Chapter 1115 Strength Was Abolished 3
The domain master pinched Nalan Yue and looked at the two of them teasingly. Finally, he lowered his head and said to Nalan Yue, "Let me test for you whether he really loves you..."

"Get lost!" Nalan Yue said unceremoniously, staring at her coldly.

Instead, the domain owner showed a mocking look, and said to Ye Jin, "If you really want to save her, then kill yourself right now, otherwise..."

When he said this, he paused, as if he had thought of something fun, and continued, "Otherwise, this seat will directly abolish her strength!"

As he said that, his fingers really pinched Nalan Yue's gate of life. As long as he exerted a little more force, Nalan Yue's Martial Ancestor's cultivation would be directly destroyed.

"Don't promise him, don't promise him..." Nalan Yue roared desperately, her voice became hoarse.

"Are you too confident? Do you think he will really kill himself for you?" The domain owner taunted her coldly.

However, things were hitting the domain master in the face, and Ye Jin really pulled out his long sword, and raised his eyes to look at the domain master, "Let her go, I am willing to kill myself."

"You kill yourself first..." The domain master looked a little surprised, but soon sneered, holding Nalan Yue's hand tightly again, if Ye Jin didn't commit suicide, then he would really destroy her Aura.

Anyone with a discerning eye could already see that the spiritual energy on Nalan Yue's body was really dissipating bit by bit, and soon she fell out of the level of Wu Zong.

Ye Jin raised his sword, looked at Nalan Yue affectionately, then really picked up the long sword and pointed it at himself. The cold long sword shone in the sunlight, reflecting on his handsome face.

He knew how difficult Yue'er's journey was, and the pain of being deprived of strength was not something ordinary people could bear.

So, Yue'er... Please let me be selfish for once!
"Don't!!!" Nalan Yue saw that he was really pointing the sword at her, cracks appeared in his eyes instantly, and the bottom of his heart was in pain like a knife.

You can practice again if you lose your strength, but if you lose your strength...

With sharp eyes, he picked up the knife and wiped it on his neck without hesitation. Nalan Yue almost collapsed, and tears came out of her eyes, hitting the back of her hand.

"Ye Jin, stop!" At the moment when he was about to cut her skin, Nalan Yue didn't know where the strength came from, she broke away from the domain master, and raised her hand to hit her life gate without hesitation.

She would rather destroy herself than Ye Jin die for her...

In an instant, lights of several colors flowed out from her body and intertwined together, like the most colorful rainbow. At that moment, the brilliance of the sun was not as dazzling as hers.

The aura was completely crippled, not even a scum... She was so cruel to herself...

Murong Qing'er and Feng Chu saw this scene across the space, and almost couldn't stand still, especially Murong Qing'er, her eyes couldn't help but turn red.

Nalan Yue, who had lost her spiritual energy, could no longer float in mid-air, instead she kept falling to the ground—but the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

Even if he has great strength, what is the meaning of great strength without him?

Nalan Yue closed her eyes, this feeling of weightlessness from mid-air made her extremely dizzy, without strength, how could her body become so weak!

"Yue'er!!!" Ye Jin looked at her falling body, and immediately reacted, throwing the long sword in her hand to catch her.

"Crazy! Nalan Yue, you are even crazier than your mother!" The domain owner stared at the scene in disbelief, held back his fury, and went to grab someone from Ye Jin.

(End of this chapter)

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