Chapter 594 Dispute
This scene was extremely spectacular, Lu Zhuang and dozens of people stood behind Jiang Yifan, while Dao was the only person on the opposite side.

Even if the knife is powerful, can he still do it in front of these dozens of people?
"Cough...cough cough." Just then, there was a coughing sound from one side.

Seeing Dongfang Yu and Dongfang Wanyi walking out, Dongfang Yu said with a kind smile, "We are not enemies, there is no need to make the atmosphere so embarrassing."

Jiang Yifan waved his hand, and the people behind dispersed.

Dongfang Yu sat between Jiang Yifan and the knife, and then said to Jiang Yifan, "Yifan, can you find someone to send Wanyi to school first."

Jiang Yifan was stunned for a moment, he asked for leave with Shen Rong, but Dongfang Wanyi didn't, and quickly waved at Bai Wuque, "Old Bai, go and see Wanyi off. Hurry up and pay attention to safety on the road. "

Bai Wuhua nodded and took Dongfang Wanyi out.

Dongfang Yu's eyes swept from Jiang Yifan's body to Dao's body, and then he smiled and said, "I'm a big man, and I pretend to be an elder in front of you. The current situation in Chenbei City is similar to that of me, an old man. But for now If the two of you can cooperate, it will definitely be a better situation, so why make things so rigid!"

"Cooperate with him?" Jiang Yifan sneered, his face full of disgust.

"Old man Dongfang, this junior thinks what you said is right, but this kid is hard and smelly because of the stones in the toilet, so he won't listen to what I say."

Dao has a special respect for Dongfang Yu, which is not at all what he looked like just now.

Dongfang Yu smiled and nodded, "Murongqi still has a lot of things that he hasn't shown. Money is what he puts on the brightest side. His [-]th Taibao is the hardest bone. Secondly, he also puts The ghost doctor called out, if the ghost doctor cooperates with the Thirteen Taibao, they will all die unknowingly."

"Secondly, we don't know that he must still have back-ups. The taller he is, he usually has back-ups to save his life. Even at the last critical moment, someone will come out to save his life. So what you two should think about now is how to kill the Thirteenth Taibao and the ghost doctor, and then find a way to cut off Murongqi's backhand."

Dao heard the words and pondered for a moment and said: "Old Man Dongfang, what you said is very reasonable, but at present we only know about the Thirteen Taibao and the ghost doctor, and we don't know his backhand."

"Uncle Dongfang, you have been dealing with Murongqi for a long time, you should know." Jiang Yifan asked after a pause.

Dongfang Yu squinted his eyes and shook his head, "Only he knows the hole cards and the means of saving his life, so how can I know, but we can assume that Murong Qi fled here from the imperial capital, so his way out is absolutely impossible It’s back to the imperial capital, so if you stand on his side and think about it, what will happen to him in the end?”

"Run abroad?" Jiang Yifan and Dao said at the same time!
That's right, if Murong Qi fails in Chenbei City, he will have nowhere to go and can only go abroad with a large sum of cash.So abroad is his way out.What is the life-saving hole card?

Dongfang Yu smiled, "Now, you should have a good discussion about how to eradicate the Thirteen Taibao and the ghost doctor. As for his life-saving hole card, maybe he will be finished before he uses it."

Jiang Yifan took a deep breath, glanced at the knife, but didn't speak.

Dao sighed: "If you want me to say it, just go straight, take advantage of the ghost doctor coming today, cut the ghost doctor in the middle and kill him, and after you're done, directly confront the Thirteen Taibao."

"Speak lightly!" Jiang Yifan glared at Dao angrily.

Said: "You must know that the ghost doctor is not an ordinary person. He must be accompanied by someone when he comes naturally, and he himself is the most terrifying existence. The ghost doctor is good at using poison. Since he dares to come, he must be fully prepared. Anyone in the past must die in front of him."

"Besides, Murong Qi's people are going to meet them halfway, so it's not easy to rob and kill them halfway. Besides, the Thirteen Taibao's individual strength is already comparable to mine, but they are inseparable. If they want to win at once, it is simply a fantasy. Unless you have planes and cannons that run right over them."

Jiang Yifan's voice fell, and the surroundings fell into silence. After all, what Dao said just now was a bit taken for granted.

Dongfang Yu thought for a moment, then nodded, "Yifan is right, you can't rely on brute force to solve the problem, the ghost doctor must come here this time to help Murongqi refine the elixir of life, you also said before Yifan But I have already set up a mechanism for them under Beishan, so it must be able to weaken their strength a little bit."

Jiang Yifan spread his hands, "But that kind of weakening is almost negligible. Don't forget that Murong Qi and the others are all old goblins."

"Is it okay to ambush when they come out?" Dao asked.

Jiang Yifan smiled contemptuously: "Ambush your people there, I don't want my brothers to die."

This question is purely asked by some idiots. Since Murong Qi and the others are going to go down to Beishan, they must prepare a lot of people outside to deal with various emergencies. They will ambush people in the past, and they may be ambushed first.Undoubtedly it is to die.

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work. If you have a way, tell me quickly." Dao is also impatient, and he can't think of too many ways.I can only ask Jiang Yifan.

But the quarrel between the two sides was too tense just now, and now they are asked to find a way, but this time the knife made the old face turn red.

Jiang Yifan grinned, "Let them refine it first. Murongqi was seriously injured yesterday, so he will definitely be more careful. Now that the ghost doctor is here, he will definitely let the ghost doctor help him refine the elixir. Then let them first. Refining, wait until they are about to finish refining."

Speaking of this, Jiang Yifan looked at the knife, "At that time, we will divide into four levels, let Lu Zhuang, Bai Wuque and the two short-haired girls attract the attention of the Thirteen Taibao, and you take people to stop Murongqi and his side As for me, I have made a big poisonous pill in the past few days and come here to change the position. If Murong Qi wants to live forever, then I will send him to the west in advance."

"What about the fourth one?" Dao asked with a frown.

Jiang Yifan smiled, "Murongqi is in a hurry to get the elixir of life, so he will definitely find a way to draw Li Yan and Lin Huafeng into this vortex, and then find someone to fight with us, then he will be able to do it with all his heart." Those things."

"You mean he will let Li Yan and the others fight us?" Dao laughed immediately when he heard this sentence, "Do you think they might help Murongqi?"

(End of this chapter)

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