Chapter 595 About That Secret
I have to say that everyone can hear that there is something in the knife's words.

Jiang Yifan frowned and said with a smile: "You mean you can let them help me?"

"They were here to help you." Dao said with a meaningful smile: "The reason why they chose not to stand up in this incident is to let me come out. Now they have fulfilled their wish, so they will definitely stand by you." Here to help you."

"You mean my father said that the cooperation with Murong Qi was a lie?" Wan Ke asked in surprise.

"Master Wan." Dao smiled and glanced at Wan Ke, and said, "It's not true, after all, they really helped Murong Qi during that time, otherwise Jiang Yifan would definitely be able to fight Murong Qi with them. .”

Dongfang Yuyu looked at Jiang Yifan earnestly: "I knew there was a reason why they didn't help you at that time."

Jiang Yifan sneered, "Without their help, I didn't lose a soldier or a general. Now they are standing up to help me, do you think I will let them help? Do I care about their help?"

"Let's not talk about whether there is a reason for them, but from the moment they want to help Murongqi, they are already doomed to be enemies of me, Jiang Yifan!"

"Nonsense, they are all from our side." Dao Li shouted.

"Go, go, don't tell me that I'm with you guys, we don't have that good relationship." Jiang Yifan glared at him, "I don't care if I'm with you or with Murongqi, but remember , I, Jiang Yifan, don't ask anyone for help, I can defeat Murongqi with you, and I can still defeat you without you. Don't act like I'm asking for your help."

This blow to the face made Dao a little flushed, and he didn't speak for a long time.

Originally, he wanted to tell Jiang Yifan that there was a reason for Li Yanwanyi and the others, and now Jiang Yifan was pleasantly surprised, but he didn't think that he would not care about such help at all.

After a while, he said, "In any case, we are all your father's people. Your father is not here now, and we have the responsibility and obligation to help you."

Jiang Yifan paused, did he finally admit it?

He knew that there was a reason why Li Yan and Wan Yi were so kind to him on purpose at the beginning, and after arguing for a long time, they were both related to the so-called father just like Dao.

He asked back, "What about Lin Huafeng?"

"Lin Huafeng and your father are close friends. He asked you to marry Lin Yanran not for any purpose, but because he sincerely wanted to entrust his daughter to you. It can be regarded as an agreement between your father and him."

Dao explained Dao, "Li Yan and Wan Yi are people who followed your father just like me, but at the last moment, your father dismissed us, wanting us to retire, and not wanting us to continue on that road, but How could we be willing to give up on this, so we made an agreement at the beginning, separated in each city, and waited for you to come back."

"Now that you're back, it's time to continue doing what your father did, and it's time to avenge your father. You are too weak now, so you must listen to me. I won't harm you, and I will do what I did with you. Just like my father went to war, I will continue to walk with you."

Jiang Yifan waved his hand, "Shut up, I almost believed it when you said it so well!"

"I didn't lie to you, and there is no need to lie to you." Dao said in a deep voice.

Jiang Yifan lit a cigarette and knocked on the table twice, "Dao, listen carefully, I, Jiang Yifan, am Jiang Yifan, not anyone, and you don't put other people's hats on me, you can do whatever you want Do it, don't involve me, I don't have too many thoughts, just live my life quietly."

"You really think so?" A look of anger appeared on Dao's face, obviously disappointed with what Jiang Yifan said.

Jiang Yifan nodded, "That's right, you are you, I am me, don't transfer the relationship between you and my so-called father to me, I still say the same thing, I can do things with your help, without your help I can still do things." Can."

"Don't you really want to know about your biological parents at all?" Dao asked.

"I may have thought, I used to want to know what they went through, or why they would abandon them when they were babies, and I also wanted to find them to ask why, why, but gradually grew up. The Big Me has forgotten about that."

"Until I met you, I gradually felt that it was unnecessary for me to do that, because if I went, I would change my identity and have to do things I didn't want to do. Instead of trying to think about them, it's better to be They never existed, anyway, they don't exist in my memory!"

When Jiang Yifan spoke, his voice was very soft, as if he was speaking irrationally, and it could be seen that he did not have much emotional fluctuations at this time.

Indeed, as he said, his biological parents never existed in his memory, so what is the need to find them!
Just imagine, if you lived with a couple who were labeled as adoptive parents when you were born, then you will naturally think that they are your biological parents when you grow up, and the so-called real "biological parents" really have no memory at all.

If you want to find them in your heart, it is probably because you are unwilling and angry, and you want to ask why you abandoned him in the first place.

But with the growth of age, Jiang Yifan has matured, and he has already forgotten or even ignored the unwillingness and anger!
So, is it still meaningful to go to the so-called biological parents now?
For those children who were abandoned in the orphanage, will they have a good impression of their biological parents who suddenly appeared when they grow up?
The answer is no.

Listening to Jiang Yifan's words, Dao sighed, "It seems that Li Yan and the others are right, so they can't tell you all this in advance, but gradually lead you to that direction, and let you find it yourself."

"Boss, are you really not going to ask my dad to help? If you have them join, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort when dealing with Murong Qi." Wan Ke watched the atmosphere getting more and more awkward, and asked, changing the subject.

Jiang Yifan patted Wan Ke on the shoulder, "Xiao Ke, now that you know that Uncle Wan did what he did for a reason, then you should go back and apologize to him, and talk about it carefully. After all, you are father and son, so let's make up as before. As for I...they are still my uncles, but it is only because of you that I call them uncles."

Wan Ke pursed his lips, just shook his head helplessly and walked aside.

Just when Dao was about to continue to say something, the phone rang suddenly, and he didn't say anything when he answered the phone, but when he heard the words on the other side, his face became more and more gloomy!

(End of this chapter)

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