Chapter 1103 The Witty Yejin 2
Nalan Yue's soul floated out, and her eyes opened suddenly, her bright pupils gleamed coldly, she moved her sore arm that was bound, and looked fearlessly into the eyes of the upper domain master.

After a long time, the domain master finally spit out a word from his thin lips, "You are quite courageous."

"To each other!" Nalan Yue replied with a sneer, without the attitude of a prisoner at all.

"But, you won't live long..." Speaking of this, the domain owner deliberately paused for a while, as if trying to arouse her fear, "Do you know where this is?"

"Where!" Nalan Yue asked following his words, but the corners of her eyes glanced around. The surrounding furnishings were old and strange, like a dungeon, nothing could be seen at all, but there was a faint smell of blood floating in the air. taste……

Is it...

Nalan Yue raised her eyes and saw the Domain Master said with a half-smile, "This is the place you've been looking for!"

Blood pool! ? ?Nalan Yue is almost certain that this is the blood pool.

Her pupils constricted immediately, and she looked at the domain master coldly, but she retorted, "You old man can really tell jokes, why am I looking for Xuechi if I have nothing to do!?"

"Heh!" The domain master suddenly sneered when he heard her so stubborn, and put his hand deep into the iron cage to grab her chin, but Nalan Yue deftly dodged it.

Seeing that he was rejected, the gloomy eyes of the domain owner became more hazy, and he coldly swept her from beginning to end, "It's useless to talk hard!"

After speaking, he flicked his wide cuffs and walked out with his hands behind his back.

"How long are you going to lock me up?" Nalan Yue said through the iron cage, his voice was hoarse because he hadn't eaten for a long time.

The back of the domain master striding away did not stop for a moment, but just dropped a sentence without emotion, "You should not be anxious, because when you are not shut down, it is your death date!"

Nalan Yue gritted her teeth, it seems that the domain master must kill herself!
In such a situation, she could only save herself. Of course, she could also ask Ye Jin for help, but in front of the powerful domain master, even if Ye Jin and the others came, it would be like a sheep falling into a tiger's mouth!

She was bad enough by herself, how could she drag Ye Jin and Feng Chu down.

Nalan Yue breathed out a breath of turbid air, and tried all kinds of greetings but failed to cut the rope on her wrist. This rope seemed to be invulnerable, even the flames of the little phoenix couldn't burn it.

Little Phoenix had no choice but to put away his own flames, stuck out his tongue out of frustration, "Master, this rope..."

"Needless to say," Nalan Yue looked at it sweating profusely, and patted its furry head distressedly, "Go back to the space first, I've already thought of a way to untie the rope!"

"Really?" Little Phoenix was surprised.

"Of course!" Nalan Yue did think of a good way to get rid of the rope. Since the rope cannot be separated by force, why not...

Little Phoenix entered the space, followed by Nalanyue, but the strange thing was that the rope that bound her body did not follow, but fell limply on the ground.

After she came in, the purple bracelet also fell on the rope with a "click".

"Master..." Just when Little Phoenix was still a little confused, it immediately felt the space bracelet shaking, and when it looked up, it was actually Nalan Yue who was manipulating the space bracelet.

The space bracelet that had fallen on the rope slowly moved towards the gap of the cage under Nalan Yue's movement, and when they were about to pass through the cage, Xiao Fenghuang and Murong Qing'er immediately blocked their breath and stared at it without blinking. looking outside.

It turns out that the boss came up with this idea—to use the advantages of the space bracelet to allow himself to enter the space without letting the rope follow in... and then control the bracelet to get out of the iron cage!

It's wonderful!
Now as long as they move forward a few centimeters, they can leave the cage immediately, the boss is really smart...

Just when Murong Qing'er was lamenting the wit of the boss, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside...

(End of this chapter)

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