Chapter 1114 Strength Was Abolished 2
The domain master shot down Nalan Yue and Ye Jin to the ground without a few moves. He looked at them coldly and gloomyly, and said with a reckless smile, "In 100 years, you will not be my opponent."


What he said was not wrong, and with his strength, he was indeed qualified to say this.

But with his strength, he could clearly go to a higher-level continent, but he just stayed here, planning how to destroy this continent. People really can't understand what he thinks!

"This seat will definitely refine you all into puppets!" When the domain master said this again, he had already stretched out his hand, picked up several people, and flew into the air.

"Boss..." Murong Qing'er couldn't help but squeeze Nalan Yue's hand, "I'm afraid we are bound to die."

"Don't be afraid." Nalan Yue held her writhing chest and gave her a comforting look.

"I'm not afraid, it's an honor to die with the boss." Murong Qing'er took a light breath.

"No..." Nalan Yue shook her head lightly, how could she let them all die, then she nodded towards Ye Jin, motioning him to move.

Ye Jin nodded, and took her space bracelet.

And Nalan Yue quietly poisoned the domain master, but this is not a simple matter, not to mention that the domain master is extremely powerful and has already developed immunity to poison, moreover, it is difficult to poison the domain master without knowing it more difficult.

But no matter how difficult it is, Nalan Yue must do it.

In fact, she had discussed this matter with Ye Jin early in the morning. They knew that defeat was inevitable, so if they couldn't beat them, they would run away!

After injecting the poison, Nalan Yue pretended to glance casually at the domain master, and felt relieved when she saw that there was nothing unusual about him, and secretly signaled Murong Qing'er and Feng Chu to jump into the space bracelet.

The two nodded in understanding.

Nalan Yue immediately drew out the small dagger and stabbed at the domain master's shoulder, but unexpectedly, she couldn't penetrate it at all. Seeing this, she immediately roared, "Jump!!"

Murong Qing'er and Feng Chu hurried to make fun of Ye Jin's hand, directly entered the space bracelet, and then Ye Jin led them away.

Ye Jin used the last bit of strength to attack the domain master's life gate, so he had to let go of himself.

The domain owner never thought that they could have such abilities, and really underestimated them. Although the domain owner let go of Ye Jin, Nalan Yue was firmly held in his palm.

He laughed back in anger, grabbed Nalan Yue tightly, and looked at Ye Jin with a sneer, "Why, you want to leave this girl and run away by yourself?"

"Yue'er!" Ye Jin's eyebrows furrowed tightly. Originally, their plan was to let Nalan Yue and the others enter the space, and then he would lead them away with Master Bai Ze.

But now...

Yue'er is still in the domain owner's hands! !

"Leave me alone, let's go!!!" Nalan Yue knew that he was hesitating, but it was very likely that it was his hesitating opportunity, and their previous efforts would be wasted.

" dare to poison me?" The domain master's eyes were vicious like snakes, he stared at Nalan Yue fiercely, and immediately slapped her face aside.

Half of Nalan Yue's face swelled rapidly, and traces of blood flowed from the corner of her mouth, which was particularly conspicuous on her fair face.

"Let her go—" Ye Jin threw the bracelet to Bai Ze, "Take them away!"

"You go too!!" Seeing his purpose, Nalan Yue immediately growled, ignoring the pain on her face.

Ye Jinfeng stared at her with firm eyes.

"Let's go!!" Nalanyue couldn't help but growled again, her brows tightened, and she shook her head vigorously, hurry up... hurry up.

(End of this chapter)

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