Chapter 790 There's Space Inside
After Jiang Yifan fell, everyone panicked and confused, Tang Meng was even more guilty.

But just as they were scratching their heads at a loss, a familiar voice suddenly came from below them.

Only Jiang Yifan's voice could be heard: "Jump down, there is space below!"

Tang Meng hurriedly looked down, and saw that Jiang Yifan did not fall into the volcanic rock, but stood on a huge bluestone with a smile on his face.

"Boss is alright?" Hou Zi and the others said excitedly, their eyes lit up.

Xuedie's anxious expression gradually faded, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and cursed at Jiang Yifan below: "I thought you were dead!"

"I'm made of iron, I can't die! Hahaha." Jiang Yifan smiled heartily: "Come down, the hall above seems to be a cover, and the real ancient tomb is below."

Tang Meng heard the words and observed carefully on the left and right, but found nothing unusual. Is it true that, as Jiang Yifan said, this hall was originally a cover?
Monkey and Wang Liang escorted Tang Meng to the bottom, while Jiang Yifan caught the snow butterfly falling from the sky.

After Xuedie came down, she looked Jiang Yifan up and down, and asked with concern: "Are you really all right?"

"It's okay, I thought I was going to die just now, but when the blue brick I was stepping on slid halfway, I saw the open space here, so I jumped over, and just stepped on the bluestone here, the bluestone moved, and it was too late." There is this open space where we are standing now!" Jiang Yifan explained.

"The things built by the ancients are really strange." Tang Meng was really puzzled, and said with a bitter smile: "I thought this was the gate of life, but when you fell down, I felt that I was wrong. , there was an accident at the Iron Chain Bridge, but now it seems that there is no rebellion, but the person who built the tomb deliberately did it."

"Okay, don't mutter those things, let's go in and have a look. I just glanced at it, and the space inside seems to be quite big. It really is an underground world." Jiang Yifan waved his hand, signaling Tang Meng not to mind.

With that said, everyone walked inside.

When they took out their flashlights, they realized that they were in a passage about two meters wide. As far as they could see, there were four or five rooms on both sides of this corridor.

"See if there is anything in these rooms!" The monkey said and walked over, but there was nothing inside under the flashlight!
"These rooms should be empty. This is an illusion for outsiders. If I guessed correctly, the coffin in the hall just now was empty." Tang Meng laughed.

"Let's go inside."

A few people walked through the passage and entered the inside, and reached a forked intersection where both left and right could walk.And the pattern of the building is exactly the same on both sides.

Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows and asked: "Which way to go? Is there any door to life or death?"

Tang Meng shook her head and said, "No, you can go on both sides, and both can lead to the same place. Perhaps the destination of these two roads is the main tomb of this ancient tomb!"

"Then since this is the case, let's go separately. Be careful, and then meet in the main tomb." Jiang Yifan said.

"It's okay, but you must be careful. There may be some traps or unknown dangers in the ancient tomb." Tang Meng frowned and said: "No matter what treasures or other things you encounter on the road ahead, , remember not to go directly to get it, and observe whether there are traps around, generally the more precious the thing, the more traps there will be!"

"Okay, Houzi Liangzi, you two will follow old man Tang Meng, and I will take Xuedie. You go to the left, and we go to the right. If after an hour, my life does not meet from the main tomb, then come back here to meet, you know? ?” Jiang Yifan ordered.

Houzi and Liangzi nodded, and they walked to the left with Tang Meng.

Jiang Yifan took Xuedie's hand: "Let's go, let's see how many surprises this ancient tomb can bring me!"

The two walked through the corridor on the right, and walked into a tomb of about 20 square meters. There were quite a lot of things placed here, such as wooden boxes with rotten armor and weapons, and two coffins. They were all miscellaneous things.I scanned around and didn't find any baby.

"At worst, this should be the tomb of a general." Xuedie asked with a frown.

"I don't know. When we came in, there was the word imperial palace written on the door. At that time, we thought it should be an ancient tomb of an emperor, but we have already entered here. Looking at the old and dilapidated appearance, it is not as grand as the tomb of an emperor." And brilliant."

Jiang Yifan also had some doubts, shouldn't the emperor's tomb be the kind that is very brilliant after entering, and there are a lot of gold, silver and jewels in it?

However, there are some broken wood and broken armor here, and these things are useless to him!
The two wandered around the branch tombs around them twice, but found nothing. They squatted next to the corridor and lit a cigarette. Jiang Yifan took two puffs: "I don't know if they found anything good there?"

"What? Seeing that you are a little discouraged?" Xue Die also sat down beside him, and asked teasingly.

Jiang Yifan shook his head: "It's not that I'm discouraged, it's just that I'm a little disappointed. I watched some strange things in the tomb in the TV series before, or there are some important treasures. If you take out any one, it's worth a fortune, but after you come in, shit nothing!"

"I remember watching a web drama before. The protagonists went to the ancient tomb and found some rice dumplings, corpses, etc. It was shocking to watch, but we came in, except for us, there was not even a breather."


Xue Die couldn't help laughing, she rolled her eyes and said: "You said it was in an online drama, it was fiction, it was reality, besides, if there are ghosts in the ancient tomb, then humans still I can't live anymore!"

"Tell me what to do if a zombie rushes out of which coffin later?" Jiang Yifan suddenly pointed to a coffin not far away, and then teasingly said to Xuedie.

Xuedie's delicate body trembled, and she slapped Jiang Yifan a few times and said coquettishly, "Don't scare me!"

"Oh, so our instructor Xuedie still has something to be afraid of?"

"Fuck you. Hurry up and go, let's continue to look forward, if it doesn't work, go and join them, and this time, my mother asked me to find something!" Xue Die said angrily.

"Blood butterfly?" Jiang Yifan asked slightly.

"how do you know?"

"Your father told me." Jiang Yifan was silent for a while: "But it doesn't look like there are any living things in this ancient tomb. Your father said that the blood butterfly is alive. How can I find it?"

(End of this chapter)

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