Chapter 888 The Four Great Families of the Imperial Capital
The monkey turned to look at Bai Wuque with a look of surprise, and said with a smile: "You really didn't see anything, but when my boss opened his mouth, I guessed something. Adding some of his subtle movements, naturally It's easy to spot."

"In fact, your disguise technique is very powerful. The reason why you can guess it is because the boss and I have lived and fought together for more than 20 years since we were young. The degree of familiarity is self-evident."

Bai Wuque shook his head in disappointment: "I wanted to tease you."

"Okay, don't stay here, take us to where you are." Jiang Yifan said to the monkey.

Immediately, the monkey led Jiang Yifan and others towards the inside, and stopped at the door of 201 on the second floor of Unit [-]. The monkey took out the key and opened the door.

The fox was lying next to the sofa, wearing patterned pants and a vest on the upper body, looking extremely leisurely.Seeing Jiang Yifan and the others come in, he was stunned for a moment, then walked towards them, looked Jiang Yifan up and down, and said with a smile: "This disguise technique is amazing!"

"Little fox, guess who I am!" Bai Wuque knew that they knew Jiang Yifan, so they could recognize him, but they might not be able to recognize him.

The fox glanced at Bai Wuque, and suddenly punched him.

"My Cao, you still attacked suddenly!" Originally, Bai Wuque's voice was deliberately changed, but the fox's sudden attack seemed to return to the original voice, revealing its true colors all at once.

"Little Baibai. Are you pretending to be me?" the fox teased.

"It's really boring." Bai Wuque sat on the sofa very unhappy, looking at a large pile of snacks and two bundles of beer in front of him, he picked it up and started to eat and drink.

Jiang Yifan looked around, his eyes stopped at the window, because there was a shelf-like binoculars at the balcony window, he walked over with a smile, looked at the opposite side through the binoculars, and saw a few familiar lines at a glance sound.

In the room on the first floor of the building opposite them, Li Yanwanyi and Jiang Long were sitting in the living room, seeming to be discussing something.

After looking at it for a while, Jiang Yifan gave the fox and the monkey a thumbs up: "There are really both of you, observing the big guys of the Dragon Soul so closely."

"That is, we know exactly when they go to the toilet, how long they stay, when they eat, and what they eat." The monkey smiled smugly.

Jiang Yifan nodded, sat back on the sofa, looked at the fox and the monkey and asked, "Tell me about the situation on your side."

Seeing Jiang Yifan get serious, Houzi also put away his smiling face and began to introduce.

"Boss, we have heard about some things in the imperial capital before. When dealing with Murongqi, we once said that there were originally eight families in the imperial capital. Not to mention the background families, the four major commercial families are the Shangguan family, the Murong family, The Sima family, and the Dongfang family of Dongfang Wanyi's family."

Jiang Yifan nodded: "I know this. Later, after Murongqi played against the Dongfang family, the Dongfang and the Shangguan family were annexed, leaving only the Sima family, because Murongqi's aunt married a member of the Sima family, and then Murongqi was killed. If we wipe it out, we will be left with the Sima family as a commercial family, but some families will appear later, and their strength is still far behind them."

Monkey smiled: "Yes, except for some unpopular forces, only the Sima family is left as a business family, and there are four families with deep roots, namely the Tang family, the Huo family, and the Dugu family. family, Hong family."

Jiang Yifan stroked his chin and smiled: "Sure enough, there is the Tang family."

In the past, he always felt that Tang Guo's family must be very difficult in the emperor, but he never got any explanation from Tang Guo and the others. Now it seems that the relationship between Tang Guo and the Tang family must be very close!

"And then?" Jiang Yifan asked again.

"Because of the previous turmoil in the imperial capital, the Sima family doesn't appear in the public's sight at all. They just do their business in silence, so we don't need to think about it. But this time, it is directly related to the deep-rooted super The Four Great Families."

The monkey's words stopped here for a moment, and said: "The Tang family relies on the government and has a pivotal position in the current dynasty. The Huo family is the antique family with the deepest heritage in China, and almost half of China's antiques and the like , their Huo family have passed once."

Jiang Yifan nodded: "What about Dugu and Hong?"

"The Dugu family is the ancient martial arts family. Their martial arts are spread all over China and even throughout Asia. However, this family is now facing the greatest crisis."

The monkey raised his eyebrows and smiled: "The youngest generation has no heirs, only one daughter, and she has disappeared a few years ago, so the current Lonely Family is also relying on their background, and they are lonely from the future. Even disappearing, it is only a matter of time."

"Hongjia is quite special. Hongshi started with real estate, but later transferred most of them abroad. At this time, the Hong family in China is just an empty shell. So you don't have to think about it."

The monkey paused and said: "Dragon Soul has already had some contact with the people of these four families. It is not clear what exactly it is, but according to the information I just said. Let's just You need to pay attention to the Dugu family and the Tang family."

"Why?" Jiang Yifan asked suspiciously.

"I just said that the Dugu family has no heirs. At this time, I really want to find a suitable person to inherit their family. Obviously, the Dragon Soul is the best existence, and the people of the Dragon Soul, and the people of the Dugu family The Tang family seems to be related to Tang Guo, and Lin Huafeng has been going there almost every day recently," said the monkey.

Jiang Yifan nodded, if he followed what the monkey said, it would make sense.

However, he paused and said with a smile: "I think we can also pay attention to the Huo family."

"Oh?" Monkey asked suspiciously: "They just tossed out antique calligraphy and paintings, so what's the relationship?"

Jiang Yifan joked and said, "Don't forget, Xiaoyao Auction also sells antique calligraphy and paintings, and Peony started its business in the imperial capital back then. I think there may be some connection between the two."

The monkey suddenly realized when he heard the words.Nodded: "Boss, if you say so, you should pay attention."

Jiang Yifan pursed the corners of his lips: "This dragon soul has come, and immediately implicated the four great families in the hidden world. What kind of relationship does this have with my mother?"

(End of this chapter)

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