Chapter 801 The Magical Technique

There were more than 30 people who got out of the seven or eight two cars, everyone was wearing sunglasses, wearing black suits, carrying weapons such as knives or steel pipes in their hands, with killing intent emerging, and they looked extremely spectacular.Seeing this, the staff at the service station closed the door directly, and then locked the door behind them, not daring to make any big moves.

Jiang Yifan in the corner looked at the scene in front of him, raised the corner of his mouth, and waved slightly at the monkeys and the others.


At this moment, Monkey and the others suddenly remembered a loud roaring sound of the engine, and saw the three jeeps quickly pick their heads on the spot, and directly rammed towards the 30 people from different directions.

The speed is so fast that there is no time to react with these people. When they are on guard, the car has already arrived in front of them!

"Bang bang bang!"

Monkey and others drove the car without the slightest taboo. This is not Huaxia. They will not be soft-hearted to these foreigners, and they will just bump into each other while driving!
Jiang Yifan smiled slightly: "It's time for us to make a quick decision. I still have to wait to go to Viper's for lunch!"

"I just like to show off!" Xue Die gave him an annoyed look, and took out the red whip from behind her.

At the same time, other brothers around also emerged from all directions and directly entered the crowd.



A knife fell, and a stick waved away. The nine brothers and Xue Die made a total of ten people, just like ghosts who locked souls in the underworld. They fought quickly and were very clean.Leave no trace.

At first, half of those 30 people were hit by the car, and now they were suddenly violently attacked by Jiang Yifan and the others, and they were all knocked down on the ground in a short time.

Jiang Yifan patted the dust off his body, walked to Bai Wuque's Wrangler, and knocked on the window: "Come out and smoke a cigarette. Don't watch the show."

"Hahahahaha." Bai Wuque walked out with a group of brothers, and gave Jiang Yifan a big hug.

Then everyone turned to Jiang Yifan, bent down and shouted: "Boss!"

The deafening sound resounded throughout the entire world, and everyone looked at Jiang Yifan with high fighting spirit and passion in their eyes.

At this moment, Jiang Yifan is the spiritual pillar in their hearts, their god, God of War!

Jiang Yifan smiled at the brothers: "Long time no see, let's go! Take you to eat meat!"

"Boss is mighty!" Everyone cheered in unison, all got into the car, and headed for Viper's base camp mightily.

This time, no one was chasing after them, and their speed also slowed down a lot. Jiang Yifan also drove Bayu down, and he drove Xuedie to the back of the team.

"Did you find out?" Xue Die raised her head and asked.

"What?" Jiang Yifan was a little confused about this unclear topic.

"The 'Bi Yue Jue' that we were passed down in the ancient tomb that day." Xue Die paused and said, "Since this suddenly appeared in my mind, I found that when I was fighting, I was more agile and stronger. It's bigger, and the speed has climbed a lot."

Jiang Yifan nodded: "You just found out?"

"It seems that you should understand it thoroughly, tell me about it." Xue Die hit him angrily.

"Because I have practiced the method of speed before, it is easier to use this Biyue Jue to get started. There are four levels in the Biyue Jue. The first level is more complicated. You need to exceed the limit of speed and strength to break through the second level. The second floor. The second floor is the fusion of strength and speed." Jiang Yifan explained.

"What about the third and fourth floors?" Xue Die asked.

Jiang Yifan rolled his eyes; "I haven't figured it out yet, I think the second layer can reach the state of fusion of speed and power, and the third and fourth layers are definitely more abnormal. You know, the fusion of speed and power has already broken through the limit. That is to say, it can achieve teleportation and directly kill the opponent invisible, so isn't the third layer even more perverted?"

"Then what floor are you on now?" Xue Die sneered, she was a little unhappy, she had just started.

Jiang Yifan shrugged: "I'm on the second level. But ours is different. Even if you cultivate to the fourth level, you are still not as good as my third level."

"Why!" Xue Die became even more unhappy.

"I don't know, anyway, the secret method of the ancient Shu Kingdom is like this." Jiang Yifan grinned and said: "And there is another more interesting thing."

Xuedie approached him and asked in a low voice, "What?"

"This kind of exercise will improve faster if both men and women cultivate, so if you want to be stronger next time, we have to..."

"Shut up!" Xue Die couldn't listen anymore, this exercise is too much, even men and women... Xue Die's cheeks turned rosy when she thought of it.

"Okay, let's not talk about this topic. With the Biyue Jue, I don't have to be afraid of other things in Australia. Didn't you come here last time? Where are my master and the others in Australia?" Jiang Yifan asked .

Xue Die frowned: "In an area in the east of Australia, the main area over there is owned by their Chen family, covering all walks of life. The Chen family can be regarded as a top wealthy businessman in that area, and even in the whole of Australia. In addition, there are quite a few of them themselves, your master's son has a mad dragon regiment under him, there are about four to five hundred people under him, and 80.00% of them are mercenaries."

Jiang Yifan gasped when he heard the words, that he had recruited so many mercenaries. You must know that these mercenaries are cold-blooded killers who kill without blood.Four or five hundred people are a big threat.

"What do you plan to do? Conflict with them directly?" Xue Die asked.

Jiang Yifan sneered: "I won't take my group of brothers to find death, let's go to the Viper first, and in Australia, I also have some other cards."

"Other hole cards?" Xue Die frowned and thought for a moment, and suddenly her eyes lit up: "Yes, why didn't I think of it, he is here too, if there is his help, then add our own people , it’s not a big problem to confront the Chen family head-on!”

"It should be here." Jiang Yifan slowed down and saw that the car in front had already driven into a huge manor.

"Where's Brother Fan?" A sullen-faced man came out and asked happily.

"It's in the last car." The monkey pointed over there.

Speaking of Viper, he walked towards this side, and laughed loudly: "You are finally here, I am almost suffocated to death in Australia!"

Jiang Yifan got off the car, and when he was about to speak, someone hit him from behind suddenly, he turned around angrily and looked over, when he saw this person, he was in a bad mood...

(End of this chapter)

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