Chapter 803 Australian Form
After lunch, Viper directly asked someone to arrange for everyone else to go to rest.

The entire manor is large enough to accommodate hundreds of people, so there is no need to worry about where to live.

In one of the rooms, Jiang Yifan, Viper and Bai Wuque sat beside a small table.

"Tell me about the news you two got during your stay here." Jiang Yifan looked at the two people in front of him with a cigarette in his mouth.

"I've been here for a little longer, let me tell you first." Bai Wuque scratched his head, "I'm ashamed to say, I've been here for so long, and I didn't have a good time with Viper, it's embarrassing for Brother Fan !"

"It doesn't depend on the length of time. Originally, I had friends here, so it was very convenient to do things. Besides, we don't have as many people as you, so it's not too conspicuous, but we don't have much power to stare at us." Viper waved his hand. road.

Bai Wuhua nodded: "Actually, as Viper said, my side is the reason for the large number of people. The power distribution in Australia is very even. If there is an extra power from the outside world, the original power in Australia will collectively reject others. Although it has not been very good for a while, the situation in Australia is almost the same.”

"Let's hear it." Jiang Yifan asked with interest.

Bai Wuque looked at Viper: "Is there a map?"

"Yes!" Viper nodded and took a floor plan of their city in Australia from the side.

Bai Wuque took out a pen from his pocket, pointed to the map and said, "We are in the largest city in Australia, that is, the main city. Other than that, other places can be ignored. The whole city presents a 'concave'. The north side we are in is the northernmost center of the concave character, surrounded by mountains on both sides."

"In the four corners of the concave character, there are four major powers in Australia. They are the Yin family in the northwest corner. This Yin family has the largest ranch here, and its financial resources are very strong, but there is nothing special about it. place."

"In the northeast corner is the Phil family. This family is a native Australian family. Both official and underground forces are very tyrannical. However, they usually don't appear in the battles of major forces, unless Australia is in riots."

"In the southwest corner is a well-known jewelry tycoon, the Qili family. This family is a bit strange. Their entire family is not like a family, but a group of big figures from various countries. They mainly operate jewelry, but the underground forces can be compared to the Philippine The Er family also has the most punks."

"And the family in the southeast corner, the Chen family, is our main target this time. We'll talk about that later."

Bai Wuque paused for a moment, then continued: "The four families are in the four corners of the Australian city, and they usually don't interfere with the river water. Because they are rich and powerful, they don't participate in some affairs in the Australian city, so when we attack the Chen family , as long as they don't violate their bottom line, they will definitely not come forward to stop them."

Jiang Yifan nodded: "We didn't come to Australia to grab territory, but to avenge Lu Zhuang, and take a look at my master by the way, so the action is small, we only need to deal with the Chen family, let's not talk about the others for now."

Viper nodded: "Just now what Lao Bai said was the overall form, then I will talk about the forces related to the Chen family. The Chen family is involved in various industries, especially the import and export trade, which leads to various countries, so they have A super huge port, which is also their main source of income.":
"And in this Australian city, the Chen family also has some branch forces. In the south of the city, there are three bathing centers, two bars, a large KTV, and more than 20 other entertainment venues. These forces have their own leaders. They formed a huge network of relationships, and the people at the bottom didn't know their real bosses behind the scenes, only their respective leaders."

Speaking of this, Viper also grinned: "What's even more surprising is that sometimes there will be some friction between these small forces, robbing territory, robbing customers, robbing resources, and robbing girls."

"This is quite interesting. It is estimated that Chen's real intention is to make them stronger in the competition." Jiang Yifan rubbed his chin and smiled.

"Well, in addition, there are two small and medium-sized families that have a good relationship with the Chen family. They are the Gao family. It is said that they are of Chinese descent. They own the largest hotel and restaurant in Australia City. Few. And the other one is the Qiao family. It is said that they are a force that relied on the Chen family. entertainment venue."

Viper paused here, and asked Jiang Yifan meaningfully: "Brother Fan, do you know what Qiao's survives on?"

"Small businesses such as hair washing rooms next to the game hall are definitely not family types, and there is probably an underground industry chain." Jiang Yifan analyzed.

"That's right, Joe's controls 80.00% of the girls in the entire Australian city, most of whom are young girls from all over the world, and many of them are obtained by despicable means. And they also control southern Australia 70.00% casino." Viper laughed.

Jiang Yifan grinned and said: "It seems that this Qiao family is not an independent family as it appears on the surface. If my guess is correct, they should be the main branch affiliated to the Chen family. The bet is all taken."

"It should be like this. What I told Lao Bai just now is the general situation here. There is no need to talk about other small forces, and it is not enough to distract us from them." Viper said.

Jiang Yifan nodded: "So, if we want to deal with the Chen family, then there will be the Gao family and the Qiao family in front of us. We have made some guesses about these two families, the Qiao family, but I don't think so. It would be too simple. Well, let’s start with these two first. After a while, Viper, help me prepare a list. Didn’t you just say that they don’t control [-]% of Huang He’s gambling market? Give me a copy Their list, and give me a list of their opponents."

"Brother Fan, do you want to..." Viper and Bai Wuque both looked at each other, looking at Jiang Yifan with weird eyes.

Jiang Yifan smiled and said, "Since this is his territory, head-to-head confrontation is definitely not an option, so let's take it step by step, first get rid of Chen's two minions, and then dig a big hole for Chen to jump out of." Fight with us. After all, we still can't touch the height of Chen's, so we can only fight well if we equalize the gap between us first!"

"Okay, I'm going to prepare now." Viper left with a happy smile, and Bai Wuque also went to help. Both of them are famous fighting madmen, and they were even more excited when they heard that there was a battle.

ps: Merry Christmas everyone~~~
(End of this chapter)

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