Chapter 789

Seeing the hundreds of sharp-edged arrows spraying towards the center like a storm, everyone gasped. If they had just entered rashly, they would have become hedgehogs by now.

Jiang Yifan couldn't help but also glanced at Tang Meng, with gratitude in his eyes.

Tang Meng smiled: "Places like ancient tombs are generally worried about tomb robbers, so most of them have some simple mechanisms at the entrance to give warnings."

"This is still a simple mechanism? Does that mean that the mechanism inside has to be upgraded?" Monkey asked with a click of his tongue.

Tang Meng nodded, then shook her head again: "No one can say for sure, I once went down to an emperor's tomb with a few friends, and when we were at the door, we encountered a mechanism and two tomb guard animals blocking us. The entrance is so difficult, but after anyone wants to enter, there is not even a single mechanism."

"Can I go in now?" Jiang Yifan asked.

"It's ok, but you have to be careful every step of the way." Tang Meng frowned.

Jiang Yifan took Xuedie's hand and said in a low voice, "Follow me closely, be careful!"

Xuedie nodded her head and followed Jiang Yifan closely, her eyes became more cautious.

After a group of several people walked into the palace hall, they almost subconsciously lamented the creativity of the ancients.

The entire hall is about the size of a basketball court. Right in front of them is a coffin, standing in the center, with two iron pillars on both sides. Two giant dragons are carved on the iron pillars, and the dragon's head sticks out of the iron pillars. , just facing the coffin from one left and one right.

And on their left and right sides are four large stone statues, some of which are similar to the terracotta warriors and horses. They hold weapons and look fierce. The hall is empty but there are only these things.

However, its structure is a bit more complicated. If they want to reach the coffin, they can't go directly, because in front of them are deep pits, and the deep pits are steaming, just like volcanic rocks.What's surprising is that the coffin hanging on the volcanic rock was not burned at all!

If you want to go there, there are only two paths, one on the left and one on the right, but from the left you need to walk about five or six meters of iron chain bridge, and on the right is a path less than fifteen centimeters wide.

Tang Meng frowned: "It seems that the owner of the tomb is not simple. The principle of Shimen is that Taiji is divided into two forms, and the structure of this hall is that two forms are divided into four forms. There is only one way to go on the left and right. One is life, the other is death."

"So mysterious?" Jiang Yifan asked suspiciously.

"China's gossip Tai Chi, ancient Qimen Dunjia, these are things that cannot be explained by science, they are more than mysterious."

Tang Meng explained with a sneer: "At this time, the four elephants in the main hall are opposite to the basic furnishings of the eight monsters of Yin and Yang. There are four stone statues on each side, corresponding to the method of the four images. If the iron chain is the door of life, then let's go. Nothing happened in the past, if there was a gate of death, I am afraid that when we all stepped into the iron chain, we would be transferred to the volcanic rock below in an instant, and the fire would be burned to death! The same is true on the other side. "

"Then what should we do now?" Jiang Yifan didn't know much about these things, so he could only rely on Tang Meng.

Tang Meng stroked her chin and began to write and draw on the ground again. Sometimes she stood up and walked on both sides, looking at the stone statues again.

About 10 minutes later, Tang Meng stopped and said with a smile: "It should be like this!"

With that said, Tang Meng stood up and pointed to the road on the right: "Come this way, everyone hold hands and move slowly against the wall. Remember not to take too long steps, if you step on the air, you will fall straight down!"

Everyone nodded in unison. They didn't understand these things, so they could only listen to Tang Meng's words.

As they spoke, several people joined hands, with Jiang Yifan taking the lead and the monkey at the end, and began to move forward slowly.

About four or five steps away, an accident happened!
Jiang Yifan stepped on the ground in front of him, and suddenly there was a clicking sound from his feet.

"Don't move!" Tang Meng shouted suddenly.

Everyone held their breath and looked towards Jiang Yifan.

Jiang Yifan frowned and said, "Tang Meng, you old bastard, have I stepped on a mechanism?"

"It shouldn't be, there shouldn't be a mechanism in this life gate, but the noise just now..." Tang Meng couldn't understand.

click... click...

After his words fell, there was a series of noises, and Jiang Yifan suddenly turned his head and shouted at the people behind: "Hurry up and retreat! This place is about to collapse!"

Hearing this, the monkey yanked Xuedie in front and dragged her to the open space behind, while Wang Liang turned around abruptly and pulled Tang Meng directly to jump down.

Because Jiang Yifan had already reached almost the middle, when he was about to jump, the road behind had completely collapsed, only the blue brick he was stepping on was still hanging in the air.

The wall was very smooth. There was nothing to hold on to with both hands. There was only a blue brick under his feet and it was still falling slowly. When he got closer to the volcanic rock, Jiang Yifan was sweating all over his body. It was too hot!


Wang Liang, Hou Zi and Xue Die exclaimed at the same time.Watching Jiang Yifan descending slowly, there was no way to help, because the distance was far away, and the ropes they were carrying were simply out of reach!

"Don't worry about me!" Jiang Yifan sternly shouted, also anxiously thinking about countermeasures, the surrounding volcanic rocks were steaming, and he was in the middle at this time, trying to run at an extreme speed, but there was no way to do it.

Is it going to be engulfed by volcanic rock?
In the open space, the monkey directly grabbed old man Tang Meng's collar, and shouted angrily: "Old man Cao Nima, didn't you say that this is the gate of life? How could such a thing happen? Now my boss is very special!" What a drop!"

"I... I don't know, it should be like this according to common sense!" Tang Meng also had a bitter face, and there was nothing wrong with his reasoning, but why did the gate of life suddenly become the gate of death?

Seeing Jiang Yifan who was getting farther and farther away from them, everyone's heart ached.

Xue Die frowned, and walked forward directly: "If you die, then I will accompany you!"

"Sister-in-law, what are you doing!" Wang Liang quickly pulled Xue Die back from the edge.

"I can't even see Yifan!" Xue Die said in a crying voice.


"You old man, if something happens to my boss, I'll throw you in too!" The monkey was really angry.

Tang Meng didn't fight back, because he was the one who pointed the wrong way. After thinking for a few seconds, he suddenly slapped his forehead, "It's the opposite, it's the opposite."

"What's the opposite?" the crowd asked.

"The gate of life and the gate of death are opposite. The one who can walk is the iron chain bridge instead of this side. I was confused by the person who made this tomb." Tang Meng stomped her feet and muttered angrily.

But...Jiang Yifan has already fallen...

(End of this chapter)

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