Chapter 593 Can You Control It!
Dao didn't drive, he seemed to be walking here. There was still some snow on his body that hadn't melted. He was wearing a black windbreaker and snow sunglasses, which looked very cool.

The army's boots creaked on the snow.

When they saw him coming, the people playing around stopped and looked at Dao cautiously, because they had all seen Dao fighting Jiang Yifan before.

Jiang Yifan grinned and said with a smile, "What are you doing outside of hibernating at home in such a cold day with such heavy snow?"

"I'm not a cold-blooded animal." A smile appeared on Dao's face, and he said to the people around him, "You don't have to look at me like that, I'm not here to fight today."

"Inside, please." Jiang Yifan pointed to the inside, and then shouted at Wan Ke: "Xiao Ke, go get some side dishes and liquor."

As he walked inside, Wan Ke muttered: "Damn, I really want to put two catties of rat poison in your wine, so as to save you from being so arrogant."

When he got inside and sat down, Jiang Yifan didn't speak, but ate peanuts and poured a glass of wine from time to time.

After a long while, Dao finally couldn't help it: "You don't wonder why I came to you at all?"

Jiang Yifan took a sip of his wine, "If you say it, just say it directly, I'm curious about the use of wool."

"Hahaha. This is somewhat in line with your personality." Dao sneered, staring at Jiang Yifan, "I came to you to say that the ghost doctor is coming today, what are you going to do?"

At this moment, Jiang Yifan's cell phone rang suddenly.

Jiang Yifan was stunned for a moment, it was Lin Yanran who called, he shook the phone in his hand towards the knife, and then picked it up, "Why did the little daughter-in-law remember to call me?"

"Fuck you, who is your little wife!" Lin Yanran said angrily.

"Then the eldest wife can handle it."

"That means there are two wives and three wives." Lin Yanran was so angry that every time she talked with Jiang Yifan, she had to fight each other first, and she was enough.

Jiang Yifan sneered, "What's wrong?"

"Sister Yaran's birthday is today, and I'm spending it at home tonight. At noon, I want to invite you and Guoguo and I to have a meal outside." Lin Yanran said directly.

Jiang Yifan rolled his eyeballs and laughed loudly, "This means telling me indirectly through the birthday topic that you miss me."

"Miss you?" Lin Yanran sneered, "The devil misses you!"

"Sister Yanran, you are a ghost. You just said you missed uncle." Just as Lin Yanran finished speaking, Tang Guo's voice came from the opposite side.

Jiang Yifan grinned, "Does Uncle Lin Huafeng agree to invite me to dinner like this?"

Lin Yanran said in a low voice, "We didn't tell him."

Jiang Yifan was stunned for a moment, "Okay, then you book a hotel and tell me, and I'll go find you when the time comes."

"Remember to come." Lin Yanran hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Jiang Yifan played with the phone for a while, showing a weird smile, then looked at the knife and said, "What did you just say?"

"I said the ghost doctor came to Chenbei City at noon today, don't you think you should do something?" Dao said holding back his anger.

No one would hate someone who pretends to be ignorant, and Jiang Yifan was obviously like that just now.

Jiang Yifan shrugged, "There's nothing to do, didn't you hear, there are several beauties who want to invite me to dinner at noon today. For me now, beauties are more important."

"Boom!" Knife smashed his clenched fist on the table, and said angrily: "Nonsense, why are you going to have dinner with a woman, why don't you get rid of Murong Qi quickly, so you can sleep well?"

"It's quite solid." Jiang Yifan leaned on the chair with a calm posture.

Dao took a deep breath, held back his anger, and said carefully: "Yifan, getting rid of Murong Qi is the most important thing right now, let go of those children's love first, besides, getting rid of Murong Qi is good for you and me."

"It's good for you." Jiang Yifan looked at the knife playfully, and sneered, "Don't talk about everything in such a high-sounding way, it's good for you, but nothing for me."

"It's no good. Murong Qi was seriously injured yesterday. If he reacts, he will be the first to settle the score with you." Dao was a little anxious.

Jiang Yifan spread his hands, "I can push the matter to you. I was by Murongqi's side all the time yesterday. There is no evidence of doing anything, and he didn't even notice that my people went to Shibei to do things."

"You mean you don't want to continue arguing with Murong Qi?" Dao frowned, and his face became gloomy.

Jiang Yifan put his hands on the table and poked his head forward, "I don't seem to need to discuss with you. If you want to do something, you can do it. Don't have to drag me. Everyone around you is very sharp."

"Jiang Yifan!" Dao was completely angry, he slapped the table and stood up and shouted angrily: "After you get rid of Murong Qi, you can still know about your father, don't you worry at all?"

"Shut the fuck up!" Jiang Yifan's original smile stopped abruptly, and he stood up immediately, glaring at the knife.

"Don't you dare to kidnap me morally, and move my so-called father out to suppress me at every turn. Let me tell you, if you do something that has nothing to do with me, I don't have to report to you. If you If you like to stay, stay there, if you are in a hurry, let's have a touch."

When Jiang Yifan said this, he changed the subject, "Don't think that I'm really afraid of you, and don't think too highly of yourself, you have two shoulders against one head. I, Jiang Yifan, have never been afraid of anyone for so many years. , I have nothing to worry about, the big deal is that we will just smash to the end, and see who loses the most in the end!"

"You!" Dao blushed at Jiang Yifan's words, and clenched his fists even more tightly.

At this time, Lu Zhuang, Bai Wuque, Wanke Monkey and all the big men stood behind Jiang Yifan, without saying much, but telling Dao with actions, no matter how powerful you are, if you dare to do something today, you will definitely be let Can't get out of this room.

The monkey clasped his hands together, looked at Dao playfully and smiled and said, "Our boss has valued sex over friends for many years, and we're all used to it. We will arrange for important things later, and that shitty ghost doctor will come as soon as he comes." , we can't delay our boss from going on a date with a beautiful woman."

"Are you all messing around with him?" Dao asked through gritted teeth.

"Whether we mess around or not has nothing to do with you, and you don't want to talk to us in such an orderly tone. I tell you clearly that we are us and we don't belong to anyone. What we want to do is up to our wishes, and what we don't want to do is up to us. Even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu is coming, we still won’t listen to you.” Lu Zhuang replied sonorously.

(End of this chapter)

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