointed to the surveillance cameras around her and said with a smile, "Maybe you can find a way to fool the officials with the surveillance here, but you can't fool the people behind this kid. Good luck."

Seeing the woman leaving with some gloat, a chill flashed across Jiang Yifan's brows, it was not the time to settle accounts with them, otherwise he would definitely stop the woman and teach her a good lesson.

As he said that, he continued to walk straight ahead. After walking for about ten minutes, he didn't see Murong Qi and Brother Hong, but saw the short-haired woman several times in succession.

At this moment, he received a call from Monkey.

"Boss, Murong Qi and the others have already escaped from this area, should we pick up Wan Ke and the others?" Monkey asked.

Jiang Yifan frowned, "Let those people hunt down Murong Qi, let's pick up Wan Ke, and gather there."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Yifan hung up the phone, since the people in the two jeeps were chasing and killing Murongqi and the others, he could save himself a little thought, so that he could indirectly support Murongqi and the others and give Lu Zhuangbai Wu Que waits for more time.

After meeting with the monkey, Jiang Yifan drove towards Longteng Hotel.

At this time, the north of the urban area of ​​Chenbei City has already fallen into a hellish environment.

The entire Tianquan Group was smashed up and down by Bai Wuque's people. Some important documents inside were destroyed, and all the large-scale equipment in the company were smashed. No matter how rich Murong Qi is, He also couldn't recover his vitality in a short time.

As for Entertainment Shuangjie, led by Lu Zhuang, he dealt with obstacles all the way with a crushing posture. He was extremely domineering, and directly smashed all the large and small entertainment venues in Shuangjie that were already open or under renovation.

During this period, they just received a call from Jiang Yifan, and they heard that Murong Qi was already on his way back, so they took their people and began to retreat in batches.

When Jiang Yifan arrived at Longteng Hotel, there was no one outside, and as soon as he reached the stairs upstairs, he heard the laughing and laughing voices of the Thirteen Taibao members.

He didn't show up. After all, the Thirteenth Taibao knew him, so the monkey couldn't show his face either. In the eyes of the Thirteenth Taibao, the monkey was already dead.

The two glanced up through the gap, and saw those people drinking and staring in a daze under the company of Wan Ke, they were very happy!
The corners of Jiang Yifan's mouth rose slightly, looking at the monkey, "Monkey, I'll give you a small gift today."

The monkey was stunned for a moment and asked, "What gift?"

"How many people do you think are upstairs?" Jiang Yifan pointed to the wine table.

The monkey narrowed his eyes and looked over, counting a total of 12 people, and then his eyes lit up, "You mean..."

"Go!" Jiang Yifan turned his head and walked down, leading the monkey straight to the underground boxing ring behind.

Because the underground boxing arena is in a resting state during the day, there are not many people in it, most of them are waiters and the like.

"Who are you looking for?" At this moment, a little girl came over and asked.

"Brother Thirteen called us over, saying that he asked the older brother inside to drink at the Longteng Restaurant in front." Jiang Yifan had already thought of a countermeasure as soon as he rolled his eyes.

The little girl was stunned for a moment, then pointed to the office inside, "Fifth brother is inside."

Jiang Yifan said thank you and led the monkey inside.

As soon as he walked to the door of the office, before he knocked on the door, he suddenly heard voices of conversation coming from inside.

"Xiaohuahua, if you follow Fifth Brother and me now, you will definitely be popular in the future. And you don't need to be a waiter here." It was a rough voice that was supposed to be Thirteen Taibao ranked fifth Yin Wu.

The answer was a slightly coquettish voice, and said coquettishly, "Oh brother, you can't treat me like this. You also know that I am already thirteen."

When Jiang Yifan heard this conversation, his eyes lit up immediately, he took out his phone with a mysterious smile, and clicked on the recording software.

Then I heard Yin Wu say again, "Following Shisan has the advantage of wool, his small body can satisfy you? Don't worry, as long as you follow me, I will go and talk to Shisan, and I guarantee that he will not dare to embarrass you. "

"Oh, you don't need to touch me." The girl spoke again, her voice was bone-chilling.

"Don't fumble around, just take a look at what you've become." Yin Wu just finished speaking, when there was a sound of ripping clothes from inside.

"Fifth brother, you are so strong." The woman continued to say delicately.

"Am I better than that guy Thirteen?"

"That depends on how you treat my sister and me."

"Then you should give it a try."

The two of them spoke one word at a time, and after a while, there were bursts of breathing in the room.It sounds like the battle is quite intense.

"This bitch is really coquettish, she screams so loudly that no one else will hear her." Jiang Yifan murmured.

Monkey pouted, "I don't know what this woman's real name is. People here call her Sister Hua, and the Thirteenth Taibao call her Xiao Huahua. She looks coquettish, and she almost wants to be a man." Hook up hook up, when I was here, I heard that Xiao Huahua is the bus."

"What do you mean?" Jiang Yifan asked subconsciously.

"Whoever wants to fuck whoever wants to fuck, it's very hot. And many people say that this girl is very clingy." Monkey muttered.

Jiang Yifan looked at the monkey meaningfully, "Don't you have played with others?"

"Go, go, go." Monkey shook his head with disgust, "I think she's disgusting."

Jiang Yifan put away his mobile phone, then gestured at the monkey to silence the sound, and slowly walked to the door, hearing that the most critical moment had come inside.

Just when Yin Wu was about to explode, Jiang Yifan kicked open the door!

"Ah... who is it!"

A man and a woman in the house are all at a critical moment, how can they react well when they are suddenly broken into?Immediately became flustered...

(End of this chapter)

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