Chapter 439 For Her

Luo Qianqian outside was anxious in various ways, and Musize inside also turned dark.

Bai Rui, who was standing beside Musizer, felt Alexander.

Although Magical has invested a lot of money into the TV series "One Life Is King", Magical is only a subsidiary of the Mu family.

However, Musize still came, it was Sima Zhao's heart.

I just saw one person after another enter.It's only NO.20, and Musizer is still a little impatient.

Although Lin Fan hated unspoken rules and disliked fame and fortune, but in order for his works to appear in front of the audience, it was inevitable.

Therefore, even when it was received that a high-level executive would come to be with him, he didn't say anything.

It's just that I didn't expect that this person would have such a great background, and he was much more patient than him.

"Go out and buy some things to send to Qianqian."

Bai Rui nodded.

Walked out of the audition place.

"It's okay. Carry on."

Lin Fan nodded.

The staff outside yelled for the next one.

In fact, waiting for the audition is a boring process for those outside actors, and similarly, such a thing is also a boring process for the director.

Especially when the protagonist I want is not selected, I am even more angry.

This is why everyone thinks that the director has a great temper.

There was another problem with Lin Fan's casting of the protagonist, that is, he didn't want one that was too big.

According to Lin Fan's words, it is too big to be trained, and those actors are more or less rigid.

Luo Qianqian was waiting for Chen Fen's return, and felt a shadow appearing in front of her. Unless Chen Fen took a lot of hyaluronic acid in just a few minutes, it was absolutely impossible for her to be slender and soft. body becomes like this.

Looking up, he saw Bai Rui carrying two big food boxes.

"Sister-in-law, the boss specially ordered me to buy it for you."

"Let me guess what's inside, is it the duck wing we talked about last time!!"

Luo Qianqian smiled badly.After the last conversation, the intimacy between her and the three foodies, Hei Zuo Bai Rui, has rapidly heated up.

Bai Rui nodded.

Luo Qianqian put the food box beside her.

Bai Rui sat for a while and then left. After all, he was Musize's assistant outside, so it was not good for him to stay by Luo Qianqian's side.

The tabloids have always had a keen sense of smell.

When Chen Fen came back with a pile of food, Luo Qianqian had already started eating non-stop.

"You keep your wings, is this Chen Ji's!!!"

Chen Fen is obviously very knowledgeable.I happily let go of the discomfort in my heart.

The two of them ate very happily, otherwise how can we divide people into groups, only foodies will be happy when they face foodies.

Similarly, two people who are foodies will also become good friends who can talk about everything to a large extent, such as Chen Fen and Luo Qianqian.

Suddenly, there was a commotion at the entrance, and he turned his attention from the food to the door, and saw a large group of people walking towards here surrounded by Yang Zhizhi.

Chen Fen withdrew her gaze.

"I originally thought she wouldn't come today, but I didn't expect that she was playing a big game, so I came now."

While talking, he sighed, it's boring, not as interesting as duck wings.

(End of this chapter)

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