Chapter 802 You Are My Second Uncle
In fact, Jiang Yifan was very happy when he saw Du Viper, after all, meeting familiar people in this strange place is better than meeting a cold and unfamiliar face.

In addition, Viper has developed well here, at least they have their own manor, so they have a place to stay in Australia.

But before he had time to be happy, a guy who made him very uncomfortable appeared behind him.

The man looked at Jiang Yifan's grinning expression, stretched out his hand and patted him, and said triumphantly: "Xiao Fanfan, do you think Ba Ye has become handsome again recently, and you suddenly feel a little inferior?"

This person is the old god stick master who has disappeared for a long time, but Jiang Yifan is a little puzzled. Before leaving, Kong Tian and Tang Meng also said that they met this guy in Australia and asked him to return to Chenbei City. I was wondering how they knew that this guy was in Australia, but now that it appeared in front of him, Jiang Yifan finally understood that Kong Tian and Tang Meng are also magic sticks!
Seeing the shameless smile of the old magic stick, Jiang Yifan clenched his fist and punched him directly in the eyes!
"Oh, my dear mother!" The old magic stick was punched by Jiang Yifan and fell to the ground, covering his eyes and began to howl.

"Damn it, you're a ghost, elusive!" Jiang Yifan waved his fist and wanted to continue hitting.

But at this time, Viper hurried forward, stopped Jiang Yifan's anger, and said with a smile: "Brother Fan, this is your fault, why did you even hit your second uncle?"

"Second uncle?" Jiang Yifan was suspicious, and looked at Viper.

Viper spread his hands: "That's right, this old gentleman said he is your second uncle, and he knows very well about our Dragon Soul. Isn't it?"

"Old bastard!" Jiang Yifan gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, broke free from the Viper, strode towards the old magic stick, pulled him up, pointed to his nose and asked, "Your uncle, who are you?" Second uncle!"

"I'm older than your father, so it's not bad for you to call me uncle!" the old god stick said innocently, covering his eyes.

"I'm your ancestor, I'm your second uncle!"

Jiang Yifan is really angry and funny, every time he meets this guy, he can make himself very uncomfortable, he couldn't bear him before, but now he is not afraid of him.

Immediately grabbed the old magic stick by the collar and picked him up, then threw it back and kicked him with a swift kick.

"Oh my god, I can do this to my second uncle. It's the first time I've seen it." Viper watched the old magic stick being blown away, and directly covered his eyes.

"He's not his second uncle." Xue Die stepped forward and laughed.

"Not the second uncle? What is that?" Hearing this, Viper's expression suddenly changed.

"Little Snake, is the old god stick cheating you to eat and drink in the name of my boss..." Monkey also came over and asked jokingly.

"Not only that." Viper shook his head.The facial features are almost twisted together.

"What else?" Everyone asked in unison.

"All the girls here have been soaked by him!" Viper felt his liver was bleeding from pain at this moment, if it was really Jiang Yifan's second uncle, then give him food and drink, give him girls, and even get along with Jiang Yifan relationship, but the problem is not, doesn't that mean paying for nothing?

"Hahahahaha." Everyone couldn't help laughing at Viper's pain.

Bai Wuque walked over and raised his eyebrows, and said with a playful smile: "Then you are not too bad, the old magic stick got all the girls of the Blue Enchantress, and you only have a few girls here, so you can't compare. Can't compare!"

"Who is this old fellow!" Viper asked in tears.

"He, I think he should be Jiang Yifan's master." Xue Die stroked her chin: "I can see from him that his shamelessness absolutely surpasses Jiang Yifan's, and his shamelessness can beat Jiang Yifan!"

"Instructor, you are right!"

"Add one upstairs!"

Monkey and others agreed one after another.

At this time, Jiang Yifan had already beaten the old god with a stick, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he lay on the ground begging for mercy.

Jiang Yifan clapped his hands and asked, "Who are you, the second uncle?"

"You are my second uncle!" the old god stick said obediently.

Just like that, Jiang Yifan stood up and walked towards Viper: "Hahaha, Viper, I brought my brothers to eat meat today. Are you ready?"

"It's been prepared a long time ago, but can I do something first before eating!" Viper asked with a strange expression.

"What is it?" Jiang Yifan asked curiously.

"I want to beat the old god stick first, no, I want to kill him!" Viper's eye circles were red, and he really treated the old god stick like a living ancestor during this time.

He said that he was Jiang Yifan's second uncle, so wouldn't he be a big shot in the same generation as the original Dragon Soul boss? If he had a good relationship with him, the future would definitely be limitless, and he could have his own place in Dragon Soul, but It turned out to be a liar!is a big liar!

Jiang Yifan shrugged: "I'm done fighting, you can do whatever you want. Leave him alone, it will be of great use if you keep him!"

"Okay!" Viper shouted towards the inside: "Brothers, if you complain, you have revenge!"

While talking, more than a dozen big men ran towards the outside, holding everything in their hands. It seems that they have been used by the old magic stick as their grandson a lot these days.

"Don't... don't hit me on the head!"

"Don't...don't hit me in the face!"

"Tell you, I am the Great Luo Jinxian who came down to earth, wait for me to summon Tianlei...don't slap me in the face!"

Well, this round of beating directly caused the old god stick to lie on the ground and not want to get up. I don't know if they were tired from the beating, but he was quite tired from the beating anyway.

Everyone could also see that the old magic stick had some relationship with Jiang Yifan, so they didn't hit hard, but they couldn't resist so many people fighting together!
Half an hour later, everyone sat around, and the long table was filled with delicacies.

"This glass of wine, to our Brother Fan, now that he's here, we don't have to live without a leader." Viper stood up and raised his glass with a smile.


Everyone stood up and drank with their necks raised, but the old god stick was sitting next to Jiang Yifan, but he was still grinning with pain all over his body, and spit it out as soon as he drank the wine.

"Mo Dan, this treatment has dropped suddenly, you all drink wine, why the hell am I drinking plain water!"

"You still want to drink?" Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows, and his tone changed again.

The old god stick pursed his lips: "You are the boss, you decide, boiled water is plain water. As the old saying goes, if you have a song in your heart, you will be happy, and if you have wine in your heart, you can drink anything."

"You old bastard." Jiang Yifan glared at him angrily, then they all sat down and began to eat and drink. The atmosphere was very harmonious.

ps: I asked for a day off the day before yesterday, so I owe you two updates, and I will make up for it on Monday. The update time is in the early morning of Monday. I hope everyone can vote for recommendation, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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