Chapter 1102 The Witty Yejin 1
"Those who try to struggle in vain will end badly!" The domain master didn't answer her, but stared at her bleeding wrist mockingly.

The reason for the bleeding was because Nalan Yue had been struggling just now, the rope had already sunk into her flesh, and now the blood was continuously gushing out.

But Nalan Yue didn't seem to notice the pain, she didn't even frown, her eyes were as calm as water, and she looked at him coldly, "Since the domain lord invited me, then I'm a guest, the leader of the domain's hospitality Dao is really eye-opening!"

"Heh..." After listening to the domain master, he suddenly sneered, extremely cold, "But I didn't realize at all that you treat yourself as a guest!"

Nalan Yue shrugged fearlessly, not denying his words.

Nalan Yue didn't speak again, neither did the domain master, the two just stared at each other full of hostility.

Until Nalan Yue thought of Zi You's words, "Don't let the domain master see your face."

Although Nalan Yue didn't know why he said that, but combined with the fact that the domain master called her an "ugly girl" before, one can see some clues!
Afterwards, Nalan Yue closed her eyes, and her soul quietly sneaked into the space bracelet. From the perspective of the domain master, Nalan Yue's silence and closing her eyes were nothing more than that, she surrendered!
In fact, Nalan Yue went straight to the mirror as soon as she reached the space, but when she saw herself clearly in the mirror, she almost didn't scream.

Who is this Nima?
The part of her face above the nose has revealed her true face, but below the nose she still imitates Lan Xin'er, and Lan Xin'er's face is a pure oval face, a snake face, while her own is a delicate oval face.

And the upper part of the face is matched with the face of a snake spirit, which can be described as weird, horrible!
Now Nalanyue can use her hair to think about the burning sensation on her face when she was in a coma before, it must be the master of the domain!

But I don't know why he only wiped half of her face, but left the other half alone!
Nalan Yue was already in a coma at that time, so it was naturally impossible to know that her body was in a state of self-protection.

Nalan Yue looked at herself in the mirror bitterly, her brows frowned, and she knew whether the domain master had seen her face...

Forget it, let's take one step at a time, anyway, she can't be worrying about things in the space.

When Nalan Yue was about to walk out of the space, she found that Murong Qing'er had already woken up. When she saw her face, Murong Qing'er almost knelt down.

"Old... old, what's wrong with you, boss?"

Nalan Yue gave her an angry look, and told her what happened, from the conflict with Ye Jin to being caught by the domain master.

"Boss, you are too impulsive. Ye Jin must have some difficulties. He doesn't look like a scumbag!" After hearing this, Murong Qing'er couldn't help but shook her head and sighed, "Boss, you I always feel that Ye Jin doesn't trust you so I don't tell you, but it's obviously because you don't trust him..."

It is said that the authorities are obsessed and the bystanders are clear. This sentence is really true!

"..." Her words didn't have any sense of reproach, but Nalan Yue woke up instantly like ice.

Qing'er was right, I'm afraid it was her own problem all along!
Nalan Yue clenched her fingers tightly, pursed her lips stubbornly, and took a deep breath, "Stop talking about this, I'm going out to deal with the domain master now, you stay here and don't move..."

Before Murong Qing'er could say anything more, Nalan Yue disappeared into the space bracelet.

(End of this chapter)

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