Chapter 598 The Man in the Corner

Lin Yaran's tone was full of apology, she really couldn't figure out why Murong Qi came to Chenbei City suddenly when she was so kind to Jiang Yifan before, everything changed.

Fang Buddha gave people a false impression, telling her that the kindness to Jiang Yifan before was all pretended!
Lin Yaran couldn't accept it, Lin Yanran couldn't accept it, no one could accept this kind of thing.

Jiang Yifan sneered, "Sister Yara doesn't blame anyone, but I blame myself for not being capable enough. If it is really strong enough, no one can control the situation I am facing."

"And Uncle Lin has his reasons and reasons for doing that."

"Difficulties? What difficulties could he have? What could be the reason why his attitude towards you changed so much overnight?" Lin Yaran became more and more angry as she thought about it, but the anger returned to anger. After all, Lin Huafeng It's her own father, so you can't turn against him.

Jiang Yifan shook his head, "It's easy to explain the difficulties. Uncle Lin has a family and a house, and you have two daughters. Looking at the overall situation, he must be concerned about your feelings. If he stands with me, then if Murong Qi is right If you start, Uncle Lin will be even more sad."

"As for the reason, this may have something to do with me. There is no need to say."

When Jiang Yifan said this, Lin Yaran must still feel that Jiang Yifan was still thinking about their family, but no matter how Lin Huafeng was her father, it was absolutely wrong, and she couldn't blame her biological parents.

Just sighed helplessly, "If you need my help, just ask, even though I know I can't help you much."

Jiang Yifan grinned, "Don't worry, Miss Yara, if I really need your help, I will come to you very bluntly.":
"Okay, let's go then." Lin Yaran got up and stood up, and shouted at Lin Yanran and Tang Guo, "Okay, you two, stop fighting and leave quickly. Dad should be suspicious later."

Tang Guo stuck out her tongue at Lin Yaran, and finally patted Lin Yanran's fragrant buttocks, and then began to put on her coat.

When going downstairs, Lin Yaran went down to check out first, and dragged Tang Guo down by the way.

This time, Jiang Yifan and Lin Yanran were left.Walk slowly in the corridors and stairwells.

Lin Yanran hesitated for a moment and said, "Well... when will you go back to live?"

If Lin Yanran wanted to take the initiative to care about people, she might have to wait until the sun came out from the west, but she missed Jiang Yifan very much if she didn't see her in the past few days.

Even though he didn't show it, he fell silent from time to time, and Jiang Yifan appeared in his mind. Sometimes, he hated him, but he suddenly missed him when he couldn't see him.

Perhaps this is a natural enemy.

With his hands in his pockets, Jiang Yifan replied with a cigarette in his mouth, "Soon, it will be over in about a week. If Uncle Lin still recognizes me by then, then I will move back."

"Then what if the relationship between you and my dad can't be eased anymore?" Lin Yanran suddenly stopped and turned her head to ask.

Jiang Yifan looked at the anticipation in Lin Yanran's eyes, he smiled and said, "If you can't ease it, then find a way to ease it, after all, he is my future father-in-law."

Said that Jiang Yifan directly put his arms around Lin Yanran's waist, and there was no one around, Lin Yanran did not refuse, but just gave him a blank look.

When he reached the stairs, Jiang Yifan smiled playfully, "If I can't ease up with your father, who will you choose between us?"

Lin Yanran was stunned when she heard this, and asked her to choose... This is a very difficult multiple choice question!

So Lin Yanran chose to remain silent, instead of answering, she changed the topic and said, "Today is Sister Yara's birthday, didn't you prepare a small gift?"

Jiang Yifan took a deep breath, and glanced at the table at the corner of the stairs, the familiar figure was still there.

He took out the necklace he bought for Lin Yaran from his pocket, and stuffed it into Lin Yanran's hand, "Help me hand it over to Sister Yaran, I won't go out to send you off, let's not go out at the same time these few days." It’s good to show up. So as not to cause you some unnecessary trouble.”

Lin Yanran nodded surprisingly obediently this time, "You can say whatever you want. Seeing how tired you are these days, I will reluctantly listen to you."

"Well, let's go back early with sister Yara." Jiang Yifan said.

Lin Yanran hesitated at the spot for a moment, then tiptoed slightly around Jiang Yifan's neck, and kissed him proactively.

Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows, how could he miss such benefits.

After about 3 minutes, Lin Yanran pushed Jiang Yifan away, "Little boy, this is the spiritual food this girl gave you."

After speaking, Lin Yanran turned her head and walked outside, walking very freely!
Jiang Yifan stroked his chin, recalled the infatuating taste, and laughed.


At this moment, his cell phone rang suddenly, it was a new text message.

Jiang Yifan picked up his phone and clicked on the text message, it was a text message from Lin Yaran.It said: Yifan, I will wait for you at the Sunshine Holiday Hotel at eight o'clock tonight.must be there.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Yifan murmured alone, put his phone back into his pocket, and then walked towards the man sitting in the corner.

"I don't know whether to envy you or blame you." The man sitting in the corner watched Jiang Yifan approaching and said with a sneer.

"What do you envy me? What do you accuse me of?" Jiang Yifan spread his hands, picked up the bottle and poured himself a glass of white wine.

The man grinned, "I envy you that there are always beauties around you at any time. These two sisters from the Lin family and a little loli from the Tang family are really lucky."

"Then what about accusations?" Jiang Yifan took a sip of liquor, taking it easy, without the slightest emotion on his face.

The man spoke again: "I blame you for having a meal with your girlfriend at this time. Shouldn't you be thinking about dealing with Murong Qi at this time?"

"Never forget to go on a date with a beautiful woman. Dealing with Murong Qi is a matter of one day and one night. If it is really easy for me to find him and kill him now, I did it a few days ago. Why wait until now? ?”

Jiang Yifan said this, put down his wine glass, looked at the man in front of him, and asked, "It's you, why did you appear here? Are you waiting for me? Or is it purely coincidental?"

The man leaned back, murmured with a cigarette in his mouth, "You can think it's a special trip to wait for you, or you can think it's just a coincidence. Anyway, my purpose today is to meet you."

Jiang Yifan spread his hands, "What can you and I have with me when you and I are facing each other now? What can we talk about?"

(End of this chapter)

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