Chapter 816 Mysterious Woman

Hearing Jiang Yifan's words, the man in blue and the man in white suit were stunned for a moment, and asked dumbfoundedly: "The Qiao family is not so easy to eradicate."

The corners of Jiang Yifan's mouth slowly raised, with a strange arc, and he said lightly, "Qiao's fighting with you today must have suffered heavy losses, so today is the best time to do it."

"Why today?" the man in the white suit asked.

"Aren't you stupid!" Monkey walked over and slapped the man in the white suit on the back of the head: "Both of you will lose in the fight today. They will definitely think that you don't have the energy to fight them now, so you must relax your vigilance, but I didn't expect that With the existence of us people, when we suddenly appear, we will definitely beat them, isn't this the best opportunity?"

The man in the white suit scratched his head in embarrassment: "Yes, why didn't I think of that!"

"I really don't know how you guys got along in Australia before." Jiang Yifan said angrily.

The man in blue frowned and said, "I really don't understand something. Now that I've said it just now, no matter how much we fight with Mr. Qiao, Mrs. Chen won't lose anything, and after we become the second Mrs. Qiao , They will also take us out of the way, and then kill us, if we do this, won't we fall into Chen's trap?"

Jiang Yifan squinted at the man in blue, "Do you islanders think with your butt?"

"This..." The man in blue blushed immediately after being scolded by him.

"If you can figure it out, you will come and sit in my position instead of being arrested by me. Do whatever I tell you to do, don't talk so much nonsense!"

It's a joke, they only came together temporarily, and they are not real partners. Everything Jiang Yifan is doing now is to fight against Chen, so he will never sincerely make friends with these people.Naturally, it is impossible to tell him everything!

"Okay, everyone, relax and relax." Jiang Yifan waved at the crowd, but he walked to Viper's side: "Send someone to monitor Qiao's actions, and then gather a piece of information to send to Viper. Me. I can use it at night."

"it is good."

After Viper left, all of them pulled the man in blue and the man in white suit to play gold flowers.As for the battle situation, the men in blue and white suits must have been defeated.Those who lost almost sold their blood.

Jiang Yifan did not participate, but sat quietly on the chair and played with his mobile phone, not knowing what he was thinking about.

About four or five hours later, Viper walked back to this room and said to Jiang Yifan in a low voice: "Brother Fan, I have already found out, because of the fight between the two of them, Yu Qiao's vitality was seriously injured, and now they are underground More than half of the venues have been closed, leaving only a medium-sized casino and a medium-sized bathing place. According to the information obtained, the man surnamed Joe is currently in the bathing place called Swan Lake."

"What about the people over there?" Jiang Yifan asked.

"Except for a few people who are taking a bath to protect Joe, the others are all in that casino. Today that casino is closed to the public, and they are all their own people. They don't know what they are planning, but it is a good opportunity to take them directly." It's all in one pot!"

There was a flash of sharpness in Viper's eyes, and there was a faint killing intent flowing.

Jiang Yifan was silent for a while: "It's a good opportunity, but I'm thinking about being valued by Mrs. Chen, and the one surnamed Qiao will definitely not be too simple."

"Are you still going today?" Viper asked after a pause.

Jiang Yifan grinned and said: "Go, why not go, any opportunity will be dangerous, we can never know the danger, so let's give up this excellent opportunity!"

"It's getting dark now, shall I ask the brothers to come out?"

Hearing Viper's words, Jiang Yifan nodded: "Go ahead, tell the kitchen to prepare supper by the way, and let the brothers make up for it when we come back."

"No problem." Said Viper and walked outside.

Jiang Yifan looked at the people playing cards, and shouted: "Stop playing, get ready to take action."

The man in blue and the man in the white suit got up one after another, and said solemnly: "If you succeed this time, you will really be relieved. Even if you are killed by Mrs. Chen in the future, it will be worth it. At least you can kill Joe for our brother." Revenge!"

"So it's not just an excuse that you went to fight today, but Qiao really killed your people?" Jiang Yifan asked with great interest.

The man in blue nodded: "He swept up our two small venues and killed a brother who started with us in the first place."

"It's interesting." Jiang Yifan smiled.He added: "You two should also inform the remaining brothers in your family, and let them go to ambush at a bathing center called Swan Lake."

"Swan Lake?" Lan Yi asked suspiciously.

"Why is there a problem?" Jiang Yifan couldn't help but frowned seeing his expression.

"Swan Lake is Joe's old dog's base camp. He has a concubine living in it. That woman is not simple. I heard that the woman can have some relationship with all the big men in the Australian city. The most important thing is that this woman has been from the beginning. In the end, I never slept with any man."

"Nonsense, she's a concubine and has connections with all the bosses, how could she be so powerful if she didn't sleep?" Monkey muttered in disbelief.

"We just heard that although the woman was flirting with all the bosses, no one dared to sleep with him. I don't know the reason, but if you do something over there, please remember not to hurt her." Otherwise, it would not be as simple as a Chen family." The man in blue explained.

Jiang Yifan nodded: "Talk to the brothers in a while, let's talk about the situation, and after being told by them, I am a little curious about what is so special about this woman!"

After everyone was ready, they all got into the car.

In the jeep driven by Jiang Yifan, there were blue clothes and Vipers, and in Bai Wuque's car were the brigade deputy and a man in a white suit. As for why they were separated, it was also to restrain them and prevent them from making any small moves.

After all, knowing people, knowing faces but not knowing their hearts, and spending so little time together, no one can understand what they think.

A series of nine cars drove slowly out of the courtyard of Nuo Da Manor under the night, and galloped towards the south of Australia City.

About three and 10 minutes later, they pulled over to the side of the road.

"There is a lottery station at the turn of the trail ahead, and the basement of the lottery station is their casino." Viper explained.

(End of this chapter)

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