Chapter 1101 Falling into the enemy's hands 4
" this?" Feng Chu glanced at the necklace, "Could it be Yueyue's?" He wasn't stupid, so he naturally knew that Ye Jin couldn't just pick up things for no reason.

Only, this thing has something to do with Nalan Yue!

"Damn it!!" Ye Jin held the necklace and cursed in a low voice. Could this necklace be the mermaid tears he personally put on for her before.

The ice-blue mermaid tears felt cool on his palm, and at the same time, Ye Jin's heart was also cold, and a bad premonition hit his mind.

He was almost sure that Yue'er was in danger, she was not the kind of girl who would play petty temper, she couldn't just throw things around, so... I'm afraid it was...

Ye Jin didn't dare to think about it anymore, he knew better than anyone how terrifying the domain was, if Yue'er fell into the domain owner's hands, it would be bad luck!
If Yue'er was really hurt, he would never forgive himself!

"Ye Jin, you have to calm down..." Seeing his ferocious expression, Feng Chu couldn't help but swallow her saliva, and persuaded, "Also, it's also possible that this necklace was accidentally broken from Yueyue's neck!"

"Who do you want to lie to with such nonsense?" Ye Jin grabbed his collar angrily, pulled him in front of his eyes, and stared at him fiercely, "Get lost!"

Coldly uttering the word "Get out", Ye Jin immediately threw him off and walked forward full of viciousness.

"Yejin, wait for me... Do you think I'm not worried, Qing'er is still in Yueyue's bracelet, do you think I'll be fine?" He just wanted to calm him down.

Such an impulse is useless in a realm full of crises!
"Ye Jin, if you really want to save Yueyue, then you should calm down and think of a countermeasure!!" Looking at Ye Jin who was walking faster and faster, Feng Chu couldn't help shouting at the top of his voice.

He couldn't watch Yueyue disappear and let his brother get hurt!
Ahead, when Ye Jin heard his words, Ye Jin's furious expression eased for a moment, he turned around, and said coldly, "I'm, very, cold, calm!"

"Calm down!"


Anyway, in the end Ye Jin discussed with Feng Chu, and the locator showed that the location where Nalan Yue disappeared was where they were just now.

So they planned to start from here, and soon, the two also discovered that there was an echo when they knocked on the muddy place.

That means, there must be something here!

When Nalan Yue woke up again, she immediately found that her hands and feet were tied up. She had just struggled a few times, and the rope around her neck was tightened immediately, which made her almost cry out in pain.

Big drops of sweat dripped from his forehead like rain, and standing on his forehead wet with ink, Nalan Yue raised his head to look around, but found that he was locked in a cage at this moment.

From the outside, it looked like she was a small animal about to be subjected to an experiment.

And in front of the iron cage, stood a tall man in a black robe, his black hair flamboyantly danced, adding a sense of unruliness to him.

Nalan Yue's eyes immediately locked on him.

Immediately afterwards, she yelled with certainty, "The domain master!!"

A look of astonishment rose in Nalan Yue's eyes, she never thought that the person who attacked her last night would be the domain master!
"Aren't you in seclusion?" Nalan Yue asked, even if she knew that it would be futile to ask these questions now!
In front of the iron cage, the domain owner who heard her voice turned around slowly, his slender eyes half-closed, and his eyes fell on her shocked little face.

(End of this chapter)

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