Chapter 438
Chen Fen said that she believed in Luo Qianqian's strength.

Two people sat on benches and lined up.

Because Luo Qianqian signed up a little late, she was ranked 59th.

Even if the person in front is alone for 5 minutes, it will take about five or six hours together.

Some waited.

Luo Qianqian already knew about such things when she came here, so she didn't feel much surprise at all.

He took out his mobile phone and started to entertain himself.

Many people around me took out scripts or mobile phones. After all, there is still such a long time. If you don't find something to play with yourself, how can you survive such a long wait.

"Wow, you are more flexible."

Miss Luo muttered, thinking that if she had the chance next time, she would definitely not cooperate with Chen Fen, because Chen Fen was not an ordinary scum in playing games.

Obviously, she has given several times how Chen Fen should operate.

However, it was of no use.Chen Fen is still very selfish there, she can do whatever she wants.

Luo Qianqian made complaints about Chen Fen's behavior at first, but after a while, Luo Qianqian didn't even have the strength to complain.

It's too scumbag, in other words, the teacher Luo Qianqian has given up on teaching Chen Fen.

"Let's separate the two of us and don't form a team anymore."

Luo Qianqian hesitated for two seconds before expressing her thoughts.

Chen Fen received a knowing blow from Luo Qianqian perfectly.

The eyes are wide open. "Qianqian, do you will make me very sad if you do this?"

Of course Luo Qianqian knew that what she did would definitely make Chen Fen very sad, but the matter had reached this point, no matter how sad Chen Fen was, Luo Qianqian could not change her decision.

Because Ms. Luo felt that making Chen Fen sad was easier for her to accept than making Chen Fen sad than her own score kept dropping.

Therefore, Luo Qianqian happily abandoned Chen Fen, who had been fighting side by side for more than two years.

Chen Fen"……"

For more than two years, in Luo Qianqian's heart, it was nothing compared to a game. How could she accept such a big psychological trauma.Before today, Chen Fen always thought that her heart was very big, and her ability to bear it was also very strong.

But today, Chen Fen found that her little heart still had something that she couldn't bear. For example, today's incident came from Luo Qianqian's injury.

"I don't know when we will be here."

"It should be soon, now there are No. 19."

Reciprocity has always been the traditional virtue of our flower growers, Chen Fen thought so, and explained to Luo Qianqian.

I have been waiting for nearly two hours now, and there is only No.19.What should I do if I feel like crying?

"I'm so hungry, go buy some snacks and come back."

"Okay, I just happened to be hungry too."

Chen Fen heard Luo Qianqian's request, and immediately agreed without thinking. After waiting here for such a long time, she was also hungry.

"Remember to buy more of my favorite food."


The audition started at [-] o'clock in the morning, and many people who came and went had already left, and most of the remaining people started to eat and drink.

The most outrageous thing I saw was that there were still people sleeping here.

If it wasn't for the reality, Luo Qianqian thought.She must go and interview this person to see how it feels.

(End of this chapter)

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