Chapter 889
Listening to Jiang Yifan's words, the monkey smiled and said, "What's the problem? Why don't we get involved?"

Jiang Yifan nodded: "Yes, that's the only way to go."

After he finished speaking, he fell into a moment of silence.

He was thinking about the overall situation of the imperial capital.

The Sima family doesn't need to think about it, and the Hong family, which is only an empty shell, doesn't need to think about it either.

Now the only ones who are close to Dragon Soul are the Dugu family, an ancient martial arts inheritance family without any heirs, and the Tang family. Lin Huafeng said before that he has a very deep relationship with the head of the Tang family. , and the rest of the Huo family.

Jiang Yifan felt that perhaps the Huo family would have some connections with the original Xiaoyao Auction House and the Temple.

If you look at it this way, the current imperial capital has become such a form.

If the Huo family is connected with the temple, it must be opposed to the Dragon Soul, and now the Dragon Soul has a relatively good relationship with the Dugu Family and the Tang Family.

It became a form of three families opposing one family.

Of course, in the imperial capital, the existence of people like Jiang Yifan is still hidden.

This time when I came to the imperial capital, apart from my mother’s affairs, there was also Lu Zhuang’s affairs. If my guess is correct, the Cheng who killed Lu Zhuang at the beginning must also be a member of these few families, otherwise they would not have Such a detached method, and put the blame on Chen Binghao in Australia.

And Jiang Yifan's master also came to the imperial capital, and he also had an extremely important matter. If he guessed correctly, then Cang Yunzi must have an inseparable relationship with one of the families.

After thinking about it, Jiang Yifan also had to get involved with these families.

Because whether it is his mother, master Cang Yunzi, or his best brother, they all have huge connections with these families.

But where should he start?

Dugu family?He is not familiar with it at all.

The Tang family?Although Tang Guo is there, there are two doubts. One is because Lin Huafeng is a member of the Dragon Soul and has a close relationship with the Tang Corporation, and the other is because Jiang Yifan does not want to get involved in this matter because of Tang Guo.I don't even want Tang Guo to participate in this matter.

So there was only the last Huo family left.

This is one of the four great families that started with antiques.

Immediately, Jiang Yifan looked up at the monkey and asked, "Mr. Huo, do you have any more details?"

Monkey shook his head: "I know very little, but it's enough."

"Let's listen to it." Jiang Yifan said.

"Does Panjiayuan in the imperial capital know?" the monkey asked first.

"Of course I know, that is the largest market for genuine and fake antiques in China." Jiang Yifan laughed.

"That's right, Huo's occupies 90.00% of the entire Panjiayuan market, and the remaining [-]% is closely related to them. This is their dominant market, and there are some peculiarities within the family. Here, the current head of the Huo family is a puppet!"

Jiang Yifan was suspicious when he heard the words: "Puppet?"

"In fact, the puppet is a little more serious. It's just that the current Patriarch can handle small things, but he has to ask his mother, the old lady of the Huo family, who is called Huo Xiangu in the imperial capital. Although she is a 70-year-old old lady, but Thoughtful, he controls the entire Huo family, and he handles the big business."

The monkey talked about this, and said with a smile: "And the Huo family has some similarities with the Dugu family in that there are no boys among their descendants, and the only girl is said to have passed away 20 years ago. It is said that there is a The grandson is here, and I originally thought that the grandson would inherit the family property, but then nothing happened."

"These families have committed too many crimes? Are they all extinct?"

Jiang Yifan was really depressed, why didn't the Dugu family and the Huo family have any boys in their offspring?

"That's not true. I heard that there was a boy in the younger generation of the Huo family, but he was killed because of the old lady of the Huo family when she showed her power!"

"It's ruthless!" Jiang Yifan sighed immediately: "Even killing his own grandson, this old lady is definitely not easy!"

"Of course, what I just said is just some information I heard. We don't know if it's true or not. As for the grandson who wants to inherit the family property, it seems true, and that grandson is Mrs. Huo who died more than 20 years ago. His daughter's child, all the members of the Huo family have been looking for that child these years." Said the monkey.

Jiang Yifan nodded, and suddenly felt an inexplicable feeling, but he couldn't tell what it was.

"Then start with the Huo family." Jiang Yifan said with a smile.

"The head of the Huo family is at Panjiayuan today." The monkey looked at the time: "Now he should have eaten there and is about to leave for the family."

Jiang Yifan nodded, "That's right, take a shortcut and stop him halfway."

With that said, Jiang Yifan set off from here with Bai Wuque, and the monkey would send him the coordinates.Of course, monkeys and foxes can't show up. After all, monkeys and foxes haven't disguised themselves. It would be bad if they were seen by the Dragon Soul.

Jiang Yifan took Bai Wuque to take a short cut and slowed down when he reached the second ring road of the imperial capital. On a secluded roadside, he saw the word "Huo Mansion" written on a mansion not far ahead. The two of them I thought it should be here.

About three to five minutes later, a Mercedes-Benz car drove over slowly.

"It should be this." Bai Wuque said.

Jiang Yifan nodded, wiped off all the makeup that Rose put on him, and tore off the things on that face.

"Brother Fan, what are you doing?" Bai Wuque asked anxiously.

"Anyway, I'm also from the Huo family. I must be able to see people with my true colors, but you don't need to. After you come out later, you have to drive!" Jiang Yifan laughed.

While speaking, Jiang Yifan directly stepped on the accelerator and crossed towards the middle of the road.



Because his Humvee appeared suddenly, the Mercedes-Benz slammed to a sudden stop in a panic, and immediately a man who looked like a driver stepped down and cursed: "You don't have eyes, how can you drive!"

Jiang Yifan slowly got down from the car, and smiled at the driver: "The person sitting in the car should be the head of the Huo family."

"Who are you?" the driver said coldly.

"What's going on?" At this time, a figure came out from the Mercedes-Benz car. He looked about 50 years old, looked high-spirited, and had a palpitating aura on his body. This person was probably the The owner of the Huo family!
Jiang Yifan cupped his hands at the Patriarch of the Huo family: "What happened just now was unavoidable, I hope..."

When he said this, Patriarch Huo had a strange expression on his face, strode towards Jiang Yifan, grabbed his arm and asked, "You... are you Yinger's child?"

(End of this chapter)

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