Chapter 597 What I Fear Most Is Habits

Jiang Yifan hadn't seen Lin Yanran for several days, and he looked a little pale without the bickering with her in the past. Now that he saw her, he naturally wanted to play around for a while!

Directly ignoring the strange eyes of Tang Guo and Lin Yaran, she immediately grabbed Lin Yanran's jade hand, how strong a little girl can be, she was immediately embraced by Jiang Yifan.

Picking up Lin Yanran's chin, he looked at her and said, "Niu'er, have you missed me these few days?"

For some reason, when Lin Yanran suddenly saw Jiang Yifan's eyes, she froze and did not answer Jiang Yifan's question.

It is conceivable that Jiang Yifan did not hear a satisfactory answer from him, so naturally Lin Yanran had to pay something.

Immediately pressed on the red lips, and when Lin Yanran lost her mind and was about to shout, Jiang Yifan rushed in.


Lin Yanran's delicate eyes were already wide open, but it was impossible to struggle, so she could only let Jiang Yifan take advantage of her indiscriminately.

After kissing for a long time, Jiang Yifan licked the corners of his mouth, with a look of unsatisfactory expression, then smiled lightly and said, "Well, the taste is still the same and has not changed."

Lin Yanran's small face was like a ripe apple, and she stretched out her pink fist and slammed Jiang Yifan hard a few times, "It's really annoying, it makes me feel uncomfortable when we meet."

Jiang Yifan said with a playful smile, "Why don't we go to a hotel and I'll let you have a good time?"

Lin Yanran was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, and then reacted, she became angry immediately, picked up a cup and was about to call.

Lin Yaran said at this moment, "Alright, alright, let's sit down and eat."

Jiang Yifan showed a shameless smile at Lin Yanran, and sat next to Lin Yaran, seeing that Tang Guo's pair of jade hands had been taken out of Lin Yaran's arms, then he rubbed his hands together, "Sister Yaran, I also want to put it on your belly to warm my hands. It's so cold!"

Lin Yaran gave Jiang Yifan a white look, "She's shameless, she even wants to take advantage of my sister."

Jiang Yifan smiled. He hadn't seen these beauties for several days. To be honest, he was very happy when he was with them.

After all, there were no intrigues or intrigues between them, so they ended up relaxed and at ease.

Boiled mutton, these people ate very happily.For about four or 10 minutes, each of them wiped the greasy corners of their mouths with paper towels.

Tang Guo burped, "If I had known I wouldn't drink so many drinks, I would be full just by eating a little mutton."

Lin Yanran said angrily, "Nothing."

"Sister Yanran said it as if you are very promising. You didn't look like a lady in your eating just now." Naturally, the little loli Tang Guo would not be let down.

Lin Yanran came to Tang Guo's side, "Okay, you dare to talk back to me, see if I don't hit you!"

"Hit whoever you want to be afraid of!" Tang Guo got up and stood up, and walked directly to the other side with Lin Yanran.

Seeing the two girls fighting so freely, Lin Yaran smiled knowingly, and then turned her head to Jiang Yifan.

Looking at his familiar face, Lin Yaran felt a little disappointed.

Jiang Yifan was one or two years younger than her, but in the end he was able to carry such a heavy burden on his shoulders and face so many dangers alone.

Seeing his smiling face at all times, he never showed a sad or tired look in front of anyone.I felt a little distressed for this big boy.

Jiang Yifan first looked at Lin Yanran and Tang Guo who were fighting together, but gradually felt a pair of eyes staring at him, he turned his head slowly, and happened to meet Lin Yaran's eyes.

Lin Yaran wanted to dodge, but the look in her eyes had already been revealed.

"Sister Yara, I don't have to manage the company's affairs recently, so it should be quite leisurely." z
In the end, it was Jiang Yifan who broke through the embarrassment of this moment.

Lin Yaran nodded slightly, and the corners of her mouth were curved, revealing dimples, and said with a smile: "It's a lot more relaxed, but I'm really not used to it. In the past, I went out early and returned late every day, but now When I’m free, it’s a bit uncomfortable to do nothing.”

"Currently the situation in Chenbei City is not very good. Why don't you take your parents out for a trip or something? You can relax. After all, the current situation is temporary. Sooner or later, the Lin Group will resume normal operation." Jiang Yifan said.

Lin Yaran pursed the corners of her lips, "My dad told me to take my mom on a trip. But he can't leave, saying that in the next few days, Chenbei City will become even more chaotic."

It seemed that not only Jiang Yifan and the others knew about it, but even Lin Huafeng, who hadn't lived for a long time, understood the current situation in Chenbei City.

Jiang Yifan sighed, "Uncle Lin also has his own ideas, but you can go with Auntie, it's right to give yourself a vacation."

"No, I won't leave. Even if I say I want to go out to play, I will wait until this matter is over, and then we will go out as a family."

Lin Yaran didn't speak clearly, but she also revealed her position and attitude.

She used a very ingenious phrase 'we are all of us', no matter what, she already regarded Jiang Yifan as her family.

Jiang Yifan paused, "It's up to you, but although Chenbei City is chaotic, these people are not the kind of despicable people, and they won't deliberately embarrass you girls."

Lin Yaran looked at Jiang Yifan, "You have always been concerned about how we are doing, what about you? How are you doing these days?"

Hearing Lin Yaran's slightly sad tone, Jiang Yifan said with a smile, "I'm doing well, it's the same as usual, except that I don't live with Yanran and the others, I just didn't get used to it at first."

People, the most fearful thing is getting used to it.

Jiang Yifan's previous habit was to be with monkeys and his group of brothers, playing and playing, but because of their own conditions, they had to adapt to the habit of being alone again.

But after arriving in the city, he has gradually integrated into this circle, getting used to bickering with Lin Yanran every day, and getting used to hearing Tang Guo call him uncle.

Suddenly let him get acquainted with other habits, no one will be too comfortable.

He said lightly that he had a good life, but Lin Yaran could understand Jiang Yifan's difficulty.

How can one not feel tired at such an age to fight with Murong Qi and other old monsters?It's not something ordinary people can do just for that state of mind.

Resisting a smile, "I believe it's almost over, we can see each other every day, right?"

Jiang Yifan nodded, "It's almost over, there will be another week at most, and after a week, Chenbei City will return to the peace he should have."

"My dad..."

In the end, Lin Yaran couldn't help bringing the topic to Lin Huafeng, she said lightly, "I don't know why my dad did that, but I sincerely hope you don't blame him!"

(End of this chapter)

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