Chapter 817 Sweeping the Casino
Seeing Jiang Yifan and the others stop at the casino, the man in blue couldn't help but asked suspiciously, "Aren't you going to the Swan Lake?"

"What are you talking about, let's deal with this side first!" Without explaining to him, Jiang Yifan pushed the man in blue out of the car, and all his brothers followed.

Jiang Yifan looked at Bai Wuque who hadn't got out of the car and said with a smile: "You go there, you don't need you to fight, and you don't need you to kill the surname Qiao, just delay it for me and don't let them run away, you know what it means No?"

Bai Wukuai nodded, and gave Jiang Yifan a thumbs up: "Don't worry, Brother Fan, why don't you believe me after so long?"

"Of course I believe it." Jiang Yifan stretched out his fist and bumped Bai Wuque's fist, and then led his brothers towards the alley.

"I'll take a look at it for a while, I would rather kill the wrong than let it go, our purpose today is to steal their business!" Jiang Yifan said in a deep voice to the brothers behind him as he walked.

"Yes!" All the people spoke in unison, and the blood in their bodies was involuntarily ignited by Jiang Yifan, and the blue clothes next to him looked at Jiang Yifan and his brothers, and couldn't help but sigh.

"What are you sighing for?"

Lan Yi shook his head: "I just envy you for having such a group of subordinates. Compared with your subordinates, my people are really much worse."

"Do you know why?" Jiang Yifan paused and smiled meaningfully.

"All ears." The man in blue looked at him solemnly.

"Because you regard them as subordinates, but I regard them as brothers!" Jiang Yifan finished speaking every single word, and then continued to walk forward.



Seemingly two simple titles, but they have completely different meanings.

The subordinates represent the level of status. Those people are like part-time workers. If you, the boss, give you a good treatment, then I will follow you. If something happens, then I can leave directly.

But brothers are different, they are treated equally, they are all equal, and they share adversity and happiness.Nature will work together in the face of everything.

Looking at Jiang Yifan's back, the man in blue was lost in thought for a while, and then walked forward with the big team.

"Buy a lottery ticket..." As soon as he entered, a man raised his head and spoke, but stopped in the middle of speaking. Seeing a large group of people appearing in front of him, his face suddenly changed, and he took it over immediately. The intercom next to him was ready to speak.

But how could Jiang Yifan give him a chance, run the Biyue Art, and went to the side of this man like a ghost, snatched the walkie-talkie over, and waved at the man: "Are you going to take this?"

"Ghost... ghost!" The man had seen Jiang Yifan at the door a second ago, but he came to him in the blink of an eye, and immediately became terrified.

"Damn you!" Jiang Yifan raised his palm and knocked the guy unconscious to the ground.

Then he looked at Viper and asked, "Where is the secret passage?"

"The wall on your left." Viper said, pointing at the wall.

Jiang Yifan walked to the left, knocked with his hand and it made a hollow sound, then pushed lightly with his hand, and a secret door appeared immediately.

I couldn't help thinking to myself: "This is so secret, even if someone comes to check it, they can't find it!"

"Let's go!" With an order, the group of people walked straight down the spiral staircase that descended from the secret passage.

"If you lose, take the money!"

"Ma Dan, it's really meaningless to play."

"It's all because of those two bastards. If it weren't for them tonight, they would definitely be big fish and big meat again. Now it's good to stay here. Our boss is good. He hugged the beautiful woman in the bath and ate seafood hot pot."

As soon as I entered, I heard someone inside muttering, cursing and shouting, and the inside was filled with smoke and a little darker.

When Jiang Yifan and the others walked down, one of them looked over sharply, and immediately picked up the thing in his hand and shouted: "Who are you?"

After the sound fell, everyone in the casino became cautious, picked up the things in their hands, and looked at Jiang Yifan and others with hostility in their eyes.

"The person who wants to kill you!" Jiang Yifan raised his eyebrows, waved his big hand, and shouted in a sonorous and forceful voice: "Get rid of them, and the business here will be ours."

"it is good!"

While speaking, all the people behind Jiang Yifan ran towards those people, and they all fought together in just a moment.

Jiang Yifan sat on a chair beside him, picked up a banana, peeled it, and began to eat it slowly. After eating, he lit another cigarette and watched the fight in front of him with a calm face!

The real chopper group had been disbanded in the morning, and the chopper group no longer existed, and the remaining scattered personnel were not afraid.And the people here are all from Qiao's side, so Jiang Yifan naturally doesn't care too much, so it's fine to let his brothers fight.

The whole battle lasted for about 15 minutes. Looking at the mess everywhere and the wailing sounds everywhere, Jiang Yifan's face didn't change at all.As if it had nothing to do with him.

The Yan Luodian people brought out by Bai Wuque from Chenbei City followed them all the way out of battles, and Viper's people are also very powerful in the local area, so it is no problem to deal with these little guys .

"Brother Fan, it's over." At this moment, Viper came over with a blood-stained knife and some blood on his body, but it must be the enemy's, not their own.

Jiang Yifan saw that the battle had come to an end, and said with a smile: "Go to Laobai and the others. Get rid of Qiao before twelve o'clock, and take all his business before dawn!"

It is naturally not that simple to say that it is a business. After all, Qiao's business branches are very scattered, and they all have offline. It is obviously not easy to monopolize these businesses and then operate them. .

But what Jiang Yifan has to do now is not to win over them, but to use means to weaken the strength of the Chen family. Only in this way, when he faces the Chen family, he will be more confident.As for how the business ended up, it had nothing to do with him, he was not short of money.

A group of people came in a mighty way, and then left in a mighty way. The battle just now seemed like a warm-up match.

About 20 minutes later, Jiang Yifan led people to the bottom of the Swan Lake bathing center.

Jiang Yifan rubbed his wrists, smiled at the man in blue and said, "Call your people, tell them to go in and smash everything they see, take this place at all costs, I'm going to talk to Joe."

"This..." The man in blue was stunned. Didn't Jiang Yifan do this to use his people as a shield?

(End of this chapter)

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